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Proton-assisted growth of ultra-flat graphene films 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7789) : 204-+
作者:  Yuan, Guowen;  Lin, Dongjing;  Wang, Yong;  Huang, Xianlei;  Chen, Wang;  Xie, Xuedong;  Zong, Junyu;  Yuan, Qian-Qian;  Zheng, Hang;  Wang, Di;  Xu, Jie;  Li, Shao-Chun;  Zhang, Yi;  Sun, Jian;  Xi, Xiaoxiang;  Gao, Libo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Graphene films grown by chemical vapour deposition have unusual physical and chemical properties that offer promise for applications such as flexible electronics and high-frequency transistors(1-10). However, wrinkles invariably form during growth because of the strong coupling to the substrate, and these limit the large-scale homogeneity of the film(1-4,11,12). Here we develop a proton-assisted method of chemical vapour deposition to grow ultra-flat graphene films that are wrinkle-free. Our method of proton penetration(13-17) and recombination to form hydrogen can also reduce the wrinkles formed during traditional chemical vapour deposition of graphene. Some of the wrinkles disappear entirely, owing to the decoupling of van der Waals interactions and possibly an increase in distance from the growth surface. The electronic band structure of the as-grown graphene films shows a V-shaped Dirac cone and a linear dispersion relation within the atomic plane or across an atomic step, confirming the decoupling from the substrate. The ultra-flat nature of the graphene films ensures that their surfaces are easy to clean after a wet transfer process. A robust quantum Hall effect appears even at room temperature in a device with a linewidth of 100 micrometres. Graphene films grown by proton-assisted chemical vapour deposition should largely retain their intrinsic performance, and our method should be easily generalizable to other nanomaterials for strain and doping engineering.

Rapid growth of new atmospheric particles by nitric acid and ammonia condensation 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7807) : 184-+
作者:  Liang, Guanxiang;  Zhao, Chunyu;  Zhang, Huanjia;  Mattei, Lisa;  Sherrill-Mix, Scott;  Bittinger, Kyle;  Kessler, Lyanna R.;  Wu, Gary D.;  Baldassano, Robert N.;  DeRusso, Patricia;  Ford, Eileen;  Elovitz, Michal A.;  Kelly, Matthew S.;  Patel, Mohamed Z.;  Mazhani, Tiny;  Gerber, Jeffrey S.;  Kelly, Andrea;  Zemel, Babette S.;  Bushman, Frederic D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/20

A list of authors and their affiliations appears at the end of the paper New-particle formation is a major contributor to urban smog(1,2), but how it occurs in cities is often puzzling(3). If the growth rates of urban particles are similar to those found in cleaner environments (1-10 nanometres per hour), then existing understanding suggests that new urban particles should be rapidly scavenged by the high concentration of pre-existing particles. Here we show, through experiments performed under atmospheric conditions in the CLOUD chamber at CERN, that below about +5 degrees Celsius, nitric acid and ammonia vapours can condense onto freshly nucleated particles as small as a few nanometres in diameter. Moreover, when it is cold enough (below -15 degrees Celsius), nitric acid and ammonia can nucleate directly through an acid-base stabilization mechanism to form ammonium nitrate particles. Given that these vapours are often one thousand times more abundant than sulfuric acid, the resulting particle growth rates can be extremely high, reaching well above 100 nanometres per hour. However, these high growth rates require the gas-particle ammonium nitrate system to be out of equilibrium in order to sustain gas-phase supersaturations. In view of the strong temperature dependence that we measure for the gas-phase supersaturations, we expect such transient conditions to occur in inhomogeneous urban settings, especially in wintertime, driven by vertical mixing and by strong local sources such as traffic. Even though rapid growth from nitric acid and ammonia condensation may last for only a few minutes, it is nonetheless fast enough to shepherd freshly nucleated particles through the smallest size range where they are most vulnerable to scavenging loss, thus greatly increasing their survival probability. We also expect nitric acid and ammonia nucleation and rapid growth to be important in the relatively clean and cold upper free troposphere, where ammonia can be convected from the continental boundary layer and nitric acid is abundant from electrical storms(4,5).

