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OBSERVER: Upcoming features and services based on Copernicus Sentinels-4, 5 and 6

OBSERVER: Upcoming features and services based on Copernicus Sentinels-4, 5 and 6

Making hundreds of terabytes of data available to citizens every day, the Copernicus programme is the largest Earth Observation and space data provider in the world. With 7 Copernicus Sentinel satellites currently in orbit, exploited by six Copernicus information services, more satellites will soon come to complete the existing data. Let us introduce you to Copernicus Sentinel-4, 5 and 6 which will bring even more open data and improve Copernicus services in the near future.

sentinel 4 5 6


Launched on 3 April 2014 from Kourou, in French Guiana, Sentinel-1A became the first satellite in orbit as part of the European Union's Copernicus programme. It marked a milestone in the sector, with the data availability, acquisition frequency and quality of Copernicus products pushing a fundamental paradigm shift in Earth Observation.

Since then, Copernicus Sentinel-1B, Sentinel-2A & 2B, Sentinel-3A and 3B, as well as Sentinel-5P have joined it. Sentinel-1, 2 and 3 provide data used mainly for land monitoring, marine monitoring, and emergency services. Copernicus Sentinel-5P completes them with data for atmosphere monitoring. Together, they provide an irreplaceable source of continuous observation for the Copernicus services and many commercial products around the world.

In order to enhance the Copernicus services and better respond to user requests and new EU policy needs, more data are needed. For this purpose, Copernicus Sentinel-4, 5 and 6 will be launched in the coming years (these three  space missions, being designed with ESA, will be operated by EUMETSAT).

Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich

The first to come is Sentinel-6A, renamed Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich in honour of the former head of NASA's Earth Science Division. It is due to be launched this Saturday, on 21 November 2020. Sentinel-6B will follow in 2025.

Sentinel-6 is the result of a successful cooperation between the European Commission, ESA, EUMETSAT, NASA, and NOAA, with support from CNES.

The Sentinel-6 satellites will provide high precision ocean altimetry measurements, high-resolution vertical profiles of temperature in order to assess temperature changes in the troposphere and stratosphere, as well as support Numerical Weather Prediction.

Sentinel-6 will take over from the Jason satellite series (built and operated in cooperation between NASA, CNES and NOAA, and later on EUMETSAT, with funding from the EU) to guarantee continuity in highly accurate sea level measurements and ensure that climate records are updated for decades to come.

Sentinel 6

In an upcoming dedicated Copernicus Observer article, you will be able to learn more about Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich including its technical specifications, how it will benefit society and various user communities.

Would you like to watch the launch of Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich?

Tune in to the launch livestream on Saturday 21 November 2020 as of 17h45 CET to watch Sentinel-6 as it starts its journey to join the existing Copernicus Sentinel satellite family. You will also hear from experts, data users and beneficiaries about the mission.

You can also join us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram where we will be sharing live updates during the launch. Don’t hesitate to use #Sentinel6 to engage with the community and share your excitement and thoughts about the new Copernicus Sentinel satellite family member.

Copernicus Sentinel-4

The Copernicus Sentinel-4 mission marks the start of a new era of atmospheric observations in Europe. Unlike the polar orbiting Copernicus Sentinel-5P, Sentinel-4 will monitor tropospheric constituents over Europe and North Africa from a geostationary orbit. A satellite in geostationary orbit appears to be at a fixed position in the sky and motionless to ground observers. The orbital period is thus equal to the earth's rotational period and the satellite continuously scans the selected area of the globe.

The Copernicus Sentinel-4 mission will be carried on board the Meteosat Third Generation satellite (MTG-S), a European meteorological mission to be operated by EUMETSAT. This innovative association between a geostationary satellite in the Meteosat family and the Copernicus Sentinel-4 measurement instrument will allow to measure trace gases in the Earth's atmosphere, with a temporal frequency of about 1 hour. The temporal resolution will therefore be twenty to a hundred times better than the current LEO missions.

