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Satellite-derived Constraints on the Effect of Drought Stress on Biogenic Isoprene Emissions in the Southeast US 期刊论文
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022
作者:  Yuxuan Wang, Nan Lin, Wei Li, Alex Guenther, Joey C. Y. Lam, Amos P. K. Tai, Mark J. Potosnak, and Roger Seco
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/24
Peta–electron volt gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula 期刊论文
Science, 2021
作者:  The LHAASO Collaboration*†;  Zhen Cao;  F. Aharonian;  Q. An;  Axikegu;  L. X. Bai;  Y. X. Bai;  Y. W. Bao;  D. Bastieri;  X. J. Bi;  Y. J. Bi;  H. Cai;  J. T. Cai;  Zhe Cao;  J. Chang;  J. F. Chang;  B. M. Chen;  E. S. Chen;  J. Chen;  Liang Chen;  Liang Chen;  Long Chen;  M. J. Chen;  M. L. Chen;  Q. H. Chen;  S. H. Chen;  S. Z. Chen;  T. L. Chen;  X. L. Chen;  Y. Chen;  N. Cheng;  Y. D. Cheng;  S. W. Cui;  X. H. Cui;  Y. D. Cui;  B. D’Ettorre Piazzoli;  B. Z. Dai;  H. L. Dai;  Z. G. Dai;  Danzengluobu;  D. della Volpe;  X. J. Dong;  K. K. Duan;  J. H. Fan;  Y. Z. Fan;  Z. X. Fan;  J. Fang;  K. Fang;  C. F. Feng;  L. Feng;  S. H. Feng;  Y. L. Feng;  B. Gao;  C. D. Gao;  L. Q. Gao;  Q. Gao;  W. Gao;  M. M. Ge;  L. S. Geng;  G. H. Gong;  Q. B. Gou;  M. H. Gu;  F. L. Guo;  J. G. Guo;  X. L. Guo;  Y. Q. Guo;  Y. Y. Guo;  Y. A. Han;  H. H. He;  H. N. He;  J. C. He;  S. L. He;  X. B. He;  Y. He;  M. Heller;  Y. K. Hor;  C. Hou;  X. Hou;  H. B. Hu;  S. Hu;  S. C. Hu;  X. J. Hu;  D. H. Huang;  Q. L. Huang;  W. H. Huang;  X. T. Huang;  X. Y. Huang;  Z. C. Huang;  F. Ji;  X. L. Ji;  H. Y. Jia;  K. Jiang;  Z. J. Jiang;  C. Jin;  T. Ke;  D. Kuleshov;  K. Levochkin;  B. B. Li;  Cheng Li;  Cong Li;  F. Li;  H. B. Li;  H. C. Li;  H. Y. Li;  Jian Li;  Jie Li;  K. Li;  W. L. Li;  X. R. Li;  Xin Li;  Xin Li;  Y. Li;  Y. Z. Li;  Zhe Li;  Zhuo Li;  E. W. Liang;  Y. F. Liang;  S. J. Lin;  B. Liu;  C. Liu;  D. Liu;  H. Liu;  H. D. Liu;  J. Liu;  J. L. Liu;  J. S. Liu;  J. Y. Liu;  M. Y. Liu;  R. Y. Liu;  S. M. Liu;  W. Liu;  Y. Liu;  Y. N. Liu;  Z. X. Liu;  W. J. Long;  R. Lu;  H. K. Lv;  B. Q. Ma;  L. L. Ma;  X. H. Ma;  J. R. Mao;  A. Masood;  Z. Min;  W. Mitthumsiri;  T. Montaruli;  Y. C. Nan;  B. Y. Pang;  P. Pattarakijwanich;  Z. Y. Pei;  M. Y. Qi;  Y. Q. Qi;  B. Q. Qiao;  J. J. Qin;  D. Ruffolo;  V. Rulev;  A. Saiz;  L. Shao;  O. Shchegolev;  X. D. Sheng;  J. Y. Shi;  H. C. Song;  Yu. V. Stenkin;  V. Stepanov;  Y. Su;  Q. N. Sun;  X. N. Sun;  Z. B. Sun;  P. H. T. Tam;  Z. B. Tang;  W. W. Tian;  B. D. Wang;  C. Wang;  H. Wang;  H. G. Wang;  J. C. Wang;  J. S. Wang;  L. P. Wang;  L. Y. Wang;  R. N. Wang;  Wei Wang;  Wei Wang;  X. G. Wang;  X. J. Wang;  X. Y. Wang;  Y. Wang;  Y. D. Wang;  Y. J. Wang;  Y. P. Wang;  Z. H. Wang;  Z. X. Wang;  Zhen Wang;  Zheng Wang;  D. M. Wei;  J. J. Wei;  Y. J. Wei;  T. Wen;  C. Y. Wu;  H. R. Wu;  S. Wu;  W. X. Wu;  X. F. Wu;  S. Q. Xi;  J. Xia;  J. J. Xia;  G. M. Xiang;  D. X. Xiao;  G. Xiao;  H. B. Xiao;  G. G. Xin;  Y. L. Xin;  Y. Xing;  D. L. Xu;  R. X. Xu;  L. Xue;  D. H. Yan;  J. Z. Yan;  C. W. Yang;  F. F. Yang;  J. Y. Yang;  L. L. Yang;  M. J. Yang;  R. Z. Yang;  S. B. Yang;  Y. H. Yao;  Z. G. Yao;  Y. M. Ye;  L. Q. Yin;  N. Yin;  X. H. You;  Z. Y. You;  Y. H. Yu;  Q. Yuan;  H. D. Zeng;  T. X. Zeng;  W. Zeng;  Z. K. Zeng;  M. Zha;  X. X. Zhai;  B. B. Zhang;  H. M. Zhang;  H. Y. Zhang;  J. L. Zhang;  J. W. Zhang;  L. X. Zhang;  Li Zhang;  Lu Zhang;  P. F. Zhang;  P. P. Zhang;  R. Zhang;  S. R. Zhang;  S. S. Zhang;  X. Zhang;  X. P. Zhang;  Y. F. Zhang;  Y. L. Zhang;  Yi Zhang;  Yong Zhang;  B. Zhao;  J. Zhao;  L. Zhao;  L. Z. Zhao;  S. P. Zhao;  F. Zheng;  Y. Zheng;  B. Zhou;  H. Zhou;  J. N. Zhou;  P. Zhou;  R. Zhou;  X. X. Zhou;  C. G. Zhu;  F. R. Zhu;  H. Zhu;  K. J. Zhu;  X. Zuo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2021/07/27
