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Rapid non-uniform adaptation to conformation-specific KRAS(G12C) inhibition 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7790) : 421-+
作者:  Xue, Jenny Y.;  Zhao, Yulei;  Aronowitz, Jordan;  Mai, Trang T.;  Vides, Alberto;  Qeriqi, Besnik;  Kim, Dongsung;  Li, Chuanchuan;  de Stanchina, Elisa;  Mazutis, Linas;  Risso, Davide;  Lito, Piro
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KRAS GTPases are activated in one-third of cancers, and KRAS(G12C) is one of the most common activating alterations in lung adenocarcinoma(1,2). KRAS(G12C) inhibitors(3,4) are in phase-I clinical trials and early data show partial responses in nearly half of patients with lung cancer. How cancer cells bypass inhibition to prevent maximal response to therapy is not understood. Because KRAS(G12C) cycles between an active and inactive conformation(4-6), and the inhibitors bind only to the latter, we tested whether isogenic cell populations respond in a non-uniform manner by studying the effect of treatment at a single-cell resolution. Here we report that, shortly after treatment, some cancer cells are sequestered in a quiescent state with low KRAS activity, whereas others bypass this effect to resume proliferation. This rapid divergent response occurs because some quiescent cells produce new KRAS(G12C) in response to suppressed mitogen-activated protein kinase output. New KRAS(G12C) is maintained in its active, drug-insensitive state by epidermal growth factor receptor and aurora kinase signalling. Cells without these adaptive changes-or cells in which these changes are pharmacologically inhibited-remain sensitive to drug treatment, because new KRAS(G12C) is either not available or exists in its inactive, drug-sensitive state. The direct targeting of KRAS oncoproteins has been a longstanding objective in precision oncology. Our study uncovers a flexible non-uniform fitness mechanism that enables groups of cells within a population to rapidly bypass the effect of treatment. This adaptive process must be overcome if we are to achieve complete and durable responses in the clinic.

A GPR174-CCL21 module imparts sexual dimorphism to humoral immunity 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7790) : 416-+
作者:  Morley, Jessica;  Cowls, Josh;  Taddeo, Mariarosaria;  Floridi, Luciano
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Humoral immune responses to immunization and infection and susceptibilities to antibody-mediated autoimmunity are generally lower in males(1-3). However, the mechanisms underlying such sexual dimorphism are not well understood. Here we show that there are intrinsic differences between the B cells that produce germinal centres in male and female mice. We find that antigen-activated male B cells do not position themselves as efficiently as female B cells in the centre of follicles in secondary lymphoid organs, in which germinal centres normally develop. Moreover, GPR174-an X-chromosome-encoded G-protein-coupled receptor-suppresses the formation of germinal centres in male, but not female, mice. This effect is intrinsic to B cells, and correlates with the GPR174-enhanced positioning of B cells towards the T-cell-B-cell border of follicles, and the distraction of male, but not female, B cells from S1PR2-driven follicle-centre localization. Biochemical fractionation of conditioned media that induce B-cell migration in a GPR174-dependent manner identifies CCL21 as a GPR174 ligand. In response to CCL21, GPR174 triggers a calcium flux and preferentially induces the migration of male B cells  GPR174 also becomes associated with more G alpha i protein in male than in female B cells. Male B cells from orchidectomized mice exhibit impaired GPR174-mediated migration to CCL21, and testosterone treatment rescues this defect. Female B cells from testosterone-treated mice exhibit male-like GPR174-G alpha i association and GPR174-mediated migration. Deleting GPR174 from male B cells causes more efficient positioning towards the follicular centre, the formation of more germinal centres and an increased susceptibility to B-cell-dependent experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. By identifying GPR174 as a receptor for CCL21 and demonstrating its sex-dependent control of B-cell positioning and participation in germinal centres, we have revealed a mechanism by which B-cell physiology is fine-tuned to impart sexual dimorphism to humoral immunity.

