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The Quebec Fisheries Fund is now accepting proposals to boost innovation in the Quebec fish and seafood sector

April 24, 2019

Rivière-au-Renard, Quebec - The governments of Canada and Quebec recognize the economic and cultural significance of the fish and seafood sector to many of their coastal communities. The sector provides close to 7,000 jobs in Quebec, and its fish and seafood exports were valued at over $416 million in 2018.

Today, the Minister of National Revenue and Member of Parliament for Gaspésie—Les-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, on behalf of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson announced with the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec, André Lamontagne, that the Quebec Fisheries Fund is now accepting project proposals. The Quebec Fisheries Fund (QFF) is a five-year unique and unprecedented collaboration agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec where projects are developed, implemented and approved jointly to develop this important economic sector. This partnership between the two orders of government modernizes and drives innovation in Quebec’s sectors of harvesting and processing of fish and seafood, and in aquaculture. The federal government will contribute $30 million, and $12.8 million will be provided by the government of Quebec.

The QFF will support local projects in the areas of innovation, scientific partnerships and infrastructure in commercial fisheries, aquaculture and processing. This will increase the value for sustainably sourced, high quality fish and seafood products, and help position the fish and seafood sector in Quebec for long-term ongoing growth.

To be eligible, projects must focus on one or more of the following three areas:

  • Innovation – to support research and development of new innovations that contribute to the sustainability of the fish and seafood sector, and to create partnerships and networks that aim to promote and encourage innovations in the sector;
  • Infrastructure – to adopt or adapt new technologies, new processes, or equipment to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the fish and seafood sector;
  • Science Partnerships – to support fisheries and aquaculture industry based partnerships with academia and institutions to enhance knowledge and understanding of the impacts of changing oceanographic conditions and to support the implementation of sustainable harvesting technologies.

The QFF is a good example of the spirit of the Federal Strategy for Innovation and Growth for the Quebec Regions. This strategy delivers a more coherent approach for the Government of Canada’s actions to support Quebec companies and workers, By prioritizing innovation, growth, skills development, exports and the participation of everyone, the strategy advances  economic growth and vitality of Quebec's regions.

For more details about eligibility, project criteria and how to apply to the Quebec Fisheries Fund, visit one of the Quebec Fisheries Fund web pages: or (French only)


“The Quebec Fisheries Fund is a historic agreement between the governments of Canada and Quebec and will help transform and boost innovation in the fish and seafood sector. This fund will help the creation of good jobs for the middle class, and growth and investment opportunities for businesses in Quebec communities.”

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

"I am proud to confirm the implementation of the Quebec Fisheries Fund. The conclusion of this agreement results from a long negotiation with the federal government to provide a common fund dedicated to the development of the fisheries and aquaculture industry. Commercial fishing and aquaculture companies in Quebec will now be able to benefit from the same financial support as those in the Atlantic provinces. This fund will promote innovation and competitiveness in the fishing and aquaculture industry over the next five years.”

Mr. André Lamontagne, Quebec Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

"I am delighted with the spirit of cooperation that comes from the Quebec Fisheries Fund. Last December, we announced the investments of our two orders of government in this promising fund for the Gaspé Peninsula and the Magdalen Islands. Today, we are announcing the terms and conditions of the Fund. So now we are passing the torch on to industry players it's up to you to innovate and seize this opportunity, for the benefit of our coastal communities.

The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Member of Parliament for Gaspésie–Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine and Minister of National Revenue

来源平台Government of Canada - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
GB/T 7714
admin. The Quebec Fisheries Fund is now accepting proposals to boost innovation in the Quebec fish and seafood sector. 2019.
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