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New Year Honours for members of the UKRI community


New Year Honours for members of the UKRI community

Congratulations to the academics, researchers and staff recognised in the 2019 New Year Honours list who are part of the UKRI community.

Those awarded Knighthoods and Damehoods included:

  • Professor Alexander Halliday, a researcher in isotope geochemistry, was awarded a knighthood for services to science and innovation. He was a NERC Council member from 2004 to 2011 and has previously been funded by EPSRC.
  • Donald Brydon, who was Chair of the MRC to March 2018 (currently Chair of the MRC’s ‘Legacy Council’), was awarded a knighthood for services to business and charity.
  • Professor David Klenerman, who receives funding from the EPSRC and MRC, was awarded a knighthood for services to science and the development of high speed DNA sequencing technology.
  • Professor Jonathan Montgomery, was awarded a Knighthood for services to bioethics and healthcare law. He is on the board of the (part MRC-funded) Health Data Research UK.
  • Professor Louise Robinson was awarded a damehood for services to primary care. She is a member of the MRC-NIHR Methodology Research Panel and Academic Director at the (part MRC-funded) National Innovation Centre for Ageing.
  • Professor Madeleine Atkins, the final Chief Executive of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (Research England’s predecessor body), was awarded a damehood or services to higher education.
  • Professor Mike Ferguson, a biochemist, was awarded a knighthood for services to science. He is a member of the MRC’s Biomedical Catalyst Major Awards Committee.

Other awards included:

  • Professor Alison Macdonald Park was awarded a CBE for services to social sciences. She is Director of CLOSER, an ESRC-funded collaboration.
  • Bridget Clare Rosewell was awarded a CBE for services to the economy. She was a member of the ESRC Research Priorities Board (1999-2005).
  • Dr Charles Edward MacDonald Foster, who was awarded an OBE for services to the promotion of physical activity, receives research funding from the ESRC.
  • Professor David James Martin, who was awarded an OBE for services to geography and population studies, is a former ESRC Council member and grant holder.
  • Professor David (Herbie) Newell, was awarded a CBE for services to medical research and drug development. He has chaired the MRC's Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme Panel and Confidence in Concept Panel.
  • Professor Ewan Birney, joint Director of the (part MRC-funded) European Bioinformatics Institute has been awarded a CBE for services to computational genomics and leadership across the life sciences. He will be a BBSRC Council member from April 2019.
  • Professor Fiona Devine was awarded a CBE for services to the social sciences. She has been funded by the ESRC and was Chair of the ESRC International Advisory Committee.
  • Professor Geoffrey Colin Maitland, who was awarded an CBE for services to chemical engineering, has received research funding from EPSRC.
  • Heba Bevan, who was awarded an OBE for services to innovation, technology and stem education, was as a doctoral student at an EPSRC-supported Centre.
  • Professor Helen Zerlina Margetts, who was awarded an OBE for services to social and political science, has received research funding from the ESRC.
  • Ian Alexander McCafferty was awarded a CBE for services to the economy. He sat on the Advisory Board of the ESRC-funded UK Innovation Research Centre.
  • Professor Ian John Deary was awarded an OBE for services to the social sciences. He is Director, Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, which receives funding from the BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC and MRC as part of the Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Initiative.
  • Dr James Colin Richardson, a leading economist, who was an ESRC Council member from 2013 to 2017, was awarded a CB for public service.
  • Professor Jane Armitage was awarded an OBE for services to medical research. She is part of the MRC Population Health Research Unit and is a member of the MRC’s Clinical Training and Career Development Panel.
  • Dr Jennifer Mary Schooling, who was awarded an OBE for services to engineering and digital construction, receives research funding from EPSRC.
  • Professor Joanna Dunkley, who was awarded an OBE for services to science, is a former member of STFC's education, training and careers committee.
  • Professor Jonathan Seckl was awarded an OBE for services to endocrinology. He helped to establish the MRC Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology and is co-chair of the MRC’s Biomedical Catalyst Major Awards Committee and Chair of the MRC’s Confidence in Concept / Proximity to Discovery Panel.
  • Professor Raffaella Ocone, who was awarded an OBE for services to engineering, receives research funding from EPSRC.
  • Professor Sarah Victoria Hainsworth, who was awarded an OBE for services to engineering and forensic science, receives research funding from EPSRC.
  • Professor Stephen Mobbs was awarded an MBE for services to atmospheric sciences. He is Director of the NERC National Centre for Atmospheric Science.

You can see longer lists of those people honoured in our community:

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来源平台UK Research and Innovation (Research Councils UK)
GB/T 7714
admin. New Year Honours for members of the UKRI community. 2019.
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