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Invitation to comment – Coastal swamp sclerophyll forests of south-eastern Australia listing

Comment on Listing Assessments

About the nomination and assessment

Each year on behalf of the Threatened Species Scientific Committee, the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment invites public nominations for items that merit listing as threatened under national environment law. The “Melaleuca dominated Temperate Swamp Sclerophyll Forests on Coastal Floodplains of Eastern Australia” was nominated for listing as a threatened ecological community in 2017 and was prioritised for assessment that year. The assessment recognised that the ecological community is also dominated to co-dominated by Swamp Mahogany (Eucalyptus robusta) and a new name, Coastal swamp sclerophyll forests of south-eastern Australia, has now been proposed for this community.

The Committee’s assessment and advice to the Minister for the Environment is due by 31 July 2021.

Proposed Conservation Status: Endangered

Distribution: Between the Great Dividing Range and the east coast from near Gladstone in Queensland, through New South Wales, to the Gippsland Plains east of the Strzelecki Ranges in Victoria.

Invitation to comment

The EPBC Act requires the Threatened Species Scientific Committee to undertake public consultation on nominations accepted for a full scientific assessment. The Committee particularly seeks comments on whether the Coastal swamp sclerophyll forests of south-eastern Australia is eligible for listing under the proposed conservation status, but also invites other relevant comments and information.

How can I get involved?

Read the consultation document

The draft scientific assessment, in the draft Conservation Advice, recommends that the ecological community may be eligible for listing as Endangered, based on evidence that it has declined in extent by more than 70%; it has a very restricted geographic distribution, based on small patch sizes, coupled with demonstrable threats throughout the range; and the ecological integrity of the remaining forests are further impacted by weed invasion, changes to hydrology and coastal development arising from increasing population pressure along the east coast.

Draft Conservation Advice (incorporating listing advice) for Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests of south-eastern Australia (PDF - 1.83 MB)
Draft Conservation Advice (incorporating listing advice) for Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests of south-eastern Australia (DOCX - 3.03 MB)

Map of the Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests in Queensland (PDF - 4.21 MB)

Map of the Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests in northern NSW (PDF - 5.08 MB)

Map of the Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests in south east NSW (PDF - 2.17 MB)

Map of the Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests in Victoria (PDF - 1.86 MB)

Consultation Guides in plain language are also provided to help the public understand what this ecological community is and what listing ecological communities under the EPBC Act means for people who may have patches on their property.

Public Consultation Guidelines for Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests of south-eastern Australia (PDF - 1.35 MB) - updated on 9 April 2021
Public Consultation Guidelines for Coastal Swamp Sclerophyll Forests of south-eastern Australia (DOCX - 7.39 MB) - updated on 9 April 2021

Guidelines for Nominating and Assessing Threatened Ecological Communities

The Guidelines for Nominating and Assessing Ecological Communities are also available to explain the criteria and concepts by which an ecological community can be determined as threatened in a particular conservation category.

Send your comments

The Committee welcomes the views of experts, land managers, First Nations peoples, other stakeholders and the general public on the draft Conservation Advice for the ecological community.

Responses are required to be submitted by 12 May 2021.

You are welcome to forward this request to advise other relevant key people or groups in your networks about this opportunity for comment. We would greatly appreciate your help to get input from other agencies and groups involved with biodiversity conservation, land management, primary industries and planning.

Questions to guide comments can be found within the DRAFT Conservation Advice.

Please support your comments with information and data, preferably supported by published studies or observations. If some of that information is not published, would you be willing to be quoted as an expert or source (“personal communication”)?

Responses are to be provided in writing either by email to:

or by mail to:

The Director
Ecological Communities Section
Biodiversity Conservation Division
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
PO Box 787
Canberra ACT 2601


Personal information that you provide will only be used for these purposes. Personal information may be disclosed to employees of Australian Government agencies assisting the Committee for the purposes outlined above. The Department will deal with personal information contained in, or provided in relation to, responses in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

Further, the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments have agreed to share threatened species assessment documentation (including comments) to ensure that all States and Territories have access to the same documentation when making a decision on the status of a potentially threatened species. This is also known as the ‘common assessment method’. As a result, any personal information that you have provided in connection with your comments may be shared between Commonwealth, State or Territory government entities to assist with their assessment processes.

来源平台Department of the Environment and Energy
GB/T 7714
admin. Invitation to comment – Coastal swamp sclerophyll forests of south-eastern Australia listing. 2021.
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