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Revealing enigmatic mucus structures in the deep sea using DeepPIV 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7814) : 78-+
作者:  Nguyen, Ngoc Uyen Nhi;  Canseco, Diana C.;  Xiao, Feng;  Nakada, Yuji;  Li, Shujuan;  Lam, Nicholas T.;  Muralidhar, Shalini A.;  Savla, Jainy J.;  Hill, Joseph A.;  Le, Victor;  Zidan, Kareem A.;  El-Feky, Hamed W.;  Wang, Zhaoning;  Ahmed, Mahmoud Salama;  Hubbi, Maimon E.;  Menendez-Montes, Ivan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/06/09

Advanced deep-sea imaging tools yield insights into the structure and function of mucus filtration houses built by midwater giant larvaceans.

Many animals build complex structures to aid in their survival, but very few are built exclusively from materials that animals create (1,2). In the midwaters of the ocean, mucoid structures are readily secreted by numerous animals, and serve many vital functions(3,4). However, little is known about these mucoid structures owing to the challenges of observing them in the deep sea. Among these mucoid forms, the '  houses'  of larvaceans are marvels of nature(5), and in the ocean twilight zone giant larvaceans secrete and build mucus filtering structures that can reach diameters of more than 1 m(6). Here we describe in situ laser-imaging technology(7) that reconstructs three-dimensional models of mucus forms. The models provide high-resolution views of giant larvacean houses and elucidate the role that house structure has in food capture and predator avoidance. Now that tools exist to study mucus structures found throughout the ocean, we can shed light on some of nature'  s most complex forms.

Antarctic Sea Ice Area in CMIP6 期刊论文
作者:  Roach, Lettie A.;  39;Farrell, Siobhan P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
sea ice  CMIP6  Antarctica  climate models  Southern Ocean  model evaluation  
Hydrothermal (NN)-N-15-N-15 abundances constrain the origins of mantle nitrogen 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : 367-+
作者:  Zhao, Steven;  Jang, Cholsoon;  Liu, Joyce;  Uehara, Kahealani;  Gilbert, Michael;  Izzo, Luke;  Zeng, Xianfeng;  Trefely, Sophie;  Fernandez, Sully;  Carrer, Alessandro;  Miller, Katelyn D.;  Schug, Zachary T.;  Snyder, Nathaniel W.;  Gade, Terence P.;  Titchenell, Paul M.;  Rabinowitz, Joshua D.;  Wellen, Kathryn E.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

Nitrogen is the main constituent of the Earth'  s atmosphere, but its provenance in the Earth'  s mantle remains uncertain. The relative contribution of primordial nitrogen inherited during the Earth'  s accretion versus that subducted from the Earth'  s surface is unclear(1-6). Here we show that the mantle may have retained remnants of such primordial nitrogen. We use the rare (NN)-N-15-N-15 isotopologue of N-2 as a new tracer of air contamination in volcanic gas effusions. By constraining air contamination in gases from Iceland, Eifel (Germany) and Yellowstone (USA), we derive estimates of mantle delta N-15 (the fractional difference in N-15/N-14 from air), N-2/Ar-36 and N-2/He-3. Our results show that negative delta N-15 values observed in gases, previously regarded as indicating a mantle origin for nitrogen(7-10), in fact represent dominantly air-derived N-2 that experienced N-15/N-14 fractionation in hydrothermal systems. Using two-component mixing models to correct for this effect, the (NN)-N-15-N-15 data allow extrapolations that characterize mantle endmember delta N-15, N-2/Ar-36 and N-2/He-3 values. We show that the Eifel region has slightly increased delta N-15 and N-2/Ar-36 values relative to estimates for the convective mantle provided by mid-ocean-ridge basalts(11), consistent with subducted nitrogen being added to the mantle source. In contrast, we find that whereas the Yellowstone plume has delta N-15 values substantially greater than that of the convective mantle, resembling surface components(12-15), its N-2/Ar-36 and N-2/He-3 ratios are indistinguishable from those of the convective mantle. This observation raises the possibility that the plume hosts a primordial component. We provide a test of the subduction hypothesis with a two-box model, describing the evolution of mantle and surface nitrogen through geological time. We show that the effect of subduction on the deep nitrogen cycle may be less important than has been suggested by previous investigations. We propose instead that high mid-ocean-ridge basalt and plume delta N-15 values may both be dominantly primordial features.

Coupling of Indo-Pacific climate variability over the last millennium 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Chow, Brian W.;  Nunez, Vicente;  Kaplan, Luke;  Granger, Adam J.;  Bistrong, Karina;  Zucker, Hannah L.;  Kumar, Payal;  Sabatini, Bernardo L.;  Gu, Chenghua
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

Coral records indicate that the variability of the Indian Ocean Dipole over the last millennium is strongly coupled to variability in the El Nino/Southern Oscillation and that recent extremes are unusual but not unprecedented.

The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) affects climate and rainfall across the world, and most severely in nations surrounding the Indian Ocean(1-4). The frequency and intensity of positive IOD events increased during the twentieth century(5) and may continue to intensify in a warming world(6). However, confidence in predictions of future IOD change is limited by known biases in IOD models(7) and the lack of information on natural IOD variability before anthropogenic climate change. Here we use precisely dated and highly resolved coral records from the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, where the signature of IOD variability is strong and unambiguous, to produce a semi-continuous reconstruction of IOD variability that covers five centuries of the last millennium. Our reconstruction demonstrates that extreme positive IOD events were rare before 1960. However, the most extreme event on record (1997) is not unprecedented, because at least one event that was approximately 27 to 42 per cent larger occurred naturally during the seventeenth century. We further show that a persistent, tight coupling existed between the variability of the IOD and the El Nino/Southern Oscillation during the last millennium. Indo-Pacific coupling was characterized by weak interannual variability before approximately 1590, which probably altered teleconnection patterns, and by anomalously strong variability during the seventeenth century, which was associated with societal upheaval in tropical Asia. A tendency towards clustering of positive IOD events is evident in our reconstruction, which-together with the identification of extreme IOD variability and persistent tropical Indo-Pacific climate coupling-may have implications for improving seasonal and decadal predictions and managing the climate risks of future IOD variability.