Metabolic heterogeneity confers differences in melanoma metastatic potential 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 115-+
作者:  Tasdogan, Alpaslan;  Faubert, Brandon;  Ramesh, Vijayashree;  Ubellacker, Jessalyn M.;  Shen, Bo;  Solmonson, Ashley;  Murphy, Malea M.;  Gu, Zhimin;  Gu, Wen;  Martin, Misty;  Kasitinon, Stacy Y.;  Vandergriff, Travis;  Mathews, Thomas P.;  Zhao, Zhiyu;  Schadendorf, Dirk;  DeBerardinis, Ralph J.;  Morrison, Sean J.
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Metastasis requires cancer cells to undergo metabolic changes that are poorly understood(1-3). Here we show that metabolic differences among melanoma cells confer differences in metastatic potential as a result of differences in the function of the MCT1 transporter. In vivo isotope tracing analysis in patient-derived xenografts revealed differences in nutrient handling between efficiently and inefficiently metastasizing melanomas, with circulating lactate being a more prominent source of tumour lactate in efficient metastasizers. Efficient metastasizers had higher levels of MCT1, and inhibition of MCT1 reduced lactate uptake. MCT1 inhibition had little effect on the growth of primary subcutaneous tumours, but resulted in depletion of circulating melanoma cells and reduced the metastatic disease burden in patient-derived xenografts and in mouse melanomas. In addition, inhibition of MCT1 suppressed the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and increased levels of reactive oxygen species. Antioxidants blocked the effects of MCT1 inhibition on metastasis. MCT1(high) and MCT1(-/low) cells from the same melanomas had similar capacities to form subcutaneous tumours, but MCT1(high) cells formed more metastases after intravenous injection. Metabolic differences among cancer cells thus confer differences in metastatic potential as metastasizing cells depend on MCT1 to manage oxidative stress.

Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  von Appen, Alexander;  LaJoie, Dollie;  Johnson, Isabel E.;  Trnka, Michael J.;  Pick, Sarah M.;  Burlingame, Alma L.;  Ullman, Katharine S.;  Frost, Adam
收藏  |  浏览/下载:52/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Skin organoids generated in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells form complex, multilayered skin tissue with hair follicles, sebaceous glands and neural circuitry, and integrate with endogenous skin when grafted onto immunocompromised mice.

The skin is a multilayered organ, equipped with appendages (that is, follicles and glands), that is critical for regulating body temperature and the retention of bodily fluids, guarding against external stresses and mediating the sensation of touch and pain(1,2). Reconstructing appendage-bearing skin in cultures and in bioengineered grafts is a biomedical challenge that has yet to be met(3-9). Here we report an organoid culture system that generates complex skin from human pluripotent stem cells. We use stepwise modulation of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathways to co-induce cranial epithelial cells and neural crest cells within a spherical cell aggregate. During an incubation period of 4-5 months, we observe the emergence of a cyst-like skin organoid composed of stratified epidermis, fat-rich dermis and pigmented hair follicles that are equipped with sebaceous glands. A network of sensory neurons and Schwann cells form nerve-like bundles that target Merkel cells in organoid hair follicles, mimicking the neural circuitry associated with human touch. Single-cell RNA sequencing and direct comparison to fetal specimens suggest that the skin organoids are equivalent to the facial skin of human fetuses in the second trimester of development. Moreover, we show that skin organoids form planar hair-bearing skin when grafted onto nude mice. Together, our results demonstrate that nearly complete skin can self-assemble in vitro and be used to reconstitute skin in vivo. We anticipate that our skin organoids will provide a foundation for future studies of human skin development, disease modelling and reconstructive surgery.

IGF1R is an entry receptor for respiratory syncytial virus 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7817) : 615-+
作者:  Pasquina-Lemonche, L.;  Burns, J.;  Turner, R. D.;  Kumar, S.;  Tank, R.;  Mullin, N.;  Wilson, J. S.;  Chakrabarti, B.;  Bullough, P. A.;  Foster, S. J.;  Hobbs, J. K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Respiratory syncytial virus enters cells by binding to cell-surface IGFR1, which activates PKC zeta and induces trafficking of the NCL coreceptor to the RSV particles at the cell surface.

Pneumonia resulting from infection is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Pulmonary infection by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a large burden on human health, for which there are few therapeutic options(1). RSV targets ciliated epithelial cells in the airways, but how viruses such as RSV interact with receptors on these cells is not understood. Nucleolin is an entry coreceptor for RSV2 and also mediates the cellular entry of influenza, the parainfluenza virus, some enteroviruses and the bacterium that causes tularaemia(3,4). Here we show a mechanism of RSV entry into cells in which outside-in signalling, involving binding of the prefusion RSV-F glycoprotein with the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor, triggers the activation of protein kinase C zeta (PKC zeta). This cellular signalling cascade recruits nucleolin from the nuclei of cells to the plasma membrane, where it also binds to RSV-F on virions. We find that inhibiting PKC zeta activation prevents the trafficking of nucleolin to RSV particles on airway organoid cultures, and reduces viral replication and pathology in RSV-infected mice. These findings reveal a mechanism of virus entry in which receptor engagement and signal transduction bring the coreceptor to viral particles at the cell surface, and could form the basis of new therapeutics to treat RSV infection.

Ionic solids from common colloids 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7804) : 487-+
作者:  Delord, T.;  Huillery, P.;  Nicolas, L.;  Hetet, G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Oppositely charged colloidal particles are assembled in water through an approach that allows electrostatic interactions to be precisely tuned to generate macroscopic single crystals.

