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OBSERVER: Dive into the Digital Ocean with the New Copernicus Marine Viewer!

OBSERVER: Dive into the Digital Ocean with the New Copernicus Marine Viewer!

The Copernicus Marine Service is pleased to provide a new central viewer tool, called My Ocean, on its web portal that allows users to discover the ocean and its different faces. The powerful, smooth, and fluid presentation makes interacting with ocean data a pleasure, even from your mobile device. It showcases the broad access to the wealth of Copernicus Marine data. This helps realise a key part of the Copernicus programme’s mission: providing accuracy and engagement in scientific communication and new functionalities for colour-blind viewers.

Tutorial of the My Ocean viewer on YouTube

Tutorial of the My Ocean viewer on YouTube.

A broad access to Marine data

The ocean and the benefits it provides to humanity act as a foundation for the three pillars of sustainable development: the economy, the environment and society. This new tool allows you to visualise a wide selection of data over time and in depth. This can in turn aid those working in industries supporting the three pillars of sustainable development. Open and accessible data is key for the general public and experts to better understand the ocean and adapt to our changing environment.

My Ocean is user-friendly, fast, intuitive, detailed, and can be used by all communities in various sectors, from students, to policymakers, data scientists, businesses and start-ups. The new viewer provides dynamic visualisation through a browser available on desktops or mobile devices, giving users access to maps, charts, and local time series based on information generated by the Copernicus Marine Service. It also lets you export maps and videos, share the link or embed them. This tool brings you high-quality information while being free to use and ad-free. You do not need to be a registered user to access it.

Accuracy of scientific communication

Recently a new selection of colourmaps were added. They aim to increase the effectiveness and accuracy of scientific communication. Colour scales can distort, mislead and confuse scientific interpretation of environmental data.  For example, the Jet colourmap, although very popular for decades in the oceanographic community, is recognised to visually distort information because it places emphasis at arbitrary locations along the colour scale, reducing contrast in others and sometimes introducing false gradients (see here and here).

To avoid the pitfalls of the jet colourmap, the MyOcean viewer offers a set of 20 colourmaps that show numerical values effectively, intuitively, and in proper proportion. It relies on a set of perceptually uniform colourmaps (mainly from cmocean and colorcet) that have been designed for oceanographic data display. In particular, the rainbow colourmap from colorcet is provided as a perceptually-uniform substitute to the jet system.

Colourmaps for colour-blind viewers

MyOcean viewer colourblind maps tutorial

My Ocean viewer colourblind maps tutorial available here.

Colour scales are often illegible to those who are colour-blind. The MyOcean has a set of 20 colourmaps designed for colour-blind viewers. Rates of colour-blindness are low among women, but among men, approximately 7% of Northern European descendants, 4% of Asian descendants, and 3% of African descendants have some form of red-green colour-blindness (Sharpe et al., 1999).  For colour-blind viewers, reds and greens of similar lightness values can be difficult to discern. Hence, cmocean colourmaps have been designed taking people with colour-blindness into account: the grey, haline, and balance colormaps are designed so that they are readable to colour-deficient viewers.

Note that the severity of the colour-blindness will change how these colormaps appear because the changes are nonlinear with severity. Moreover, we also propose the cividis colourmap as a dedicated alternative. When a user activates the new option "Use colour-blind palette by default” under Settings, the cividis colourmap is used as default, even when the user opens a link shared by another, non-colour-blind user.

The MyOcean viewer will be presented during the forthcoming EU Space Week organised by the European Commission’s DG DEFIS (Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space) and the GSA (European GNSS Agency) under the auspices of the German presidency of the Council of the European Union. This event gathers big and small space related companies as well institutional actors linked to the sector. The EU Space week runs for one week and has a huge attendance. This year, of course, it will be online and for the first time there will be as session dedicated to “Space for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion”. The MyOcean viewer and its functionalities dedicated to colour-blind viewers will be presented in this session on 9 December, from 14h to 15h.

So, what are you waiting for? Try out the MyOcean viewer for yourself now!

Keep up-to-date with the Copernicus Marine Service’s activities and new products through their Twitter channel or their website.

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Dive into the Digital Ocean with the New Copernicus Marine Viewer!. 2020.
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