Ice front blocking of ocean heat transport to an Antarctic ice shelf 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7796) : 568-+
作者:  Alexandrov, Ludmil B.;  Kim, Jaegil;  Haradhvala, Nicholas J.;  Huang, Mi Ni;  Ng, Alvin Wei Tian;  Wu, Yang;  Boot, Arnoud;  Covington, Kyle R.;  Gordenin, Dmitry A.;  Bergstrom, Erik N.;  Islam, S. M. Ashiqul;  Lopez-Bigas, Nuria;  Klimczak, Leszek J.;  McPherson, John R.;  Morganella, Sandro;  Sabarinathan, Radhakrishnan;  Wheeler, David A.;  Mustonen, Ville;  Getz, Gad;  Rozen, Steven G.;  Stratton, Michael R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/05/13

The front of the Getz Ice Shelf in West Antarctica creates an abrupt topographic step that deflects ocean currents, suppressing 70% of the heat delivery to the ice sheet.

Mass loss from the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the ocean has increased in recent decades, largely because the thinning of its floating ice shelves has allowed the outflow of grounded ice to accelerate(1,2). Enhanced basal melting of the ice shelves is thought to be the ultimate driver of change(2,3), motivating a recent focus on the processes that control ocean heat transport onto and across the seabed of the Antarctic continental shelf towards the ice(4-6). However, the shoreward heat flux typically far exceeds that required to match observed melt rates(2,7,8), suggesting that other critical controls exist. Here we show that the depth-independent (barotropic) component of the heat flow towards an ice shelf is blocked by the marked step shape of the ice front, and that only the depth-varying (baroclinic) component, which is typically much smaller, can enter the sub-ice cavity. Our results arise from direct observations of the Getz Ice Shelf system and laboratory experiments on a rotating platform. A similar blocking of the barotropic component may occur in other areas with comparable ice-bathymetry configurations, which may explain why changes in the density structure of the water column have been found to be a better indicator of basal melt rate variability than the heat transported onto the continental shelf(9). Representing the step topography of the ice front accurately in models is thus important for simulating ocean heat fluxes and induced melt rates.

Mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2018 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 233-+
作者:  Scudellari, Megan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/04/16

The Greenland Ice Sheet has been a major contributor to global sea-level rise in recent decades(1,2), and it is expected to continue to be so(3). Although increases in glacier flow(4-6) and surface melting(7-9) have been driven by oceanic(10-12) and atmospheric(13,14) warming, the magnitude and trajectory of the ice sheet'  s mass imbalance remain uncertain. Here we compare and combine 26 individual satellite measurements of changes in the ice sheet'  s volume, flow and gravitational potential to produce a reconciled estimate of its mass balance. The ice sheet was close to a state of balance in the 1990s, but annual losses have risen since then, peaking at 345 +/- 66 billion tonnes per year in 2011. In all, Greenland lost 3,902 +/- 342 billion tonnes of ice between 1992 and 2018, causing the mean sea level to rise by 10.8 +/- 0.9 millimetres. Using three regional climate models, we show that the reduced surface mass balance has driven 1,964 +/- 565 billion tonnes (50.3 per cent) of the ice loss owing to increased meltwater runoff. The remaining 1,938 +/- 541 billion tonnes (49.7 per cent) of ice loss was due to increased glacier dynamical imbalance, which rose from 46 +/- 37 billion tonnes per year in the 1990s to 87 +/- 25 billion tonnes per year since then. The total rate of ice loss slowed to 222 +/- 30 billion tonnes per year between 2013 and 2017, on average, as atmospheric circulation favoured cooler conditions(15) and ocean temperatures fell at the terminus of Jakobshavn Isbr AE(16). Cumulative ice losses from Greenland as a whole have been close to the rates predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for their high-end climate warming scenario(17), which forecast an additional 70 to 130 millimetres of global sea-level rise by 2100 compared with their central estimate.

Simulating Water Residence Time in the Coastal Ocean: A Global Perspective 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2019, 46 (23) : 13910-13919
作者:  Liu, Xiao;  Dunne, John P.;  Stock, Charles A.;  Harrison, Matthew J.;  Adcroft, Alistair;  Resplandy, Laure
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
residence time  coastal geometry and processes  global ocean models  coast-ocean exchanges  
Tropical Pacific Ocean Dynamical Response to Short-Term Sulfate Aerosol Forcing 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2019, 32 (23) : 8205-8221
作者:  Verma, Tarun;  Saravanan, R.;  Chang, P.;  Mahajan, S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
Tropics  Atmosphere-ocean interaction  Ocean dynamics  Aerosols  Climate models  Interannual variability  
Predictive Skill and Predictable Patterns of the US Seasonal Precipitation in CFSv2 Reforecasts of 60 Years (1958-2017) 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2019, 32 (24) : 8603-8637
作者:  Huang, Bohua;  Shin, Chul-Su;  Kumar, Arun
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
Atmosphere-ocean interaction  ENSO  Precipitation  Seasonal forecasting  Climate models  Multidecadal variability  
Diagnosing and Predicting ENSO SSTA Development from Moored-Buoy and Scatterometer Winds 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2019, 32 (24) : 8755-8770
作者:  Chiodi, Andrew M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
ENSO  Wind stress  Air-sea interaction  Seasonal forecasting  General circulation models  Ocean models