Local‐Time and Vertical Characteristics of Quasi‐6‐Day Oscillation in the Ionosphere during the 2019 Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming 期刊论文
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020
作者:  J. T. Lin;  C. H. Lin;  P. K. Rajesh;  Jia Yue;  C. Y. Lin;  T. Matsuo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2020/10/12
Coseismic uplift of the 1999 M w7.6 Chi‐Chi earthquake and implication to topographic change in frontal mountain belts 期刊论文
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020
作者:  R. Y. Chuang;  C. H. Lu;  C. J. Yang;  Y. S. Lin;  T. Y. Lee
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2020/08/09
Observation of Bose-Einstein condensates in an Earth-orbiting research lab 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 582 (7811) : 103-+
作者:  Yamamoto, Keisuke;  Venida, Anthony;  Yano, Julian;  Biancur, Douglas E.;  Kakiuchi, Miwako;  Gupta, Suprit;  Sohn, Albert S. W.;  Mukhopadhyay, Subhadip;  Lin, Elaine Y.;  Parker, Seth J.;  Banh, Robert S.;  Paulo, Joao A.;  Wen, Kwun Wah;  Debnath, Jayanta;  Kim, Grace E.;  Mancias, Joseph D.;  Fearon, Douglas T.;  Perera, Rushika M.;  Kimmelman, Alec C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Quantum mechanics governs the microscopic world, where low mass and momentum reveal a natural wave-particle duality. Magnifying quantum behaviour to macroscopic scales is a major strength of the technique of cooling and trapping atomic gases, in which low momentum is engineered through extremely low temperatures. Advances in this field have achieved such precise control over atomic systems that gravity, often negligible when considering individual atoms, has emerged as a substantial obstacle. In particular, although weaker trapping fields would allow access to lower temperatures(1,2), gravity empties atom traps that are too weak. Additionally, inertial sensors based on cold atoms could reach better sensitivities if the free-fall time of the atoms after release from the trap could be made longer(3). Planetary orbit, specifically the condition of perpetual free-fall, offers to lift cold-atom studies beyond such terrestrial limitations. Here we report production of rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in an Earth-orbiting research laboratory, the Cold Atom Lab. We observe subnanokelvin BECs in weak trapping potentials with free-expansion times extending beyond one second, providing an initial demonstration of the advantages offered by a microgravity environment for cold-atom experiments and verifying the successful operation of this facility. With routine BEC production, continuing operations will support long-term investigations of trap topologies unique to microgravity(4,5), atom-laser sources(6), few-body physics(7,8)and pathfinding techniques for atom-wave interferometry(9-12).

