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OBSERVER: Upcoming workshop on Copernicus and the Common Agricultural Policy

OBSERVER: Upcoming workshop on Copernicus and the Common Agricultural Policy

As the world’s population continues to grow, demand for food will also increase accordingly. However, with increasingly unreliable weather conditions and extreme weather events, the agricultural sector, and therefore food security, is likely to be heavily impacted by climate change. Yet, the agricultural sector also has an important environmental impact in terms of land use, water use and energy consumption. Added to these pressures, and despite the importance of food production, farmers often face economic hardship as their income is significantly lower compared to non-agricultural income.

It is the combination of these issues that the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) strives to address, and the Copernicus programme can help. Whether by providing data on the state of our climate and impact of agricultural practices on the environment, or by helping implement the CAP including at farm level.

This important topic will be addressed in an upcoming dedicated Copernicus workshop on 9 and 10 March 2021. But before going over the practical information regarding the workshop, let’s have a look at what the CAP is and how the Copernicus programme contributes.

The Common Agricultural Policy: what is it and what does it do?

The Common Agricultural Policy, or CAP, is a common policy for all European Union countries that supports farmers and ensures Europe’s food security. It was launched in 1962 as a partnership between Europe and its farmers which aimed to support farmers and improve agricultural productivity, ensuring a stable supply of affordable food; safeguard European Union farmers to make a reasonable living; help tackle climate change and the sustainable management of natural resources; maintain rural areas and landscapes across the EU; and last but not least, keep the rural economy alive by promoting jobs in farming, agri-foods industries and associated sectors.

In order to achieve these goals, the CAP provides income support through direct payments, which also incentivise farmers to adopt environmentally friendly farming techniques and preserve the countryside. Additionally, it provides for market measures to protect farmers from sudden market changes and rural development measures which address the specific needs and challenges facing rural areas.

In 2018, the European Commission presented legislative proposals to update and reform the CAP for the 2021-2027 period. This reform aims to foster a sustainable and competitive agricultural sector that will contribute to the European Green Deal, more specifically to the Farm to Fork and EU Biodiversity strategies. In a nutshell, the CAP reform should focus more on small and medium-size farms and encourage young farmers to join the profession; set higher ambitions for environmental and climate action; and further support and invest in the EU’s rural communities.

The nine specific objectives of the proposed CAP reform

The nine specific objectives of the proposed CAP reform.

This ambitious reform will set the EU on the path to becoming a world leader in terms of sustainable (in all its senses) agriculture. But how are the CAP and the Copernicus programme linked?

Copernicus and the Common Agricultural Policy

The Copernicus programme and its services provide large volumes of data about the state of our climate, water resources, land use and land change and much more. This invaluable data can be used not only to understand how climate change will affect agriculture in the coming years, but also agriculture’s role and impact on climate change. This information can help guide decision makers and policies at the national and EU level, such as the Common Agricultural Policy.

More concretely, the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) provides a series of products on land use and land change. These products partly cover agricultural monitoring at continental and national level, they can also be used to understand how land is being used as a resource, which can help the agricultural sector better face increasing pressure for sustainability and higher productivity.

That being said, the CLMS is currently developing a product which will be directly relevant for the agricultural sector: the new High-Resolution Layer (HRL) for Crop Types. The product will provide data on yearly crop types and grasslands, specific agricultural cropping practices (e.g. cover crops, crop diversification and annual rotation, etc.), yearly grassland mowing events and early season crop types discrimination could be envisaged. These data will provide directly relevant, detailed and quality assured data for the agricultural sector and policy makers.  

In the meantime, data from the Copernicus programme is being used to support the implementation of the CAP. For example, in the ESA SEN4CAP project, Copernicus data is used to help carry out the controls and checks provided for in the CAP in order to benefit from the subsidies. Data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites is also being used to power applications and services which monitor agricultural practices and crop types to help inform local authorities implementing CAP.

Earth observation (EO) data will be used to complement and facilitate the ‘on-farm’ checks provided for in the CAP. Using EO data will help make the process less time consuming and cumbersome for farmers and authorities alike.

Upcoming Copernicus workshop

If you are interested in learning more about how the Copernicus programme and services support the Common Agricultural Policy, make sure to attend the dedicated workshop which will take place on 9 and 10 March 2021 from 9h30 to 12h30.

Copernicus and CAP workshop

The workshop will address the following topics:

  • assess the current state of play related to the use of Copernicus for Agriculture and for the support to the Common Agricultural Policy;
  • present the proposed evolution of Copernicus data and services under the new Space Regulation;
  • collect success stories and needs from stakeholders including from the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals (DGs), Member States and farmers;
  • invite stakeholders to discuss potential improvements to the support that Copernicus can bring to the Common Agricultural Policy including support for research on specific topics.

Different sessions will cover how Copernicus contributes to some specific areas of the Common Agricultural Policy, including the support to agricultural market monitoring; area monitoring and control system; environment and climate change; and the farmers level support.

Sounds interesting? Don’t miss out, register here!

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Upcoming workshop on Copernicus and the Common Agricultural Policy. 2021.
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