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UKRI seeks nominations for Research Organisation Consultation Group


UKRI seeks nominations for Research Organisation Consultation Group

UKRI are seeking nominations for  Members of the Research Organisation Consultation Group (ROCG). The group was established in 2004, originally to advise the Research Councils on the implementation of fEC, but now with a broader remit to advise UKRI on all relevant aspects of research funding administration and policy.

The role of the ROCG is to provide UKRI with advice from a Research Organisation (RO) and broader research management perspective on policies, processes and administrative arrangements associated with grants, studentships and fellowships. It works closely with the UKRI Research Funding Policy Team who bring forward ideas and possible changes to obtain suggestions and thoughts from the RO community’s perspective. The group can provide an initial steer on current UKRI thinking in a closed environment and act as an initial sounding board before the wider RO community is engaged.

The ROCG can engage with the wider RO community to develop a regional representative perspective on issues; promoting good communication between ROs and UKRI Councils and encourage the further development of good working practices within ROs.

ROCG aims to achieve a balanced membership in terms of geography and RO type. ARMA are also formally represented on the Group.

ROCG has no decision making power, but is a valuable consultation and information source.

How to Apply

Nominations must be endorsed by the individual’s employing Research +Organisation at the level of the Director of Research Services, Director of Finance, or equivalent, as appropriate.  Where an individual at that level is being nominated the endorsement should be from their line manager. Please note that the membership will be held by the individual, not the Research Organisation and therefore will remain with the individual should they move institutions.

All nominations and endorsements must be submitted in writing by 21st March 2019To be considered for membership of the ROCG, individuals should have:

  1. Direct involvement in research administration in a Research Organisation (RO) at operational level or above.
  2. A commitment to consult with regional, professional, sector or other networks outside of the employing RO
  3. A commitment to contribute to the work of the group, sometime on fairly short timescales mainly via correspondence but with some meetings in Swindon, usually two or three a year.
  4. Experience of dealing with research and/or financial administration issues at an inter-RO level.
  5. Experience of research strategy and policy development within your RO
  6. An understanding and some knowledge of the work and operations of UKRI and individual Research Councils (RCs).
  7. Knowledge of more than one RC is desirable.
  8. Knowledge of both pre and post award is desirable.
  9. Knowledge of the wider research funding landscape is desirable.
  10. Experience with both research grants and training grants is desirable.

The  duration of the membership  is expected to be up to four years, but some terms will be shorter to enable a rolling biennial renewal of the membership.

The work of the group is carried out primarily through correspondence and two to three meetings each year. UKRI will pay the travel and subsistence costs associated with these meetings, but no attendance fees are payable.

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and ROCG is committed to the principle of public appointment with openness and transparency of process and to providing equal opportunities for all, irrespective of race, age, disability, gender, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, transgender and working patterns.

UKRI is particularly keen to ensure diversity in ROCG membership. Applications from women, those with a disability and members of minority ethnic groups, who are currently under-represented are therefore especially welcome.

Nomination by smart survey and CV.

Applicants should expect to hear the outcome of their application in May 2019.

Further information

For queries about nominations and the Group contact Erica Timewell, Tel: 01793 234123 or email:

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来源平台UK Research and Innovation (Research Councils UK)
GB/T 7714
admin. UKRI seeks nominations for Research Organisation Consultation Group. 2019.
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