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Celebration of the World Water Day 2020 @ FAO HQ "Water and Climate Change" 23.03.2020

Celebration at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 23 March 2020

The science is clear: the global climate change crisis is altering the water cycle. This will make water availability less predictable, affecting water quality, worsening water scarcity and threatening sustainable development.

Today an estimated 3.6 billion people worldwide live in areas that are potentially water scarce at least one month per year. It is projected to reach between 4.8 and 5.7 billion people by 2050, creating a huge competition among water users and across political boundaries.

Limiting global warming to 1.5°Celsius above pre-industrial levels, compared to 2°Celsius, can have huge implications on water resources, as it may reduce the proportion of the world’s population exposed to an increase in water stress.

Water can be part of the solution: improved water management in agriculture, which is responsible for around 70% of all water withdrawals, is an essential component of successful climate mitigation and adaptation strategies to achieve local and global food security, especially in regions where basic food production and hunger are significant concerns.

FAO, in collaboration with The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG), the Governments of Spain and Switzerland, is celebrating the World Water Day (WWD) 2020 “Water and climate change” with a full day event that will be held on 23 March 2020 in the FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy.

Objectives of the event

  • Raise awareness and discuss how climate change is affecting water management in agriculture.
  • Demonstrate how improved water management in agriculture is a key element of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies to address food security.
  • Showcase and share experience and knowledge on the use of nonconventional waters to supply agriculture in the context of climate change.
  • Present the UN World Water Development Report 2020 “Water and Climate Change”, the UN-Water flagship report on water.
  • Highlight the importance of partnerships such as WASAG to cope with water scarcity in agriculture.

The event will be held in English, French and Spanish and it will be webcasted.

An exhibition at the FAO Headquarters will take place from 23 to 27 March 2020. It will focus on the theme of the WWD “Water and climate change”, to present in a visual and creative way the effects of climate change on the management of water in agriculture, and the concrete responses that FAO is implementing in collaboration with the WASAG Partners.


Provisional agenda, Monday 23 March 2020

09:30 – 10:35
High Level Opening Ceremony | Sheikh Zayed Centre

Master of ceremony: Ms Sasha Koo Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO

Video message, Mr Qu Dongyu, Director-General, FAO

Welcoming address, Ms Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, Climate and Natural Resources, FAO

Video message, H.E. Luis Planas Puchades, Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain

Opening address, H.E. Vincenza Lomonaco, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Italy to FAO

Opening address, H.E. Papa Abdoulaye Seck, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Senegal to FAO (TBC)

Opening address, Ms Isabel Bombal Díaz, General Director of Rural Development, Innovation and Agrifood Training, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain

Opening address, Mr Mikko Ollikainen, Manager, Adaptation Fund (TBC)

Message from the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (Holy See), Monseigneur Fernando Chica Arellano, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to FAO

10:35 – 10:40
Video, World Water Day 2020 "Water and climate change" | Sheikh Zayed Centre

10:40 – 10:55
Presentation of the World Water Development Report 2020 | Sheikh Zayed Centre

Keynote Speaker, Ms Michela Miletto, Deputy Coordinator, UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme

10:55 – 11:50
Water and Climate change | Sheikh Zayed Centre

Moderator and introductory remarks: Mr Eduardo Mansur, Director, Land and Water Division, FAO


  • Mr Torkil Jønch Clausen, WASAG Chair
  • Ms Oyun Sanjaasuren, Director of External Affairs, Green Climate Fund
  • Mr Mohamed Ait Kadi, President, General Council of Agricultural Development, Kingdom of Morocco
  • Mr Tebaldo Vinciguerra, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Holy See

Panel discussion with questions from the audience

11:50 – 12:00
Atrium Exhibition opening | Sheikh Zayed Centre

12:00 – 13:45
Lunch break

13:45 – 15:30
Nonconventional waters to supply agriculture in a changing climate: experiences from Spain | Sheikh Zayed Centre

Moderator: Ms Sasha Koo Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO

Video, Use of nonconventional waters


  • Ms Isabel Bombal Díaz, General Director for Rural Development, Innovation and Agrifood Training, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain
  • Mr Mariano Soto García, General Secretary, “Campo de Cartagena” Irrigators Community
  • Ms Ana Allende Prieto, Senior Researcher, Spanish National Research Council (CEBAS-CSIC)
  • Mr Juan Valero de Palma. General Secretary of FENACORE

Panel discussion with questions from the audience

15:30 – 15:45
Coffee Break

15:45 – 16:45
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation | Sheikh Zayed Centre

Moderator: Mr Marlos Da Souza, Senior Officer, Land and Water Division, FAO


  • Ms Nhilce N. Esquivel, Disaster Risk Reduction Team Coordinator, Water Youth Network
  • Ms Rojina Manandhar, Programme Officer, Adaptation Programme, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC)  (TBC)
  • Ms Laura Sommer, Deputy Head of Unit, Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER, Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG

Publication launch: Accounting for livestock water productivity: How and why?

Panel discussion with questions from the audience

16:45 – 17:00
Closing Ceremony | Sheikh Zayed Centre

H.E. Alfonso María Dastis Quecedo, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Spain to FAO

Mr René Castro-Salazar, Assistant Director-General, Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department, FAO

17:00 - 18:30
Cocktail reception

来源平台United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
GB/T 7714
admin. Celebration of the World Water Day 2020 @ FAO HQ "Water and Climate Change" 23.03.2020. 2020.
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