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National Heritage List nominations now open

Anyone can nominate a place with outstanding heritage values to the National Heritage List. Nominations must set out the qualities or values of the place that make it of outstanding heritage value to the nation by indicating how the place meets one or more of the National Heritage criteria.

The Environment Minister must call for nominations to the National Heritage List annually.

The nomination and assessment process is open and consultative.

Places in the National Heritage List have heritage values that are of outstanding value to the nation. Once listed, the national heritage values of the place are protected by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Call for Nominations for the National Heritage List

Nominations for the National Heritage List are now open and will be accepted until 5pm (AEDT) on 14 February 2020.

For more information about the nomination and assessment process for including places in the National Heritage list, see below.

The nomination process step-by-step

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1. Check if the place is already listed

Is the place that you are planning to nominate already on a heritage list?

2. Download a nomination form

If you wish to make a nomination please download the following forms. Nominations must be provided on the forms below:

National Heritage Listing Nomination Form (PDF - 168.05 KB)
National Heritage Listing Nomination Form (DOCX - 94.85 KB)

National Heritage Listing Nomination Notes (PDF - 70.22 KB)
National Heritage Listing Nomination Notes (DOC - 123.5 KB)

The following guide to nominating a place for the National Heritage List has been developed for Indigenous Communities but includes information that may be helpful for any nomination.

Guide for Indigenous communities (PDF - 411.12 KB)
Guide for Indigenous communities (DOCX - 2.04 MB)

If you are not able to download a nomination form, or require a hardcopy form please email

3. Review what information you will need to provide in your nomination

Nominations must set out the qualities or values of the place that make it outstanding to the nation by indicating how the place meets one or more of the National Heritage Criteria.

For information on the high threshold for National Heritage listing, you may wish to consult a guide to heritage listing in Australia.

4. Submit the nomination form

Nominations can be submitted in electronic form or in writing.

Nominations must include all attachments along with a completed and signed nomination form.

Electronic nominations should be emailed to

Hardcopy nominations can be mailed to:

The Nominations Manager
Heritage Branch
Department of the Environment and Energy
GPO Box 787
Canberra ACT 2601

5. What next?

Once your nomination is received, the delegate for the Minister decides whether your nomination complies with eligibility requirements under the EPBC Act and Regulation 10.01B of the EPBC Regulations.

Nominations that do not meet these requirements may be rejected.

Nominations will be given to the Australian Heritage Council (the Council) for consideration.

Once a year, the Council must prepare a priority assessment list (PFAL) for consideration by the Minister. This list, when approved by the Minister, sets the work program for the Council for the next 12 months. The final assessment list (FPAL) has been published. The Council will invite public comments on whether the places under assessment have heritage values for inclusion in the heritage list and whether they should be included in this List. The Council must consult owners and occupiers and Indigenous people with rights or interests in any place that it finds might have heritage values.

The Council then gives the Minister an assessment report on the place together with copies of all comments it has received from its statutory consultations.

The Minister must consider the assessment report and comments and decide whether to list or not to list the place. The nominator is advised of the decision and, if listed, the owners and occupiers of the place and Indigenous people with rights or interest in the place are advised.

Further information

来源平台Department of the Environment and Energy
GB/T 7714
admin. National Heritage List nominations now open. 2019.
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