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Stress-DependentbValue Variations in a Heterogeneous Rate-and-State Fault Model 期刊论文
作者:  Dublanchet, P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/06/16
magnitude frequency distribution  Gutenberg-Richter  nucleation length  stress drop  rate-and-state friction  fracture energy  
Quantum entanglement between an atom and a molecule 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 581 (7808) : 273-+
作者:  Trisos, Christopher H.;  Merow, Cory;  Pigot, Alex L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Conventional information processors convert information between different physical carriers for processing, storage and transmission. It seems plausible that quantum information will also be held by different physical carriers in applications such as tests of fundamental physics, quantum enhanced sensors and quantum information processing. Quantum controlled molecules, in particular, could transduce quantum information across a wide range of quantum bit (qubit) frequencies-from a few kilohertz for transitions within the same rotational manifold(1), a few gigahertz for hyperfine transitions, a few terahertz for rotational transitions, to hundreds of terahertz for fundamental and overtone vibrational and electronic transitions-possibly all within the same molecule. Here we demonstrate entanglement between the rotational states of a (CaH+)-Ca-40 molecular ion and the internal states of a Ca-40(+) atomic ion(2). We extend methods used in quantum logic spectroscopy(1,3) for pure-state initialization, laser manipulation and state readout of the molecular ion. The quantum coherence of the Coulomb coupled motion between the atomic and molecular ions enables subsequent entangling manipulations. The qubit addressed in the molecule has a frequency of either 13.4 kilohertz(1) or 855 gigahertz(3), highlighting the versatility of molecular qubits. Our work demonstrates how molecules can transduce quantum information between qubits with different frequencies to enable hybrid quantum systems. We anticipate that our method of quantum control and measurement of molecules will find applications in quantum information science, quantum sensors, fundamental and applied physics, and controlled quantum chemistry.

Quantum entanglement is realized between rotational levels of a molecular ion with energy differences spanning several orders of magnitude and long-lived internal states of a single atomic ion.

Operation of a silicon quantum processor unit cell above one kelvin 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : 350-+
作者:  Han, Kyuho;  Pierce, Sarah E.;  Li, Amy;  Spees, Kaitlyn;  Anderson, Grace R.;  Seoane, Jose A.;  Lo, Yuan-Hung;  Dubreuil, Michael;  Olivas, Micah;  Kamber, Roarke A.;  Wainberg, Michael;  Kostyrko, Kaja;  Kelly, Marcus R.;  Yousefi, Maryam;  Simpkins, Scott W.;  Yao, David
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Quantum computers are expected to outperform conventional computers in several important applications, from molecular simulation to search algorithms, once they can be scaled up to large numbers-typically millions-of quantum bits (qubits)(1-3). For most solid-state qubit technologies-for example, those using superconducting circuits or semiconductor spins-scaling poses a considerable challenge because every additional qubit increases the heat generated, whereas the cooling power of dilution refrigerators is severely limited at their operating temperature (less than 100 millikelvin)(4-6). Here we demonstrate the operation of a scalable silicon quantum processor unit cell comprising two qubits confined to quantum dots at about 1.5 kelvin. We achieve this by isolating the quantum dots from the electron reservoir, and then initializing and reading the qubits solely via tunnelling of electrons between the two quantum dots(7-9). We coherently control the qubits using electrically driven spin resonance(10,11) in isotopically enriched silicon(12 28)Si, attaining single-qubit gate fidelities of 98.6 per cent and a coherence time of 2 microseconds during '  hot'  operation, comparable to those of spin qubits in natural silicon at millikelvin temperatures(13-16). Furthermore, we show that the unit cell can be operated at magnetic fields as low as 0.1 tesla, corresponding to a qubit control frequency of 3.5 gigahertz, where the qubit energy is well below the thermal energy. The unit cell constitutes the core building block of a full-scale silicon quantum computer and satisfies layout constraints required by error-correction architectures(8),(17). Our work indicates that a spin-based quantum computer could be operated at increased temperatures in a simple pumped He-4 system (which provides cooling power orders of magnitude higher than that of dilution refrigerators), thus potentially enabling the integration of classical control electronics with the qubit array(18,19).

Mott and generalized Wigner crystal states in WSe2/WS2 moire superlattices 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7799) : 359-+
作者:  Yuan, Jie;  Chang, Si-Yuan;  Yin, Shi-Gang;  Liu, Zhi-Yang;  Cheng, Xiu;  Liu, Xi-Juan;  Jiang, Qiang;  Gao, Ge;  Lin, De-Ying;  Kang, Xin-Lei;  Ye, Shi-Wei;  Chen, Zheng;  Yin, Jiang-An;  Hao, Pei;  Jiang, Lubin;  Cai, Shi-Qing
收藏  |  浏览/下载:51/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Strongly correlated insulating Mott and generalized Wigner phases are detected in WSe2/WS2 moire superlattices, and their electrical properties and excited spin states are studied using an optical technique.

Moire superlattices can be used to engineer strongly correlated electronic states in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures, as recently demonstrated in the correlated insulating and superconducting states observed in magic-angle twisted-bilayer graphene and ABC trilayer graphene/boron nitride moire superlattices(1-4). Transition metal dichalcogenide moire heterostructures provide another model system for the study of correlated quantum phenomena(5) because of their strong light-matter interactions and large spin-orbit coupling. However, experimental observation of correlated insulating states in this system is challenging with traditional transport techniques. Here we report the optical detection of strongly correlated phases in semiconducting WSe2/WS2 moire superlattices. We use a sensitive optical detection technique and reveal a Mott insulator state at one hole per superlattice site and surprising insulating phases at 1/3 and 2/3 filling of the superlattice, which we assign to generalized Wigner crystallization on the underlying lattice(6-11). Furthermore, the spin-valley optical selection rules(12-14) of transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures allow us to optically create and investigate low-energy excited spin states in the Mott insulator. We measure a very long spin relaxation lifetime of many microseconds in the Mott insulating state, orders of magnitude longer than that of charge excitations. Our studies highlight the value of using moire superlattices beyond graphene to explore correlated physics.

