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Structure and mechanism of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter holocomplex 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Kalaany, Nada Y.;  Sabatini, David M.
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Mitochondria take up Ca2+ through the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex to regulate energy production, cytosolic Ca2+ signalling and cell death(1,2). In mammals, the uniporter complex (uniplex) contains four core components: the pore-forming MCU protein, the gatekeepers MICU1 and MICU2, and an auxiliary subunit, EMRE, essential for Ca2+ transport(3-8). To prevent detrimental Ca2+ overload, the activity of MCU must be tightly regulated by MICUs, which sense changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations to switch MCU on and off(9,10). Here we report cryo-electron microscopic structures of the human mitochondrial calcium uniporter holocomplex in inhibited and Ca2+-activated states. These structures define the architecture of this multicomponent Ca2+-uptake machinery and reveal the gating mechanism by which MICUs control uniporter activity. Our work provides a framework for understanding regulated Ca2+ uptake in mitochondria, and could suggest ways of modulating uniporter activity to treat diseases related to mitochondrial Ca2+ overload.

Cryo-electron microscopy reveals the structures of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter holocomplex in low- and high-calcium conditions, showing the gating mechanism that underlies uniporter activation in response to intracellular calcium signals.

Limits on gas impermeability of graphene 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 229-+
作者:  Pagano, Justin K.;  Xie, Jing;  Erickson, Karla A.;  Cope, Stephen K.;  Scott, Brian L.;  Wu, Ruilian;  Waterman, Rory;  Morris, David E.;  Yang, Ping;  Gagliardi, Laura;  Kiplinger, Jaqueline L.
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Despite being only one-atom thick, defect-free graphene is considered to be completely impermeable to all gases and liquids(1-10). This conclusion is based on theory(3-8) and supported by experiments(1,9,10) that could not detect gas permeation through micrometre-size membranes within a detection limit of 10(5) to 10(6) atoms per second. Here, using small monocrystalline containers tightly sealed with graphene, we show that defect-free graphene is impermeable with an accuracy of eight to nine orders of magnitude higher than in the previous experiments. We are capable of discerning (but did not observe) permeation of just a few helium atoms per hour, and this detection limit is also valid for all other gases tested (neon, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, krypton and xenon), except for hydrogen. Hydrogen shows noticeable permeation, even though its molecule is larger than helium and should experience a higher energy barrier. This puzzling observation is attributed to a two-stage process that involves dissociation of molecular hydrogen at catalytically active graphene ripples, followed by adsorbed atoms flipping to the other side of the graphene sheet with a relatively low activation energy of about 1.0 electronvolt, a value close to that previously reported for proton transport(11,12). Our work provides a key reference for the impermeability of two-dimensional materials and is important from a fundamental perspective and for their potential applications.

TLR9 and beclin 1 crosstalk regulates muscle AMPK activation in exercise 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Keener, Megan;  Hunt, Camden;  Carroll, Timothy G.;  Kampel, Vladimir;  Dobrovetsky, Roman;  Hayton, Trevor W.;  Menard, Gabriel
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

In mice, the interaction of the innate immune sensor TLR9 with beclin 1 is shown to have a role in glucose metabolism and AMPK activation in skeletal muscle during exercise.

The activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in skeletal muscle coordinates systemic metabolic responses to exercise(1). Autophagy-a lysosomal degradation pathway that maintains cellular homeostasis(2)-is upregulated during exercise, and a core autophagy protein, beclin 1, is required for AMPK activation in skeletal muscle(3). Here we describe a role for the innate immune-sensing molecule Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9)(4), and its interaction with beclin 1, in exercise-induced activation of AMPK in skeletal muscle. Mice that lack TLR9 are deficient in both exercise-induced activation of AMPK and plasma membrane localization of the GLUT4 glucose transporter in skeletal muscle, but are not deficient in autophagy. TLR9 binds beclin 1, and this interaction is increased by energy stress (glucose starvation and endurance exercise) and decreased by a BCL2 mutation(3,5) that blocks the disruption of BCL2-beclin 1 binding. TLR9 regulates the assembly of the endolysosomal phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex (PI3KC3-C2)-which contains beclin 1 and UVRAG-in skeletal muscle during exercise, and knockout of beclin 1 or UVRAG inhibits the cellular AMPK activation induced by glucose starvation. Moreover, TLR9 functions in a muscle-autonomous fashion in ex vivo contraction-induced AMPK activation, glucose uptake and beclin 1-UVRAG complex assembly. These findings reveal a heretofore undescribed role for a Toll-like receptor in skeletal-muscle AMPK activation and glucose metabolism during exercise, as well as unexpected crosstalk between this innate immune sensor and autophagy proteins.