Electrical manipulation of a topological antiferromagnetic state 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7805) : 608-+
作者:  Chabon, Jacob J.;  Hamilton, Emily G.;  Kurtz, David M.;  Esfahani, Mohammad S.;  Moding, Everett J.;  Stehr, Henning;  Schroers-Martin, Joseph;  Nabet, Barzin Y.;  Chen, Binbin;  Chaudhuri, Aadel A.;  Liu, Chih Long;  Hui, Angela B.;  Jin, Michael C.;  Azad, Tej D.;  Almanza, Diego;  Jeon, Young-Jun;  Nesselbush, Monica C.;  Keh, Lyron Co Ting;  Bonilla, Rene F.;  Yoo, Christopher H.;  Ko, Ryan B.;  Chen, Emily L.;  Merriott, David J.;  Massion, Pierre P.;  Mansfield, Aaron S.;  Jen, Jin;  Ren, Hong Z.;  Lin, Steven H.;  Costantino, Christina L.;  Burr, Risa;  Tibshirani, Robert;  Gambhir, Sanjiv S.;  Berry, Gerald J.;  Jensen, Kristin C.;  West, Robert B.;  Neal, Joel W.;  Wakelee, Heather A.;  Loo, Billy W., Jr.;  Kunder, Christian A.;  Leung, Ann N.;  Lui, Natalie S.;  Berry, Mark F.;  Shrager, Joseph B.;  Nair, Viswam S.;  Haber, Daniel A.;  Sequist, Lecia V.;  Alizadeh, Ash A.;  Diehn, Maximilian
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Room-temperature electrical switching of a topological antiferromagnetic state in polycrystalline Mn3Sn thin films is demonstrated using the same protocol as that used for conventional ferromagnetic metals.

Electrical manipulation of phenomena generated by nontrivial band topology is essential for the development of next-generation technology using topological protection. A Weyl semimetal is a three-dimensional gapless system that hosts Weyl fermions as low-energy quasiparticles(1-4). It has various exotic properties, such as a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and chiral anomaly, which are robust owing to the topologically protected Weyl nodes(1-16). To manipulate such phenomena, a magnetic version of Weyl semimetals would be useful for controlling the locations of Weyl nodes in the Brillouin zone. Moreover, electrical manipulation of antiferromagnetic Weyl metals would facilitate the use of antiferromagnetic spintronics to realize high-density devices with ultrafast operation(17,18). However, electrical control of a Weyl metal has not yet been reported. Here we demonstrate the electrical switching of a topological antiferromagnetic state and its detection by the AHE at room temperature in a polycrystalline thin film(19) of the antiferromagnetic Weyl metal Mn3Sn9,10,12,20, which exhibits zero-field AHE. Using bilayer devices composed of Mn3Sn and nonmagnetic metals, we find that an electrical current density of about 10(10) to 10(11) amperes per square metre induces magnetic switching in the nonmagnetic metals, with a large change in Hall voltage. In addition, the current polarity along the bias field and the sign of the spin Hall angle of the nonmagnetic metals-positive for Pt (ref. (21)), close to 0 for Cu and negative for W (ref. (22))-determines the sign of the Hall voltage. Notably, the electrical switching in the antiferromagnet is achieved with the same protocol as that used for ferromagnetic metals(23,24). Our results may lead to further scientific and technological advances in topological magnetism and antiferromagnetic spintronics.

The STAT3-Binding Long Noncoding RNA lnc-DC Controls Human Dendritic Cell Differentiation (vol 344, pg 310, 2014) 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2019, 366 (6472)
作者:  Wang, P.;  Xue, Y.;  Han, Y.;  Lin, L.;  Wu, C.;  Xu, S.;  Jiang, Z.;  Xu, J.;  Liu, Q.;  Yu, Y.;  Cao, X.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
Artificial turf infill associated with systematic toxicity in an amniote vertebrate 期刊论文
作者:  Elvis Genbo Xu;  Nicholas Lin;  Rachel S. Cheong;  Charlotte Ridsdale;  Rui Tahara;  Trina Y. Du;  Dharani Das;  Jiping Zhu;  Laura Peña Silva;  Agil Azimzada;  Hans C. E. Larsson;  Nathalie Tufenkji
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/18
artificial turf  amniote model  tire crumb  embryonic development  environmental health  
Tradeoffs between resistance to antimicrobials in public health and their use in agriculture: Moving towards sustainability assessment 期刊论文
作者:  Lherrnie, Guillaume;  Wernli, Didier;  Jorgensen, Peter Sogaard;  Kenkel, Donald;  Lawell, C. -Y. Cynthia Lin;  Tauer, Loren William;  Grohn, Yrjo Tapio
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
Antimicrobial use  Antimicrobial resistance  Agriculture  Sustainability assessment  Social-ecological system  Indicators  
Orbital Identification of Hydrated Silica in Jezero Crater, Mars 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2019, 46 (22) : 12771-12782
作者:  Tarnas, J. D.;  Mustard, J. F.;  Lin, Honglei;  Goudge, T. A.;  Amador, E. S.;  Bramble, M. S.;  Kremer, C. H.;  Zhang, X.;  Itoh, Y.;  Parente, M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
Mars  Jezero  silica  biosignature