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Race To Zero: a zero-carbon and resilient future through water

This November, SIWI, along with IUCN, AGWA, UN Global Compact, CEO Water Mandate, and CDP will be leading a full day event that will showcase the water community’s vison of a zero-carbon, resilient future and the water-related tools and solutions needed to win the Race to Zero as part of the November dialogues.


Race to Zero is a global campaign initiated by the COP25 Chile and COP26 UK High Level Champions. From 9 to 19 November it is reaching an apex moment through the “November Dialogues” which will rally  sectors and governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders to take action on achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. SIWI is the lead partner organization for the water day on 12 November, hosting a full day event that will showcase the water community’s vision of a zero-carbon, resilient future and the water-related tools and solutions needed to win the Race to Zero.

Join us for the Water Dialogues

The climate crisis has hit faster and harder than scientists predicted, but the world is struggling to respond. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, COP26 that was supposed to take place in November 2020 had to be postponed. But this does not mean that the climate change actions and ambitions should be put on hold.

The Covid-19 pandemic has painfully reminded us of our vulnerability, the interconnectedness of human life to our natural environment, and how indispensable water is to healthy and resilient communities, in both the developed and developing contexts. Without adequate, good quality, and equitable water, we cannot emerge from this pandemic with resilience nor win the Race to Zero. If we want to win on both fronts, it is more important than ever to look at both the problems and the solutions in a transformative way- through a water lens.

Smart and sustainable management of water and freshwater ecosystems points to a range of significant solutions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions that remain largely untapped. For example, through more efficient and climate-resilient use, storage, distribution, treatment, and reuse of water, we can eliminate 10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. When it comes to the role of nature and nature-based solutions, wetlands and peatlands are a powerhouse for carbon sequestration, capable of storing twice as much carbon as all of the world’s forests combined.  

At the same time, water is key to adaptation and resilience, as climate change manifests itself primarily through changes in the water cycle. Over the last 25 years, floods, droughts and other weather-related events have caused more than 90 per cent of major weather-related disasters, and the frequency and intensity of such events are expected to increase. Fully unleashing the potential of water-based ecosystems and green infrastructure to strengthen our capacity to respond to water related disasters and climate-proofing water and sanitation systems will ensure that people and the planet continue to thrive in the changing environment.

The above are just some of the transformative solutions that will take centre stage on 12 November at the Race to Zero November Dialogues, which will be held online. Speakers will include Johan Rockström of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)/ Stockholm Resilience Centre and Ma Jun of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs of China.

Full Programme | Registration 

Race to Zero 2020 from SIWI on Vimeo.

来源平台Stockholm International Water Institute
GB/T 7714
admin. Race To Zero: a zero-carbon and resilient future through water. 2020.
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