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OBSERVER: How does Copernicus help the wine industry face climate change?

OBSERVER: How does Copernicus help the wine industry face climate change?

The European Union's Earth Observation Programme, Copernicus, monitors the Earth and its environment to help public authorites, international organisations and service providers improve European citizens’ quality of life. The wealth of data coming from the Sentinel satellite families, the contributing missions and the in-situ systems are processed, analysed and transformed into value-added information by the Copernicus services. They allow users to examine patterns, compare datasets, monitor changes and create better forecasts.

Among the six thematic services, the Copernicus Climate Change (C3S) supports society by producing predictive analyses of environmental conditions, thus providing authoritative information about the past, present and future climate in Europe and the rest of the world.  

Effects of global climate change on the environment can already be observed, and scientists strongly believe that global temperatures will continue to rise, the winegrowing season will become longer, and there will be changes in the precipitation pattern. All these factors will lead to more droughts and heatwaves.

C3S recently concluded that 2019 was the warmest year on record in Europe and, for the rest of the world, it was the second warmest year on average. It provides data that can be applied in various sectors in need of current and punctual climate information. The wine industry is one of those sectors.  As temperatures rise, certain wines can no be longer produced in some regions, while others can now be produced in regions where it had never been possible before.

This is where Copernicus comes into the picture, supporting winegrowers and winemakers adapt to new and continuously changing conditions. High-resolution satellite imagery is greatly helping wine producers by delivering invaluable information that is uniform in nature and provided at regular intervals. Products from C3S and the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) are in fact able to compute acreages, detect many details about the terroirs that are cultivated (e.g. humidity, soil composition, slopes, exposure to sunlight etc.) and provide statistics to monitor and control the production.

The disruptive effects of climate change on the wine industry

Changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2 concentration, as well as weather extremes are greatly influencing crop yields in Europe. Changing weather is also affecting the availability of water needed for irrigation, and for the processing, transport and storage of agricultural products. Shorter crop growing cycles have negative effects on grain filling, and consequently on crop productivity due to reduced biomass accumulation time, and yield formation.

As a consequence, terroirs are experiencing abrupt changes, losing certain characteristics while gaining others.

As stated in a report of the European Environment Agency (EEA) “although northern areas may experience longer growing seasons and more suitable crop conditions in future, the number of extreme events negatively affecting agriculture in Europe is projected to increase”.

So while northern European winemakers welcome warmer temperatures, Bordeaux producers are taking drastic measures not to lose the features that make their wine so appreciated.

Worldwide, most wine regions are located in areas where the average temperature ranges between 12°C and 22°C during the growing season, i.e. April to October for the northern hemisphere, and October to April for the southern hemisphere. In recent years, rising temperatures have shifted wine cultivation towards the poles (both north and south), allowing new regions (and countries) to enter the wine market, and creating serious difficulties for those that had a long, and well-established tradition of producing fine wine.

climate wine

The increasing demand for freshwater supplies to maintain the vineyards healthy is bringing numerous challenges to wine producers. Freshwater is vital to obtain a grape that has the appropriate concentration of flavours and sugars. Grapevine growth needs to be analysed at the subfield level, and many crucial decisions (from planting and fertilising to water schedules and harvesting) have to be adapted to the changes brought about by global warming.


How is Copernicus helping the wine industry?

The Copernicus programme already supports agriculture thanks to products from CLMS. C3S also provides important data to assist this sector.

In each winegrowing region, winemakers try to understand their terroirs and exploit them to produce the best quality of wine. Earth observation data, such as those provided by the Sentinel satellites and the Copernicus services, present incredible advantages compared to standard monitoring techniques that cannot cope with the impacts of climate change.

Big data from space provide a timely and up-to-the-minute outlook of current crop growing conditions over large areas. Sentinel-2 and -3 data can be used to predict grape phenolics and colour, estimate vine vigour and highlight heterogeneity within vineyards. Aside from extracting statistics and help establish inventories to monitor the production, Sentinel-1, -2 and 3 data also help improve the quality of the wine, identify best plantation segments, detect diseases, and evaluate when nutrients or pesticides should be applied to optimise grape growth. Sentinel-5 data can also convey useful clues to understand the status of a wine-growing area.

It is not only satellite data, but a range of datasets and tools offered by C3S that can help winemakers: seasonal forecasts and Climate Projection Datasets all help understand what is happening to the environment where grapes grow and ripen.

C3S data, especially generated predictions, help oenologists understand which changes will inevitably occur to the terroir, thus allowing them to adjust the content rates of different grapes, in order to keep the most distinctive elements of a certain wine.

Climate change modifies wine traits, but Copernicus data empower wine producers to take timely action. They can either make changes to the cultivation, in order to maintain the same production or, when possible, start producing another type of wine that has, or will, become more suitable to their terroir.

The more in-depth a winemaker knows his/her territory, the more he/she will be able to adapt it to changing climate conditions, thus making the most out of his production and, sometimes, even saving it.

Copernicus data in support of quality forecasting: Saturnalia

Climate change is not only of concern to grape and wine production but also to fine wine trade and investment, where quality in a broad sense is a major defining factor for wine price. Due to the link between quality and price, including the evolution of price over time, wine investors seek early information on wine quality in order to make wise investment decisions. In evaluating their possible purchases, investors and distributors generally rely on information describing how the vintage is doing based on climate, weather and other factors.

Now that climate change is shifting environmental parameters and weather patterns, wine quality is becoming even more difficult to foresee. Quantitative data are needed. The Copernicus services can offer such data, by providing information on how the whole productive system is evolving, and possible insights on emerging and future trends.

Using Copernicus data, platforms that continuously monitor vineyards have been developed. One such example is Saturnalia,  a geospatial platform that monitors vineyards through the continuous ingestion of Sentinel-1, -2, -3 data. Saturnalia has been operational for about two years, after having won the Copernicus Masters Challenge in 2017, and a Copernicus Incubator grant in 2018. Thanks to the free and open data provided by Copernicus, Saturnalia is collecting a wealth of valuable data on vines across the globe.


Saturnalia Vigour Map on the appellation of Margaux showing the Saturnalia Vigour Index (SVI) for local vineyards. SVI is the result of a complex processing scheme, where dense series of Sentinel-2 and other multispectral datasets are combined with weather and environmental data, producing a per-pixel quality prediction for the wine that will be produced by each small plot.

Saturnalia developer, Daniele De Vecchi from Ticinum Aerospace, states: “it is not only a matter of getting free data in itself but also the peace of mind that you can get as many data as you wish. You can do all the experiments you need, you can collaborate with others who can access the same data as easily, without the headaches of license terms and purchase planning. This helps a lot in creating the right conditions for innovative applications to be developed and to thrive, including caring for our vineyards and ensuring winemakers can deliver the best wine ever”.

Saturnalia is but one example of how Copernicus data and Services benefit the society and can be used in many applications fields. Fine wine improves with age, but also with high-quality data elaborated by the Copernicus Services.

Make sure you stay up-to-date with the Copernicus programme through our social media channels (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) and find out more about the programme on our website.

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: How does Copernicus help the wine industry face climate change?. 2020.
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