Collaborative Research: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Grain Damage and the Formation of Plate Boundaries
David Bercovici (Principal Investigator)
主持机构Yale University
项目类别Continuing grant
英文摘要Plate tectonics describes the motion of Earth's upper-most rocky layers and governs almost all geological activity on Earth, such as earthquakes and volcanoes. Plate tectonics is only known to occur on Earth, but not on Venus and Mars, and whether Earth always had plate tectonics in its 4.5 billion-year history is unknown. The emergence of plate tectonics on Earth depends on how rocks in the cold uppermost layers of the mantle - the lithosphere - deform. As rocks deform they can weaken through the process of damage, which concentrates deformation, resulting in more damage, and so on. This positive feedback focuses lithospheric deformation into weak narrow plate boundaries, which are the locus of most seismic and volcanic activity. This project will develop and apply the physics of how mineral grains in rocks are damaged (termed "grain-damage") through combined theoretical and laboratory approaches. When mineral grains are deformed they accumulate defects, which eventually leads to grains breaking down into smaller grains, and this in turn makes the rocks weaker. This process is evident in rocks called mylonites that are often found at plate tectonic boundaries. This project will use grain damage physics to understand how and when plate tectonics arose on early Earth. The project will also study how damage in grains influences cycles of earthquakes at plate boundaries, specifically how rocks weaken, recover and transmit stress to other rocks and eventually trigger more earthquakes. Plate boundary processes have a significant human impact, including evolution of plate boundary fault systems and earthquake recurrence. The project promotes diversity through the support and professional development of two early career female scientists, specifically with interdisciplinary training in theoretical and experimental methods. The project will also involve organization of a symposium on the evolution of plate boundaries for students and young scientists, and will contribute new scientific materials to education and outreach activities at an established scientific visualization facility.

This project will advance the study of lithospheric grain-scale physics and deformation mechanisms, and their application to the generation and operation of plate tectonics. The PI's will extend the grain damage theory for lithospheric weakening and plate boundary formation to include mineralogical phase mixing and dislocation dynamics in polymineralic materials, with calibration and testing by rock deformation experiments. These new developments are necessary to address two major scientific questions:
1. Emergence of plate tectonics: How did tectonic plate boundaries form in the ancient Archean Earth? Did thermal and petrological evolution in the early Earth, namely cooling, decreasing crustal production, and changes in lithospheric composition, affect localization of deformation in the lithosphere and the emergence of plate tectonics? Specifically, the PI's hypothesize that temperature and melting affect mineral composition, which can then influence rock weakening through the positive feedback of grain damage and mixing between petrological phases.
2. Post-seismic creep and lithospheric shear zones: How does transient ductile behavior in the lithosphere, with associated changes in microstructure like grain-size and dislocation density, influence the accumulation, transmission and release of stress following an earthquake? How does this response affect earthquake recurrence cycles and triggering? Does inherited lithospheric weakness, and thus age of a plate boundary, influence post-seismic recovery and earthquake cycles?

To address these questions, the investigators will connect new developments in grain-scale physics to plate-scale geodynamic models using experimentally determined rheological laws. These multi-scale models will provide the platform for coupling plate-boundary formation to thermo-chemical evolution of the upper mantle, and to seismogenic behavior in the crust. The ultimate scientific goal of this project is to understand emergence of plate tectonics on early Earth, and how plate boundary evolution and behavior influences post-seismic response and earthquake cycles. These issues span the time scales of the evolution of Earth's surface in deep time, the development of the neotectonic environment, and the behavior of seismically active zones. The proposed work will use theory and experiments to better understand Earth's tectonic processes on the geological and human time scales.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
GB/T 7714
David Bercovici .Collaborative Research: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Grain Damage and the Formation of Plate Boundaries.2019.
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