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A giant soft-shelled egg from the Late Cretaceous of Antarctica 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Lewnard, Joseph A.;  Lo, Nathan C.;  Arinaminpathy, Nimalan;  Frost, Isabel;  Laxminarayan, Ramanan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2020/06/22

Egg size and structure reflect important constraints on the reproductive and life-history characteristics of vertebrates(1). More than two-thirds of all extant amniotes lay eggs(2). During the Mesozoic era (around 250 million to 65 million years ago), body sizes reached extremes  nevertheless, the largest known egg belongs to the only recently extinct elephant bird(3), which was roughly 66 million years younger than the last nonavian dinosaurs and giant marine reptiles. Here we report a new type of egg discovered in nearshore marine deposits from the Late Cretaceous period (roughly 68 million years ago) of Antarctica. It exceeds all nonavian dinosaur eggs in volume and differs from them in structure. Although the elephant bird egg is slightly larger, its eggshell is roughly five times thicker and shows a substantial prismatic layer and complex pore structure(4). By contrast, the new fossil, visibly collapsed and folded, presents a thin eggshell with a layered structure that lacks a prismatic layer and distinct pores, and is similar to that of most extant lizards and snakes (Lepidosauria)(5). The identity of the animal that laid the egg is unknown, but these preserved morphologies are consistent with the skeletal remains of mosasaurs (large marine lepidosaurs) found nearby. They are not consistent with described morphologies of dinosaur eggs of a similar size class. Phylogenetic analyses of traits for 259 lepidosaur species plus outgroups suggest that the egg belonged to an individual that was at least 7 metres long, hypothesized to be a giant marine reptile, all clades of which have previously been proposed to show live birth(6). Such a large egg with a relatively thin eggshell may reflect derived constraints associated with body shape, reproductive investment linked with gigantism, and lepidosaurian viviparity, in which a '  vestigial'  egg is laid and hatches immediately(7).

A fossil egg unearthed from Cretaceous deposits in Antarctica is more than 20 cm long, exceeds all known nonavian eggs in volume, is soft-shelled, and was perhaps laid by a giant marine lizard such as a mosasaur.

Confinement of atomically defined metal halide sheets in a metal-organic framework 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 64-+
作者:  Gonzalez, Miguel I.;  Turkiewicz, Ari B.;  Darago, Lucy E.;  Oktawiec, Julia;  Bustillo, Karen;  Grandjean, Fernande;  Long, Gary J.;  Long, Jeffrey R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The size-dependent and shape-dependent characteristics that distinguish nanoscale materials from bulk solids arise from constraining the dimensionality of an inorganic structure(1-3). As a consequence, many studies have focused on rationally shaping these materials to influence and enhance their optical, electronic, magnetic and catalytic properties(4-6). Although a select number of stable clusters can typically be synthesized within the nanoscale regime for a specific composition, isolating clusters of a predetermined size and shape remains a challenge, especially for those derived from two-dimensional materials. Here we realize a multidentate coordination environment in a metal-organic framework to stabilize discrete inorganic clusters within a porous crystalline support. We show confined growth of atomically defined nickel(ii) bromide, nickel(ii) chloride, cobalt(ii) chloride and iron(ii) chloride sheets through the peripheral coordination of six chelating bipyridine linkers. Notably, confinement within the framework defines the structure and composition of these sheets and facilitates their precise characterization by crystallography. Each metal(ii) halide sheet represents a fragment excised from a single layer of the bulk solid structure, and structures obtained at different precursor loadings enable observation of successive stages of sheet assembly. Finally, the isolated sheets exhibit magnetic behaviours distinct from those of the bulk metal halides, including the isolation of ferromagnetically coupled large-spin ground states through the elimination of long-range, interlayer magnetic ordering. Overall, these results demonstrate that the pore environment of a metal-organic framework can be designed to afford precise control over the size, structure and spatial arrangement of inorganic clusters.

