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OBSERVER: Copernicus MOOC: a skills and training success story

OBSERVER: Copernicus MOOC: a skills and training success story


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The second edition of the European Commission Copernicus MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) concluded in December 2020, and confirmed the huge success of the first edition held last spring.

Its aim was to help foster and expand the use of Copernicus data and services, in particular in areas where there is untapped potential. Its target audience consisted of people who could benefit from using geo-information data, but who had no or little experience of doing so. The learning activities informed about the multiple opportunities offered by the use of Copernicus data, provided participants with information and practical tools to help them navigate the Copernicus ecosystem and network, and supported them in defining and designing sound projects for developing products and services with Copernicus data.

The Copernicus MOOC was delivered twice in 2020, at no cost for its participants, by recognised experts or practitioners from academia, research or business.

The course was a huge success in terms of participation and attendance. Almost 10,000 people registered for the two editions of the course, significantly more than the initial forecasts. The registered participants originated from 169 countries, making the audience of the course truly international. 53% of them however originated from the EU-27, making it a worthy investment in the upskilling of European citizens. The most represented countries from the EU-27 were Spain (30% of total number of registered participants), Italy (11%), Germany (10%), France (9%) and Portugal (6%). Registered participants were active in a wide variety of sectors, in particular education and research, environmental services, agriculture, forestry and fishery, government and public services, and scientific and technical activities.

particpants per EU country

82% of the registered participants effectively accessed the course platform to activate their account, and 51% started the first course module, which compares favourably with most MOOCs available for free, in which registration is essentially non-committal. Moreover, 27% of those participants who started the first module made it through to the end of the 12th and last module. The completion rate was therefore much higher than the average of 10% that is usually observed for free MOOCs.

A final exam took place at the end of each edition of the MOOC, and participants who passed the final exam and completed a minimum of 9 out of 12 modules were awarded a certificate of completion.

Over 1,000 participants received a certificate of completion after passing the final exam and completing the required minimum number of modules, representing 22% of the registered and active participants who effectively started the first module, and 82% of those who completed the 12 modules. Over half of those who obtained the final certificate were women.

The certification results indicate a very high level of interest, engagement and commitment from the course participants. This high level of interest and engagement was also demonstrated by the consistently high level of participation in the live webinars or in the course forum, which provided a very effective meeting place between the participants, the experts and the MOOC team.

Surveys conducted after each of the course modules showed a satisfaction rate of around 90%. Feedback received from participants through the webinars, the course forum, by email or through social media was also largely positive, as well as the feedback received from the course speakers and experts.

Consequently, the two editions of the Copernicus MOOC have shown that a demand exists for online training about the use of Copernicus data and services, emanating from a broad audience of non-expert and non-technical users, in Europe and beyond. It has also shown that the content and format of the Copernicus MOOC was well adapted to that demand and made the course well suited to meet it satisfactorily.

It is likely that the demand for training about the use of Copernicus data and services will continue to increase in the future, as the potential keeps growing for using Earth Observation data to develop and deliver smarter services and applications in a variety of areas such as mobility, energy, logistic, pollution control, urban management, land use or agriculture. Building on the success of the Copernicus MOOC, the European Commission will be able to continue developing “high value yet free” training offerings to ensure that European citizens can learn to harness the power of space data and reap the many benefits of its various applications.

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Copernicus MOOC: a skills and training success story. 2021.
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