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Introduction to Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) in Indonesia: National Recommendations and Guidelines for Policymakers and Educators
Darwina Widjajanti; Stien J. Matakupan; Didham, Robert James
出版者Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan and United Nations Environment Programme

As a nation, we are becoming increasingly aware of our impact on the environment, particularly since
Indonesia is the second richest country in the world in regards to biodiversity. Our lifestyle and consumption choices are putting pressure on the environment and natural resources, and it is crucial for our education system to address this reality. Internationally, sustainable consumption is still not central topics in educational systems today. In fact, mainstreaming education for sustainable consumption in formal education curricula and in informal education remains a challenge, as ESC is generally not considered a priority either in developing or in developed countries.Introduction to Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) in Indonesia provides national recommendations and guidelines organized into five main chapters:


Chapter 1: Addressing the Challenges - Life in Indonesia
This chapter provides information about Indonesia’s population, environment, the growing middle class and consumption patterns, the poverty challenge and development issues facing Indonesia, all of which indicate the crucial need for sustainable consumption.

Chapter 2: An Introduction to Education for Sustainable Consumption
The conceptual framework of sustainable development, education for sustainable development, and
education for sustainable consumption, and the impacts of consumption decision making process are
explained in this chapter.

Chapter 3: Developing ESC materials in Indonesia - The Way Forward
To develop ESC materials the educators need to take into account the diversity of population (age,
gender, social economic class, role in society, ethnicity and culture) and geographical area (rural or
urban area, deep in forest or in coastal area, etc). This chapter also provides the methodology of adapting ESC in formal education with mixed approaches, and to be creative in developing ESC in non formal education, inspired by the existing initiatives conducted by various actors (NGO, mass media, interest group, etc.). It also reveals the benefits of using social media to disseminate ESC.

Chapter 4: Optimizing the Opportunities - Advancing ESC in Indonesia
This chapter shows the Government of Indonesian policies and planning related to ESC, and various ESC initiatives from public and mass media. These are the entry points to develop ESC further creatively. The chapter also indicates the area where government role is needed to help reassure sustainable consumption in Indonesia.

Chapter 5: Sustainable Development and ESC in Indonesia and Asia Pacific -The Present and The Future
In Indonesia and In the Asia Pacific region, the rapid population and high economic growth with rising middle class toward affluent consumption pattern, and the large population of the poor which deprived of a basic quality of well-being , put further strains on resource availability and equity. Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD) and ESC serve as a valuable tool in linking these two challenges. ESC can be an important means for encouraging responsible consumption decision and action with actual means.

Education for sustainable consumption is an important part of the UN Decade of Education for
Sustainable Development (DESD). This publication is an adaptation Here and Now! ESC Recommendations and Guidelines, which was jointly developed by UNEP and the Ma rrakech Task Force on ESC led by Italy in collaboration with the United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable Development and Hedmark University College in Norway. YPB is fortunate to have the opportunity to adapt Here and Now! ESC Recommendations and Guidelines to Indonesia’s contexts, needs and priorities, with the assistance of UNEP and other key partners, such as PERL and IGES.

英文关键词Sustainable Lifestyles & Education
来源平台Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
GB/T 7714
Darwina Widjajanti,Stien J. Matakupan,Didham, Robert James. Introduction to Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) in Indonesia: National Recommendations and Guidelines for Policymakers and Educators:Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan and United Nations Environment Programme,2014.
[Darwina Widjajanti]的文章
[Stien J. Matakupan]的文章
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[Stien J. Matakupan]的文章
[Didham, Robert James]的文章
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[Stien J. Matakupan]的文章
[Didham, Robert James]的文章
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