From rock salt to nanoparticle superlattices, complex structure can emerge from simple building blocks that attract each other through Coulombic forces(1-4). On the micrometre scale, however, colloids in water defy the intuitively simple idea of forming crystals from oppositely charged partners, instead forming non-equilibrium structures such as clusters and gels(5-7). Although various systems have been engineered to grow binary crystals(8-11), native surface charge in aqueous conditions has not been used to assemble crystalline materials. Here we form ionic colloidal crystals in water through an approach that we refer to as polymer-attenuated Coulombic self-assembly. The key to crystallization is the use of a neutral polymer to keep particles separated by well defined distances, allowing us to tune the attractive overlap of electrical double layers, directing particles to disperse, crystallize or become permanently fixed on demand. The nucleation and growth of macroscopic single crystals is demonstrated by using the Debye screening length to fine-tune assembly. Using a variety of colloidal particles and commercial polymers, ionic colloidal crystals isostructural to caesium chloride, sodium chloride, aluminium diboride and K4C60 are selected according to particle size ratios. Once fixed by simply diluting out solution salts, crystals are pulled out of the water for further manipulation, demonstrating an accurate translation from solution-phase assembly to dried solid structures. In contrast to other assembly approaches, in which particles must be carefully engineered to encode binding information(12-18), polymer-attenuated Coulombic self-assembly enables conventional colloids to be used as model colloidal ions, primed for crystallization.

Two-dimensional halide perovskite lateral epitaxial heterostructures 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7805) : 614-+
作者:  Cabrita, Rita;  Lauss, Martin;  Sanna, Adriana;  Donia, Marco;  Larsen, Mathilde;  Mitra, Shamik;  Johansson, Iva;  Phung, Bengt;  Harbst, Katja;  Vallon-Christersson, Johan;  van Schoiack, Alison;  Lovgren, Kristina;  Warren, Sarah;  Jirstrom, Karin;  Olsson, Hakan;  Pietras, Kristian;  Ingvar, Christian;  Isaksson, Karolin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Epitaxial heterostructures based on oxide perovskites and III-V, II-VI and transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors form the foundation of modern electronics and optoelectronics(1-7). Halide perovskites-an emerging family of tunable semiconductors with desirable properties-are attractive for applications such as solution-processed solar cells, light-emitting diodes, detectors and lasers(8-15). Their inherently soft crystal lattice allows greater tolerance to lattice mismatch, making them promising for heterostructure formation and semiconductor integration(16,17). Atomically sharp epitaxial interfaces are necessary to improve performance and for device miniaturization. However, epitaxial growth of atomically sharp heterostructures of halide perovskites has not yet been achieved, owing to their high intrinsic ion mobility, which leads to interdiffusion and large junction widths(18-21), and owing to their poor chemical stability, which leads to decomposition of prior layers during the fabrication of subsequent layers. Therefore, understanding the origins of this instability and identifying effective approaches to suppress ion diffusion are of great importance(22-26). Here we report an effective strategy to substantially inhibit in-plane ion diffusion in two-dimensional halide perovskites by incorporating rigid pi-conjugated organic ligands. We demonstrate highly stable and tunable lateral epitaxial heterostructures, multiheterostructures and superlattices. Near-atomically sharp interfaces and epitaxial growth are revealed by low-dose aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm the reduced heterostructure disorder and larger vacancy formation energies of the two-dimensional perovskites in the presence of conjugated ligands. These findings provide insights into the immobilization and stabilization of halide perovskite semiconductors and demonstrate a materials platform for complex and molecularly thin superlattices, devices and integrated circuits.

An epitaxial growth strategy that improves the stability of two-dimensional halide perovskites by inhibiting ion diffusion in their heterostructures using rigid pi-conjugated ligands is demonstrated, and shows near-atomically sharp interfaces.

Effect of nitrogen addition and litter removal on understory vegetation, soil mesofauna, and litter decomposition in loblolly pine plantations in subtropical Argentina 期刊论文
作者:  Trentini, C. P.;  Villagra, M.;  Gomez Pamies, D.;  Bernava Laborde, V;  Bedano, J. C.;  Campanello, P., I
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Atlantic forest  Ecological function  Plant growth form  Native tree regeneration  Collembola  
Possible link between photosynthesis and leaf modulus of elasticity among vascular plants: a new player in leaf traits relationships? 期刊论文
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2018, 21 (9) : 1372-1379
作者:  Nadal, Miquel;  Flexas, Jaume;  Gulias, Javier
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Growth form  leaf capacitance  leaf structure  mesophyll conductance  modulus of elasticity  photosynthesis  photosynthesis limitations