Molecular tuning of CO2-to-ethylene conversion 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7791) : 509-+
作者:  Li, Fengwang;  39;Brien, Colin P.
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The electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide, powered by renewable electricity, to produce valuable fuels and feedstocks provides a sustainable and carbon-neutral approach to the storage of energy produced by intermittent renewable sources(1). However, the highly selective generation of economically desirable products such as ethylene from the carbon dioxide reduction reaction (CO2RR) remains a challenge(2). Tuning the stabilities of intermediates to favour a desired reaction pathway can improve selectivity(3-5), and this has recently been explored for the reaction on copper by controlling morphology(6), grain boundaries(7), facets(8), oxidation state(9) and dopants(10). Unfortunately, the Faradaic efficiency for ethylene is still low in neutral media (60 per cent at a partial current density of 7 milliamperes per square centimetre in the best catalyst reported so far(9)), resulting in a low energy efficiency. Here we present a molecular tuning strategy-the functionalization of the surface of electrocatalysts with organic molecules-that stabilizes intermediates for more selective CO2RR to ethylene. Using electrochemical, operando/in situ spectroscopic and computational studies, we investigate the influence of a library of molecules, derived by electro-dimerization of arylpyridiniums(11), adsorbed on copper. We find that the adhered molecules improve the stabilization of an '  atop-bound'  CO intermediate (that is, an intermediate bound to a single copper atom), thereby favouring further reduction to ethylene. As a result of this strategy, we report the CO2RR to ethylene with a Faradaic efficiency of 72 per cent at a partial current density of 230 milliamperes per square centimetre in a liquid-electrolyte flow cell in a neutral medium. We report stable ethylene electrosynthesis for 190 hours in a system based on a membrane-electrode assembly that provides a full-cell energy efficiency of 20 per cent. We anticipate that this may be generalized to enable molecular strategies to complement heterogeneous catalysts by stabilizing intermediates through local molecular tuning.

Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 over copper can be made highly selective by '  tuning'  the copper surface with adsorbed organic molecules to stabilize intermediates for carbon-based fuels such as ethylene

Accelerated discovery of CO2 electrocatalysts using active machine learning 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7807) : 178-+
作者:  Lan, Jun;  Ge, Jiwan;  Yu, Jinfang;  Shan, Sisi;  Zhou, Huan;  Fan, Shilong;  Zhang, Qi;  Shi, Xuanling;  Wang, Qisheng;  Zhang, Linqi;  Wang, Xinquan
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The rapid increase in global energy demand and the need to replace carbon dioxide (CO2)-emitting fossil fuels with renewable sources have driven interest in chemical storage of intermittent solar and wind energy(1,2). Particularly attractive is the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to chemical feedstocks, which uses both CO2 and renewable energy(3-8). Copper has been the predominant electrocatalyst for this reaction when aiming for more valuable multi-carbon products(9-16), and process improvements have been particularly notable when targeting ethylene. However, the energy efficiency and productivity (current density) achieved so far still fall below the values required to produce ethylene at cost-competitive prices. Here we describe Cu-Al electrocatalysts, identified using density functional theory calculations in combination with active machine learning, that efficiently reduce CO2 to ethylene with the highest Faradaic efficiency reported so far. This Faradaic efficiency of over 80 per cent (compared to about 66 per cent for pure Cu) is achieved at a current density of 400 milliamperes per square centimetre (at 1.5 volts versus a reversible hydrogen electrode) and a cathodic-side (half-cell) ethylene power conversion efficiency of 55 +/- 2 per cent at 150 milliamperes per square centimetre. We perform computational studies that suggest that the Cu-Al alloys provide multiple sites and surface orientations with near-optimal CO binding for both efficient and selective CO2 reduction(17). Furthermore, in situ X-ray absorption measurements reveal that Cu and Al enable a favourable Cu coordination environment that enhances C-C dimerization. These findings illustrate the value of computation and machine learning in guiding the experimental exploration of multi-metallic systems that go beyond the limitations of conventional single-metal electrocatalysts.

