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OBSERVER: The Copernicus Emergency Management Service Week 2021

OBSERVER: The Copernicus Emergency Management Service Week 2021

The week of 25-29 October this year saw the Annual User Workshop of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, also known as CEMS Week. With an impressive attendance of almost 3,000 online participants, this year’s CEMS Week offered attendees an in-depth insight into current and future CEMS activities.

The outcome of CEMS Week was, for audiences, a unique look into the service with deep dives from multiple sectoral levels. For participants, the event was a reaffirmation of the commitment and dedication of the community that CEMS both supports and relies on, as well as a discussion on how to best move forward with this year's successes and evolutions.

Organised entirely in virtual format, CEMS Week lasted a total of five days, the first of which was open to a wider audience and live streamed.
Organised entirely in virtual format, CEMS Week lasted a total of five days, the first of which was open to a wider audience and live streamed.

The event was attended by representatives of other European Commission Directorates, experts, and users from the various components of CEMS, and key stakeholders. The General Session on 25 October offered the audience an overview of the various components of the Emergency Management Service and its importance in preventing, monitoring, and supporting operations in the field during disaster management on European and beyond.


What is CEMS today?

As one of the six Copernicus services CEMS offers all actors involved in the management of disasters, man-made emergency situations, and humanitarian crises timely and accurate geo-spatial information.

Currently, Copernicus EMS consists of two components:

  1. a mapping component;
  2. an early warning component.

With a worldwide coverage, the mapping component of the service can support all phases of the emergency management cycle: preparedness, prevention, disaster risk reduction, emergency response and recovery. The mapping component provides actors involved in emergency response, mostly Civil Protection Authorities and Humanitarian Aid Agencies, with maps based on satellite imagery.

On the other hand, the early warning component of the service consists of three different systems:

  • The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS), which provides overviews of ongoing and forecasted floods in Europe up to 10 days in advance, complemented by the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS).
  • The European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), which provides near real-time and historical information on forest fires and forest fire response and monitoring systems in Europe, complemented by the Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS).
  • The European Drought Observatory (EDO), which provides drought-relevant information and early-warnings for Europe, complemented by the Global Drought Observatory (GDO) to achieve a global coverage of drought events.


CEMS Week Highlights

On 25 October, Dan Chirondojan Director for Space, Security and Migration at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre; introduced the session with an overview of the Service's purpose, key milestones, and ecosystem of contributing partners. The increasing demand for CEMS data to support decision-making in disaster and risk management activities, as well as the growing role of climate change and Member States’ increasing reliance on geospatial information, remained a common theme among high level introductory speeches. Clear examples of this trend are the significant flooding which took place this summer in central Europe,   the Wildfire crises that took place last August, or the volcanic eruption on the Spanish island of La Palma which has been ongoing since September.

Flood events in Westerm EuropeEFFIS: Early warning and monitoring

Meanwhile, the other main theme of the event focused on component innovations and the valuable new capabilities added to CEMS to facilitate a more effective and timely response to emergencies, as well as even more diligent global monitoring.

As pointed out by the Head of the Disaster Risk Management Unit at DG JRC, Alessandra Zampieri:

"It is always necessary to look ahead, to evolve and innovate our components to ensure that Copernicus EMS will be better able to prevent the most extreme hazards and events in the future."

One of the major takeaways of the event is that Copernicus EMS will soon consist of three components. The third one will be the exposure mapping component or Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL), as shown in the figure below.

Overview of CEMS

The GHSL maps in great detail the breadth and extent of human settlements all over the world, in the form of built-up maps, population density maps and settlement maps. The GHSL datasets already contribute to the GEO Human Planet initiative, used to produce the Atlas of the Human Planet 2016. DG JRC, together with the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) and the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), aims to further develop the scope of GHSL. Specifically, using Copernicus Sentinel data, the GHSL will offer a regular and operational monitoring of all built-up areas on Earth. This information on exposed population, housing and other assets will prove fundamental to managing crises and contributing to disaster risk reduction.

CEMS Week also saw the announcement of a new flood monitoring product. Peter Salamon, Scientific Officer at the Disaster Risk Management Unit of the JRC, presented the forthcoming introduction and the specifics of the new Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) product. The GFM represents a significant development in CEMS’ capacity to monitor and respond to flooding worldwide. Using the data from the synthetic aperture radar onboard the Copernicus Sentinel-1s satellites which is available regardless of cloud cover or poor lighting, the GFM will be capable of automatically detect flooded areas in this wealth of open, but also big, data. Especially worthy of note is the rapid speed at which the GFM will be able to produce accurate mapping of areas affected by floods – less than 8 hours after image acquisition. The GFM tool will also offer strong synergies with the flooding forecasts of EFAS and GloFAS, offering emergency response teams, as well as local and civil authorities, a more complete picture of any flood-related emergency that might arise.

Global Flood Monitoring

The Future of CEMS

We know that we will most likely face more frequent weather hazards in the future and tools like the Copernicus Emergency Management Service will become increasingly relevant. For us this means that we have to continue to evolve together with research institutes in Europe to continuously improve and adapt and develop new products.”

Peter Salamon


As Europe and the world must contend with an ever-growing number of damaging natural phenomena, exacerbated by climate change, so grows the role of CEMS in helping to cope with these challenges. In August 2021 alone, CEMS was faced with 18 wildfire activations, of which 13 in parallel. As CEMS has become an increasingly important instrument for emergency response, so has its prominence in the media. In the face of this growing role, it is vital that CEMS evolve as a Service, bringing on board the latest innovations. On this topic, CEMS Week was host to a panel discussion by governmental and industry experts on the future of Earth Observation data to support disaster and risk management, titled Technological innovation and service evolutions to CEMS.

Some of the most promising technological innovations discussed by the panel stem from the EU’s Horizon 2020 projects. Among these were: A European Copernicus Coastal Flood Awareness System: the H2020 ECFAS project (Clara Armaroli, University School for Advanced Studies, IUSS, Pavia, Italy)​; DeepCube for Copernicus: Explainable Artificial Intelligence Pipelines for Emergency Management (Ioannis Papoutsis, National Observatory of Athens, Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing); WaterForCE: A H2020 Roadmap approach for Future Copernicus Explorations for Water (Ioana Popescu and Andreja Jonoski, IHE Delft)​; Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product G3P (Andreas Güntner, GFZ Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences)​; SAFERS: Structured Approaches for Forest fire Emergencies in Resilient​ Societies (Conrad Bielski, Riscognition)​; and Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service add-on for the Water We Drink (Ioannis Manakos, Information Technologies Institute - Centre for Research and Technology Hellas)​.

These cutting-edge projects have excellent potential future applications within the CEMS ecosystem. One of the objectives of the European Coastal Flood Awareness System, for example, is to “Capitalise on the existing framework of CEMS and EFAS to implement a coastal flood awareness system.” In addition, the SAFERS project has clear potential to collaborate with EFFIS. Indeed, the SAFERS project and DG JRC are already “collaborating through periodic coordination meetings in particular to set-up software interfaces between the 2 systems”.

CEMS Week 2021 offered participants a comprehensive view on the past, present, and future of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, tracing its evolution from inception to future innovations. Whilst the onset of climate change means that CEMS’ task will become increasingly complex, the array of initiatives, hard work, and community commitment on show at this year’s CEMS week shows that the Service is ready to evolve and adapt.

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: The Copernicus Emergency Management Service Week 2021. 2021.
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