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Senior Science Officer in the Technical Support Unit (IPCC WGI)

Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is recruiting a

Senior Science Officer in the Technical Support Unit (IPCC WGI)

for the IPCC Working Group I Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The position is located at the University of Paris-Saclay (France).

The Working Group I (WGI) TSU of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is recruiting a Senior Science Officer for the IPCC Working Group I Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is undertaking its Sixth Assessment (AR6) cycle. Working Group I (WGI) assesses the physical science basis of climate change. The WGI Technical Support Unit (TSU) provides scientific, technical, operational and communications support for the activities and products of WGI.

The Senior Science Officer will work closely with the Co-Chairs and Bureau members, TSU and Authors of the WGI Assessment and will report to the Head of TSU and the Head of Science in the preparation of core products of the WGI Assessment. The prime responsibility will be to oversee the preparation of the WGI Technical Summary (TS) and developing strategic stakeholder engagement and outreach activities. The TS will synthesise and integrate information from the detailed WGI assessment from each chapter. It needs to be designed so as to enhance its relevance for technical users of the report, to support the integration of state of the art knowledge and new findings into their work. The product is an important outcome of the assessment internationally, given the added value that the TS is translated into the UN languages. Within the Sixth Assessment Cycle of the IPCC, the WGI TS will also need to update, if relevant, key findings from three Special Reports (Global Warming of 1.5°C, Climate Change and Land, and Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate) and facilitate the integration with outcomes of WGII and WGIII assessments.

The oversight of the preparation of the TS will include supporting the development of the vision, strategy and process in consultation with sectoral and policy users, and close collaboration with the TSU head of science. The Senior Science Officer will manage an inclusive process, coordinate input and act as scientific editor of the product. The preparation of the TS will be concomitant with fostering an effective two-way dialogue with users from the inception of the TS, througout its preparation and in its delivery.

The Senior Science Officer will lead on the development of the strategy and vision of the TS with other TSU members, the Co-Chairs and Bureau and CLAs and in consultation with stakeholders. This position will include fostering a dialogue with users regionally to understand and complement with relevant information for different regional contexts, so contributing to the development of the regionalised WGI communication strategy and its implementation. This will include developing communication and engagement strategies to facilitate understanding, impact and uptake of the WGI products in the work of stakeholders, including sectoral users, governments, IPCC observer organisations and the UNFCCC.

The role will include the mentoring of new TSU members and the development and supervision of projects undertaken with students and interns. The Senior Science Officer will also support the WGI contributions more broadly to the IPCC Sixth Assessment cycle, Expert Meetings and outreach activities.

Qualifications and past experience:

  • PhD in climate science and scientific publications with relevance to climate change.
  • A broad understanding of topics assessed by the IPCC and their interdisciplinarity.
  • Knowledge of the international user and policy context relevant for the IPCC.
  • Experience in international stakeholder engagement and capacity development activities.
  • Experience in scientific report writing, editing and/or peer review.
  • Experience in international projects.
  • Experience in communication and outreach.
  • Familiarity or previous experience in IPCC or similar work, process and context would be an asset.


  • Scientific rigour.
  • Advanced lingustic skills with a capacity to work in a highly technical context where scientific accuracy and rigour is paramount.
  • Excellent general coordination and organization skills.
  • Ability to plan, organize and execute complex multi-task problems.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to collaborate with climate scientists and users from around the world and with different areas of expertise.
  • Motivation to work in an international team with a common long-term goal.
  • Capacity to supervise activities.
  • Flexibility, entrepreneurship, and interest in innovation.
  • Stress-resistance and capacity to respect time constraints.
  • Willingness to undertake international travel.
  • Capacity to respect time constraints and stress-resistance.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken French and English in a scientific context.

The position is through to 31 December 2021, with the possibility for renewal. We seek availability to start as soon as possible.

Please send your application consisting of a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, and contact details of two referees by April 20th, 2019 to Dr. Anna Pirani (, Head WGI TSU.


来源平台Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
GB/T 7714
admin. Senior Science Officer in the Technical Support Unit (IPCC WGI). 2019.
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