On top of EUMETSAT's thermal InfraRed Sounder (IRS),the Copernicus Sentinel-4 payload will be made up of an Ultraviolet Visible Near-infrared (UVN) light imaging spectrometer provided by ESA, as part of the Copernicus programme. The UVN is a high-resolution spectrometer system operating in the solar reflectance spectrum of the ultraviolet (305-400 nm), visible (400-500 nm) and near-infrared (750-775 nm) bands. The UVN instrument was designed to provide continuous monitoring of atmospheric composition at high temporal and spatial resolution (8 km) focussing on tropospheric gases, including key air quality parameters such as nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulphur dioxide, formaldehyde, glyoxal and aerosols. It is made up of three main units: the Optical Instrument Module (OIM), the Instrument Control Unit (ICU), and the Scanner Driving Electronics (SDE).

sentinel 4

The Copernicus Sentinel 4 mission will be carried on board of the Meteosat Third Generation satellite and be composed of an Ultraviolet Visible Near-infrared  instrument (UVN). Source 4/satellite-description

Copernicus Sentinel-5

The aim of the Copernicus Sentinel-5 mission is to ensure global monitoring of key air quality trace gases and aerosols with a daily global revisit time. The main instrument of Copernicus Sentinel-5 will be the UV-VIS-NIR-SWIR spectrometer (UVNS) operating with 7 different spectral bands, enabling improvements in air quality measurements, stratospheric ozone monitoring, solar radiation measurements and climate change monitoring. The observations will be used to expand and complement data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, which has carried out air quality measurements since 2018.

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Sentinel-4 will monitor tropospheric constituents over the regions of Europe and Northern Africa on geostationary orbit (red) while Sentinel-5 will operate on Low Earth Orbit (blue) with global coverage. Source:

Similarly to Copernicus Sentinel-4, Sentinel-5 will be placed on a EUMETSAT satellite: MetOp-SG A which will be placed on a low earth, polar orbit.

Atmospheric monitoring

Both Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 will focus on measuring atmospheric variables in order to have more precise information for climate monitoring and air quality forecasts. Satellite observations are essential for the detection and measurement of atmospheric characteristics, but there are still general limits based on gaps in temporal resolution of the data.

While current Copernicus Sentinel missions are on board of the dedicated satellites, Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 are going to be placed on board of EUMETSAT’s satellites. EUMETSAT’s role in the Copernicus programme is already fundamental for the Copernicus services focused on climate change, marine and atmospheric forecasts, as highlighted by Melanie Ades, a CAMS scientist specialising in data assimilation of satellite observations, "EUMETSAT is one of the major providers of atmospheric composition observations used in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) system".

Both the Copernicus Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 missions will provide routine observations for a variety of applications and services related to air quality. However, the main reason is to support the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) through more precise data availability at the European and global scale.

Many of CAMS’ products and services will benefit from the Copernicus Sentinel-4 measurements, including the daily production of near-real-time analyses and forecasts of European air quality and atmospheric composition, anthropogenic emissions for the European domain, solar and UV radiation products and reanalyses providing consistent multi-annual datasets of European air quality and atmospheric composition.

The high spatial and temporal resolution of Copernicus Sentinel-4 observations will allow new applications such as issuing alerts for health services in case of poor of air quality, monitoring volcanic activity and determining sources of atmospheric pollutants. The data will be also provided through the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS) which has recently replaced the CAMS Catalogue as the main point of access for CAMS data.

Once launched, both Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 will be operated by EUMETSAT and their data disseminated through EUMETSAT mechanisms.


The Copernicus programme is already the largest source of Earth Observation data in the world. However, a changing climate and other growing environmental problems are creating the need to monitor even more parameters of the Earth's systems. Upcoming Copernicus Sentinel missions will allow us to do just that.

Copernicus Sentinel-4 will be the first imaging spectrometer instrument which will be embarked on-board a satellite in a geostationary orbit providing continuous hourly data on tropospheric constituents over Europe and North Africa.

Together with Copernicus Sentinel-5, they will help us to better understand the dynamics of climate change and support air-quality monitoring and forecasting through the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).

Enhancing the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will provide essential information on sea level rise and sea topography.

Remember to mark your calendars for the exciting launch of the next Sentinel satellite mission- Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich - on 21 November 2020 from 17:45 onwards. Check out the launch livestream and share your thoughts with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Stay tuned for more information on Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich!

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Upcoming features and services based on Copernicus Sentinels-4, 5 and 6. 2020.
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