Carbon flux from decomposing wood and its dependency on temperature, wood N-2 fixation rate, moisture and fungal composition in a Norway spruce forest 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2019, 25 (5) : 1852-1867
作者:  Rinne-Garmston, Katja T.;  Peltoniemi, Krista;  Chen, Janet;  Peltoniemi, Mikko;  Fritze, Hannu;  Makipaa, Raisa
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
activation energy  boreal forest  carbon flux  coarse woody debris  N-2 fixation  nifH  respiration rate  wood-inhabiting fungi  
Temperature sensitivity of biomass-specific microbial exo-enzyme activities and CO2 efflux is resistant to change across short- and long-term timescales 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2019, 25 (5) : 1793-1807
作者:  Min, Kyungjin;  Buckeridge, Kate;  Ziegler, Susan E.;  Edwards, Kate A.;  Bagchi, Samik;  Billings, Sharon A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/26
activation energy  microbial adaptation  microbial biomass  microbial community structure  microbial resilience  microbial resistance  Q(10)  soil warming  
A meta-analysis of temperature sensitivity as a microbial trait 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2018, 24 (9) : 4211-4224
作者:  Alster, Charlotte J.;  Weller, Zachary D.;  von Fischer, Joseph C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
activation energy  Arrhenius  ecological theory  functional traits  macromolecular rate theory  microbial trait  Q10  
Transition to low-carbon economy: Assessing cumulative impacts of individual behavioral changes 期刊论文
ENERGY POLICY, 2018, 118: 325-345
作者:  Niamir, Leila;  Filatova, Tatiana;  Voinov, Alexey;  Bressers, Hans
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Agent-based modeling  Norm Activation Theory  Low-carbon economy  Behavior change  Residential energy  
Denitrification Temperature Dependence in Remote, Cold, and N-Poor Lake Sediments 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2018, 54 (2) : 1161-1173
作者:  Palacin-Lizarbe, Carlos;  Camarero, Lluis;  Catalan, Jordi
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
nitrogen cycle  activation energy  
Global synthesis of the temperature sensitivity of leaf litter breakdown in streams and rivers 期刊论文
作者:  Shah, Jennifer J. Follstad;  Kominoski, John S.;  Ardon, Marcelo;  Dodds, Walter K.;  Gessner, Mark O.;  Griffiths, Natalie A.;  Hawkins, Charles P.;  Johnson, Sherri L.;  Lecerf, Antoine;  Leroy, Carri J.;  Manning, David W. P.;  Rosemond, Amy D.;  Sinsabaugh, Robert L.;  Swan, Christopher M.;  Webster, Jackson R.;  Zeglin, Lydia H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
activation energy  breakdown  carbon cycling  climate change  detritivore  leaf chemistry  metabolic theory  microbe  organic matter  temperature sensitivity  
A global synthesis of the rate and temperature sensitivity of soil nitrogen mineralization: latitudinal patterns and mechanisms 期刊论文
作者:  Liu, Yuan;  Wang, Changhui;  He, Nianpeng;  Wen, Xuefa;  Gao, Yang;  Li, Shenggong;  Niu, Shuli;  Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus;  Luo, Yiqi;  Yu, Guirui
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
activation energy  global pattern  mechanism  mineralization  nitrogen availability  substrate quality  temperature sensitivity