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OBSERVER: Ready for take-off? 2020, here we come!

OBSERVER: Ready for take-off? 2020, here we come!

Before we launch the New-Year, let’s have a look back at some of the highlights from 2019 for the Copernicus programme and its services.

Copernicus in the media

Throughout 2019, Copernicus made the headlines. Record breaking heatwaves in Europe, unusually long and intense fire seasons, historic ice melt in Greenland and more.

Here are a couple of examples of Copernicus in the traditional media:

  • July temperature summary from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) ranking July 2019 as the hottest month ever recorded was picked up widely by international media all over the world. C3S’ monthly temperature summaries have become widely known and recognised as a reliable source of information for scientists and the general public.



  • Data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) about the fires that affected Indonesia in September was picked up by international news outlets such as the Washington Post which interviewed Mark Parrington, senior scientist at CAMS.


Social media as a tool to raise awareness about the Copernicus programme

In 2019, Copernicus’ social media channels reached new levels. Both the services and the main account achieved great successes and spread awareness about the Copernicus programme through social media.

With 52,000 followers on Twitter – 18,300 followers on Instagram – 18,200 followers on Facebook  - Copernicus EU social media channels have an increased reach and have become a real tool for successfully reaching scientists, policymakers, journalists, the earth observation community and the general public, and thus increase the user uptake.

Spreading the word about the Copernicus Services’ work, the main channel acts as an “echo” to the individual services’ channels. A great success was reached in November 2019, when climate activist Greta Thunberg retweeted a Copernicus EU tweet spreading the word about C3S’ October temperature summary.

rt greta


Content produced for the main channel was also picked up by traditional media. For example, at the end of September 2019, a 315-billion-tonne iceberg broke off from Antarctica. First spotted by EO community member Steff Lhermitte, the Copernicus EU channel brought it to the attention of a much larger audience, including BBC science correspondent Jonathan Amos.



Aside from the more scientific content, many beautiful pictures were posted, and natural disasters “documented” thanks to Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3.

One specific image seemed to stand out – a Sentinel-2 picture of the French city of Lyon. “Lyonnais” and others alike found the picture particularly beautiful, making it one of our most liked pictures of the year. Even the local and regional authorities shared the picture, increasing the general public that was made aware of the Copernicus programme and its “other” benefits.



Many natural disasters occurred this year, from fires to floods. The Copernicus EU channels kept the audience informed of what could be seen from space through the Sentinels’ eyes. Here are some pictures from this year, which happen to also be the most liked pictures from their respective months.

obsever highlights

Fire in Central Australia in January 2019, heatwave in Europe in June 2019, floods in Nebraska in March 2019 and fires in Scotland in May 2019.

A year packed with Copernicus events

2019 saw many events take place within the Copernicus ecosystem. From the Eyes on Earth Roadshows in Darmstadt, Rotterdam and Tallinn, to the General Assembly of the Copernicus networks and the European Space Week in Helsinki. Workshops, hackathons, user forums, and many more events took place.


 Some of the keynote speakers at the Roadshow in Rotterdam.


Some highlights from the EU Space Week 2019 and the GA of the Copernicus network.

Copernicus Observer’s growing success and reach

The Copernicus Observer, which you are reading right now, reached new levels in 2019. Delivered once a week, it has become a prime channel for all Copernicus stakeholders and interested parties to share their news and work with an audience of over 3000 readers.

Why not have a read of some of the most read articles from 2019 in case you missed them the first time?

  • In June 2019, Copernicus Land launched a new product for mapping land cover on a global scale: land cover layers. Read more about it here.
  • In February 2019, the second edition of the Copernicus Market report was published. It highlights how the programme's data are used to tackle growing societal, environmental & economic challenges. Read more about it here.
  • One Soil Platform (link) is a start-up from Belarus that uses Copernicus data & Artificial Intelligence to support farmers, businesses and governments in the field of AgriTech. Learn more about their work here.

With this short tour of some of the highlights from 2019 now over, don’t forget to tune-in next week for the second part of the 2019 highlights which will focus on the services and what to expect in 2020.

Happy New Year to all our Observer readers!

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Ready for take-off? 2020, here we come!. 2020.
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