A neurotransmitter produced by gut bacteria modulates host sensory behaviour 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Zhao, Xiaoxu;  Song, Peng;  Wang, Chengcai;  Riis-Jensen, Anders C.;  Fu, Wei;  Deng, Ya;  Wan, Dongyang;  Kang, Lixing;  Ning, Shoucong;  Dan, Jiadong;  Venkatesan, T.;  Liu, Zheng;  Zhou, Wu;  Thygesen, Kristian S.;  Luo, Xin;  Pennycook, Stephen J.;  Loh, Kian Ping
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A neuromodulator produced by commensalProvidenciabacteria that colonize the gut ofCaenorhabditis elegansmimics the functions of the cognate host molecule to manipulate a sensory decision of the host.

Animals coexist in commensal, pathogenic or mutualistic relationships with complex communities of diverse organisms, including microorganisms(1). Some bacteria produce bioactive neurotransmitters that have previously been proposed to modulate nervous system activity and behaviours of their hosts(2,3). However, the mechanistic basis of this microbiota-brain signalling and its physiological relevance are largely unknown. Here we show that inCaenorhabditis elegans, the neuromodulator tyramine produced by commensalProvidenciabacteria, which colonize the gut, bypasses the requirement for host tyramine biosynthesis and manipulates a host sensory decision. Bacterially produced tyramine is probably converted to octopamine by the host tyramine beta-hydroxylase enzyme. Octopamine, in turn, targets the OCTR-1 octopamine receptor on ASH nociceptive neurons to modulate an aversive olfactory response. We identify the genes that are required for tyramine biosynthesis inProvidencia, and show that these genes are necessary for the modulation of host behaviour. We further find thatC. eleganscolonized byProvidenciapreferentially select these bacteria in food choice assays, and that this selection bias requires bacterially produced tyramine and host octopamine signalling. Our results demonstrate that a neurotransmitter produced by gut bacteria mimics the functions of the cognate host molecule to override host control of a sensory decision, and thereby promotes fitness of both the host and the microorganism.

Plant 22-nt siRNAs mediate translational repression and stress adaptation 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7806) : 89-+
作者:  Roulis, Manolis;  Kaklamanos, Aimilios;  Schernthanner, Marina;  Bielecki, Piotr;  Zhao, Jun;  Kaffe, Eleanna;  Frommelt, Laura-Sophie;  Qu, Rihao;  Knapp, Marlene S.;  Henriques, Ana;  Chalkidi, Niki;  Koliaraki, Vasiliki;  Jiao, Jing;  Brewer, J. Richard;  Bacher, Maren;  Blackburn, Holly N.;  Zhao, Xiaoyun;  Breyer, Richard M.;  Aidinis, Vassilis;  Jain, Dhanpat;  Su, Bing;  Herschman, Harvey R.;  Kluger, Yuval;  Kollias, George;  Flavell, Richard A.
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Characterization of 22-nucleotide short interfering RNAs in plants finds that they accumulate in response to environmental stress, causing translational repression, inhibition of plant growth and enhanced stress responses.

Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are essential for proper development and immunity in eukaryotes(1). Plants produce siRNAs with lengths of 21, 22 or 24 nucleotides. The 21- and 24-nucleotide species mediate cleavage of messenger RNAs and DNA methylation(2,3), respectively, but the biological functions of the 22-nucleotide siRNAs remain unknown. Here we report the identification and characterization of a group of endogenous 22-nucleotide siRNAs that are generated by the DICER-LIKE 2 (DCL2) protein in plants. When cytoplasmic RNA decay and DCL4 are deficient, the resulting massive accumulation of 22-nucleotide siRNAs causes pleiotropic growth disorders, including severe dwarfism, meristem defects and pigmentation. Notably, two genes that encode nitrate reductases-NIA1 and NIA2-produce nearly half of the 22-nucleotide siRNAs. Production of 22-nucleotide siRNAs triggers the amplification of gene silencing and induces translational repression both gene specifically and globally. Moreover, these 22-nucleotide siRNAs preferentially accumulate upon environmental stress, especially those siRNAs derived from NIA1/2, which act to restrain translation, inhibit plant growth and enhance stress responses. Thus, our research uncovers the unique properties of 22-nucleotide siRNAs, and reveals their importance in plant adaptation to environmental stresses.

