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Consultation on draft legislation for the National Standard for Environmental Risk Management of Industrial Chemicals

Consultation is now open on a draft legislation package for the National Standard for Environmental Risk Management of Industrial Chemicals (the National Standard). Submissions can be made until 5pm 21 February 2020.

The National Standard has been developed by all Australian governments to efficiently and effectively manage the impacts of industrial chemicals on the environment, while providing consistent requirements for businesses across Australia.

The development of draft legislation for the National Standard builds on stakeholder consultation over a number of years and fulfils the shared commitment made by all Australian environment ministers.

The consultation package includes the draft Commonwealth legislation, examples of supporting instruments, and explanatory materials.

Stakeholder feedback is requested on the exposure draft package by 5pm 21 February 2020. Individuals and organisations can provide comments on all or parts of the package.

How do I get involved?

Read the draft Bill and supporting documents

  1. Draft Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Bill (PDF - 423.84 KB)
    Draft Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Bill (DOCX - 141.84 KB)
    This is the draft Bill to introduce legislation for the National Standard. The following explanatory notes are provided for information, and give an overview of the key functions and mechanisms under the Bill:
    Explanatory Notes – Overview of the proposed Legislative Framework (PDF - 202.73 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Overview of the proposed Legislative Framework (DOCX - 228.7 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Advisory Committee (PDF - 155.15 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Advisory Committee (DOCX - 128.75 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Scheduling Decisions (PDF - 182.27 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Scheduling Decisions (DOCX - 133.76 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Information Use and Disclosure (PDF - 218.14 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Information Use and Disclosure (DOCX - 129.08 KB)
  2. Draft Industrial Chemicals Environment Management Register Principles (PDF - 200.49 KB)
    Draft Industrial Chemicals Environment Management Register Principles (DOCX - 143.77 KB)
    The Principles are a supporting instrument to the Bill. This instrument will outline the criteria the Minister must comply with when making decisions about industrial chemicals under the proposed legislation. The explanatory notes provide further information:
    Explanatory Notes – Decision-making Principles (PDF - 113.57 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Decision-making Principles (DOCX - 126.57 KB)
  3. Example Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Register (PDF - 222.97 KB)
    Example Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Register (DOCX - 189.97 KB)
    The Register is a supporting instrument to the Bill. It records and publishes scheduling decisions by the Minister. This is an example of what the register may look like. Scheduling decisions cannot be made by the Minister until the legislation is in place. Detailed explanatory notes on the register are available for information:
    Explanatory Notes – Register (PDF - 108.64 KB)
    Explanatory Notes – Register (DOCX - 125.36 KB)
  4. Information Paper – Risk Management Measures (PDF - 147.36 KB)
    Information Paper – Risk Management Measures (DOCX - 133.17 KB)
    Risk management measures will be incorporated in scheduling decisions in order to set requirements associated with a particular use or disposal of a chemical. A standard suite of risk management measures has been developed in consultation with states and territories, building on feedback received through consultation in 2017.
  5. Information Paper – Criteria used to categorise an organic chemical as Persistent, Bioaccumulative and/or Toxic (PDF - 125.66 KB)
    Information Paper – Criteria used to categorise an organic chemical as Persistent, Bioaccumulative and/or Toxic (DOCX - 116.46 KB)
    The National Persistence, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity criteria are indicators used to categorise those characteristics of organic chemicals. This Information Paper provides definitions of these terms, which form part of the Principles.

Complete a submission cover sheet

A coversheet must accompany your submission. Submissions without a coversheet will not be considered. The submission and coversheet should be provided as separate files.

Submission coversheet (PDF - 236.4 KB)
Submission coversheet (DOCX - 44.21 KB)

Sending your submission

Where possible, submissions should be sent electronically, preferably in Microsoft Word or other text‑based formats, to:

Alternatively, submissions may be posted to the address below to arrive by the due date: 

Sound Management of Chemicals Section
Chemicals Management Branch
Department of the Environment and Energy
GPO Box 787

The closing date for submissions is 5:00pm AEDT 21 February 2020. Any submissions received after this date will be considered at the Department’s discretion.

Please direct any questions to 1800 803 772 or

Unless you indicate that your submission is to be treated as confidential, the Department may publish your submission on the Department’s website along with your name or organisation. This includes any personal information within in your submission. We may also disclose submissions (including confidential submissions) and personal information where the Department is required or authorised to do so under law.

来源平台Department of the Environment and Energy
GB/T 7714
admin. Consultation on draft legislation for the National Standard for Environmental Risk Management of Industrial Chemicals. 2020.
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