Limits on gas impermeability of graphene 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 229-+
作者:  Pagano, Justin K.;  Xie, Jing;  Erickson, Karla A.;  Cope, Stephen K.;  Scott, Brian L.;  Wu, Ruilian;  Waterman, Rory;  Morris, David E.;  Yang, Ping;  Gagliardi, Laura;  Kiplinger, Jaqueline L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Despite being only one-atom thick, defect-free graphene is considered to be completely impermeable to all gases and liquids(1-10). This conclusion is based on theory(3-8) and supported by experiments(1,9,10) that could not detect gas permeation through micrometre-size membranes within a detection limit of 10(5) to 10(6) atoms per second. Here, using small monocrystalline containers tightly sealed with graphene, we show that defect-free graphene is impermeable with an accuracy of eight to nine orders of magnitude higher than in the previous experiments. We are capable of discerning (but did not observe) permeation of just a few helium atoms per hour, and this detection limit is also valid for all other gases tested (neon, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, krypton and xenon), except for hydrogen. Hydrogen shows noticeable permeation, even though its molecule is larger than helium and should experience a higher energy barrier. This puzzling observation is attributed to a two-stage process that involves dissociation of molecular hydrogen at catalytically active graphene ripples, followed by adsorbed atoms flipping to the other side of the graphene sheet with a relatively low activation energy of about 1.0 electronvolt, a value close to that previously reported for proton transport(11,12). Our work provides a key reference for the impermeability of two-dimensional materials and is important from a fundamental perspective and for their potential applications.

A droplet-based electricity generator with high instantaneous power density 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 578 (7795) : 392-+
作者:  Dabney, Will;  Kurth-Nelson, Zeb;  Uchida, Naoshige;  Starkweather, Clara Kwon;  Hassabis, Demis;  Munos, Remi;  Botvinick, Matthew
收藏  |  浏览/下载:175/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Extensive efforts have been made to harvest energy from water in the form of raindrops(1-6), river and ocean waves(7,8), tides(9) and others(10-17). However, achieving a high density of electrical power generation is challenging. Traditional hydraulic power generation mainly uses electromagnetic generators that are heavy, bulky, and become inefficient with low water supply. An alternative, the water-droplet/solid-based triboelectric nanogenerator, has so far generated peak power densities of less than one watt per square metre, owing to the limitations imposed by interfacial effects-as seen in characterizations of the charge generation and transfer that occur at solid-liquid(1-4) or liquid-liquid(5,18) interfaces. Here we develop a device to harvest energy from impinging water droplets by using an architecture that comprises a polytetrafluoroethylene film on an indium tin oxide substrate plus an aluminium electrode. We show that spreading of an impinged water droplet on the device bridges the originally disconnected components into a closed-loop electrical system, transforming the conventional interfacial effect into a bulk effect, and so enhancing the instantaneous power density by several orders of magnitude over equivalent devices that are limited by interfacial effects.

A device involving a polytetrafluoroethylene film, an indium tin oxide substrate and an aluminium electrode allows improved electricity generation from water droplets, which bridge the previously disconnected circuit components.

Fully hardware-implemented memristor convolutional neural network 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7792) : 641-+
作者:  Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Kumiko;  Matsumiya, Marina;  Niino, Yusuke;  Isomura, Akihiro;  Kori, Hiroshi;  Miyawaki, Atsushi;  Kageyama, Ryoichiro
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Memristor-enabled neuromorphic computing systems provide a fast and energy-efficient approach to training neural networks(1-4). However, convolutional neural networks (CNNs)-one of the most important models for image recognition(5)-have not yet been fully hardware-implemented using memristor crossbars, which are cross-point arrays with a memristor device at each intersection. Moreover, achieving software-comparable results is highly challenging owing to the poor yield, large variation and other non-ideal characteristics of devices(6-9). Here we report the fabrication of high-yield, high-performance and uniform memristor crossbar arrays for the implementation of CNNs, which integrate eight 2,048-cell memristor arrays to improve parallel-computing efficiency. In addition, we propose an effective hybrid-training method to adapt to device imperfections and improve the overall system performance. We built a five-layer memristor-based CNN to perform MNIST10 image recognition, and achieved a high accuracy of more than 96 per cent. In addition to parallel convolutions using different kernels with shared inputs, replication of multiple identical kernels in memristor arrays was demonstrated for processing different inputs in parallel. The memristor-based CNN neuromorphic system has an energy efficiency more than two orders of magnitude greater than that of state-of-the-art graphics-processing units, and is shown to be scalable to larger networks, such as residual neural networks. Our results are expected to enable a viable memristor-based non-von Neumann hardware solution for deep neural networks and edge computing.

Rapid determination of P wave-based energy magnitude: Insights on source parameter scaling of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence 期刊论文
作者:  Picozzi, Matteo;  Bindi, Dino;  Brondi, Piero;  Di Giacomo, Domenico;  Parolai, Stefano;  Zollo, Aldo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:1/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
energy magnitude  real-time seismology  seismic source parameters  2016 Central Italy earthquakes  earthquake early warning  local magnitude