A glimpse inside delta Scuti stars 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7807) : 141-142
作者:  Green, Douglas R.
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Patterns in the vibrations of stars produce a sort of natural music that offers clues to the stars'  internal structure. Astronomers have identified such patterns for some delta Scuti stars, a group for which this music had been elusive.

The oscillation modes of an enigmatic group of stars.

Origin of complexity in haemoglobin evolution 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Cheema, Suraj S.;  Kwon, Daewoong;  Shanker, Nirmaan;  dos Reis, Roberto;  Hsu, Shang-Lin;  Xiao, Jun;  Zhang, Haigang;  Wagner, Ryan;  Datar, Adhiraj;  McCarter, Margaret R.;  Serrao, Claudy R.;  Yadav, Ajay K.;  Karbasian, Golnaz;  Hsu, Cheng-Hsiang;  Tan, Ava J.;  Wang, Li-Chen;  Thakare, Vishal;  Zhang, Xiang;  Mehta, Apurva;  Karapetrova, Evguenia;  Chopdekar, Rajesh, V;  Shafer, Padraic;  Arenholz, Elke;  Hu, Chenming;  Proksch, Roger;  Ramesh, Ramamoorthy;  Ciston, Jim;  Salahuddin, Sayeef
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Most proteins associate into multimeric complexes with specific architectures(1,2), which often have functional properties such as cooperative ligand binding or allosteric regulation(3). No detailed knowledge is available about how any multimer and its functions arose during evolution. Here we use ancestral protein reconstruction and biophysical assays to elucidate the origins of vertebrate haemoglobin, a heterotetramer of paralogous alpha- and beta-subunits that mediates respiratory oxygen transport and exchange by cooperatively binding oxygen with moderate affinity. We show that modern haemoglobin evolved from an ancient monomer and characterize the historical '  missing link'  through which the modern tetramer evolved-a noncooperative homodimer with high oxygen affinity that existed before the gene duplication that generated distinct alpha- and beta-subunits. Reintroducing just two post-duplication historical substitutions into the ancestral protein is sufficient to cause strong tetramerization by creating favourable contacts with more ancient residues on the opposing subunit. These surface substitutions markedly reduce oxygen affinity and even confer cooperativity, because an ancient linkage between the oxygen binding site and the multimerization interface was already an intrinsic feature of the protein'  s structure. Our findings establish that evolution can produce new complex molecular structures and functions via simple genetic mechanisms that recruit existing biophysical features into higher-level architectures.

Experimental analysis of reconstructed ancestral globins reveals that haemoglobin'  s complex tetrameric structure and oxygen-binding functions evolved by simple genetic and biophysical mechanisms.

Paracrine orchestration of intestinal tumorigenesis by a mesenchymal niche 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7804) : 524-+
作者:  Poore, Gregory D.;  Kopylova, Evguenia;  Zhu, Qiyun;  Carpenter, Carolina;  Fraraccio, Serena;  Wandro, Stephen;  Kosciolek, Tomasz;  Janssen, Stefan;  Metcalf, Jessica;  Song, Se Jin;  Kanbar, Jad;  Miller-Montgomery, Sandrine;  Heaton, Robert;  Mckay, Rana;  Patel, Sandip Pravin;  Swafford, Austin D.;  Knight, Rob
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The initiation of an intestinal tumour is a probabilistic process that depends on the competition between mutant and normal epithelial stem cells in crypts(1). Intestinal stem cells are closely associated with a diverse but poorly characterized network of mesenchymal cell types(2,3). However, whether the physiological mesenchymal microenvironment of mutant stem cells affects tumour initiation remains unknown. Here we provide in vivo evidence that the mesenchymal niche controls tumour initiation in trans. By characterizing the heterogeneity of the intestinal mesenchyme using single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis, we identified a population of rare pericryptal Ptgs2-expressing fibroblasts that constitutively process arachidonic acid into highly labile prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)). Specific ablation of Ptgs2 in fibroblasts was sufficient to prevent tumour initiation in two different models of sporadic, autochthonous tumorigenesis. Mechanistically, single-cell RNA-sequencing analyses of a mesenchymal niche model showed that fibroblast-derived PGE(2) drives the expansion omicron f a population of Sca-1(+) reserve-like stem cells. These express a strong regenerative/tumorigenic program, driven by the Hippo pathway effector Yap. In vivo, Yap is indispensable for Sca-1(+) cell expansion and early tumour initiation and displays a nuclear localization in both mouse and human adenomas. Using organoid experiments, we identified a molecular mechanism whereby PGE(2) promotes Yap dephosphorylation, nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity by signalling through the receptor Ptger4. Epithelial-specific ablation of Ptger4 misdirected the regenerative reprogramming of stem cells and prevented Sca-1(+) cell expansion and sporadic tumour initiation in mutant mice, thereby demonstrating the robust paracrine control of tumour-initiating stem cells by PGE(2)-Ptger4. Analyses of patient-derived organoids established that PGE(2)-PTGER4 also regulates stem-cell function in humans. Our study demonstrates that initiation of colorectal cancer is orchestrated by the mesenchymal niche and reveals a mechanism by which rare pericryptal Ptgs2-expressing fibroblasts exert paracrine control over tumour-initiating stem cells via the druggable PGE(2)-Ptger4-Yap signalling axis.

Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis of intestinal mesenchyme identified a population of fibroblasts that produce prostaglandin E-2, which, when disrupted, prevented initiation of intestinal tumours.

Recycling and metabolic flexibility dictate life in the lower oceanic crust 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 250-+
作者:  Zhou, Peng;  Yang, Xing-Lou;  Wang, Xian-Guang;  Hu, Ben;  Zhang, Lei;  Zhang, Wei;  Si, Hao-Rui;  Zhu, Yan;  Li, Bei;  Huang, Chao-Lin;  Chen, Hui-Dong;  Chen, Jing;  Luo, Yun;  Guo, Hua;  Jiang, Ren-Di;  Liu, Mei-Qin;  Chen, Ying;  Shen, Xu-Rui;  Wang, Xi;  Zheng, Xiao-Shuang;  Zhao, Kai;  Chen, Quan-Jiao;  Deng, Fei;  Liu, Lin-Lin;  Yan, Bing;  Zhan, Fa-Xian;  Wang, Yan-Yi;  Xiao, Geng-Fu;  Shi, Zheng-Li
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The lithified lower oceanic crust is one of Earth'  s last biological frontiers as it is difficult to access. It is challenging for microbiota that live in marine subsurface sediments or igneous basement to obtain sufficient carbon resources and energy to support growth(1-3) or to meet basal power requirements(4) during periods of resource scarcity. Here we show how limited and unpredictable sources of carbon and energy dictate survival strategies used by low-biomass microbial communities that live 10-750 m below the seafloor at Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean, where Earth'  s lower crust is exposed at the seafloor. Assays of enzyme activities, lipid biomarkers, marker genes and microscopy indicate heterogeneously distributed and viable biomass with ultralow cell densities (fewer than 2,000 cells per cm(3)). Expression of genes involved in unexpected heterotrophic processes includes those with a role in the degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, use of polyhydroxyalkanoates as carbon-storage molecules and recycling of amino acids to produce compounds that can participate in redox reactions and energy production. Our study provides insights into how microorganisms in the plutonic crust are able to survive within fractures or porous substrates by coupling sources of energy to organic and inorganic carbon resources that are probably delivered through the circulation of subseafloor fluids or seawater.