Structures of human pannexin 1 reveal ion pathways and mechanism of gating 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Krause, David W.;  Hoffmann, Simone;  Hu, Yaoming;  Wible, John R.;  Rougier, Guillermo W.;  Kirk, E. Christopher;  Groenke, Joseph R.;  Rogers, Raymond R.;  Rossie, James B.;  Schultz, Julia A.;  Evans, Alistair R.;  von Koenigswald, Wighart;  Rahantarisoa, Lydia J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Cryo-electron microscopy structures of the ATP-permeable channel pannexin 1 reveal a gating mechanism involving multiple distinct ion-conducting pathways.

Pannexin 1 (PANX1) is an ATP-permeable channel with critical roles in a variety of physiological functions such as blood pressure regulation(1), apoptotic cell clearance(2) and human oocyte development(3). Here we present several structures of human PANX1 in a heptameric assembly at resolutions of up to 2.8 angstrom, including an apo state, a caspase-7-cleaved state and a carbenoxolone-bound state. We reveal a gating mechanism that involves two ion-conducting pathways. Under normal cellular conditions, the intracellular entry of the wide main pore is physically plugged by the C-terminal tail. Small anions are conducted through narrow tunnels in the intracellular domain. These tunnels connect to the main pore and are gated by a long linker between the N-terminal helix and the first transmembrane helix. During apoptosis, the C-terminal tail is cleaved by caspase, allowing the release of ATP through the main pore. We identified a carbenoxolone-binding site embraced by W74 in the extracellular entrance and a role for carbenoxolone as a channel blocker. We identified a gap-junction-like structure using a glycosylation-deficient mutant, N255A. Our studies provide a solid foundation for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the channel gating and inhibition of PANX1 and related large-pore channels.

Electromechanical coupling in the hyperpolarization-activated K+ channel KAT1 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7814) : 145-+
作者:  Jin, Zhenming;  Du, Xiaoyu;  Xu, Yechun;  Deng, Yongqiang;  Liu, Meiqin;  Zhao, Yao;  Zhang, Bing;  Li, Xiaofeng;  Zhang, Leike;  Peng, Chao;  Duan, Yinkai;  Yu, Jing;  Wang, Lin;  Yang, Kailin;  Liu, Fengjiang;  Jiang, Rendi;  Yang, Xinglou;  You, Tian;  Liu, Xiaoce
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Voltage-gated potassium (K-v) channels coordinate electrical signalling and control cell volume by gating in response to membrane depolarization or hyperpolarization. However, although voltage-sensing domains transduce transmembrane electric field changes by a common mechanism involving the outward or inward translocation of gating charges(1-3), the general determinants of channel gating polarity remain poorly understood(4). Here we suggest a molecular mechanism for electromechanical coupling and gating polarity in non-domain-swapped K-v channels on the basis of the cryo-electron microscopy structure of KAT1, the hyperpolarization-activated K-v channel from Arabidopsis thaliana. KAT1 displays a depolarized voltage sensor, which interacts with a closed pore domain directly via two interfaces and indirectly via an intercalated phospholipid. Functional evaluation of KAT1 structure-guided mutants at the sensor-pore interfaces suggests a mechanism in which direct interaction between the sensor and the C-linker hairpin in the adjacent pore subunit is the primary determinant of gating polarity. We suggest that an inward motion of the S4 sensor helix of approximately 5-7 angstrom can underlie a direct-coupling mechanism, driving a conformational reorientation of the C-linker and ultimately opening the activation gate formed by the S6 intracellular bundle. This direct-coupling mechanism contrasts with allosteric mechanisms proposed for hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels(5), and may represent an unexpected link between depolarization- and hyperpolarization-activated channels.

The cryo-electron microscopy structure of the hyperpolarization-activated K+ channel KAT1 points to a direct-coupling mechanism between S4 movement and the reorientation of the C-linker.

A lower X-gate in TASK channels traps inhibitors within the vestibule 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Chen, Tao;  Nomura, Kinya;  Wang, Xiaolin;  Sohrabi, Reza;  Xu, Jin;  Yao, Lingya;  Paasch, Bradley C.;  Ma, Li;  Kremer, James;  Cheng, Yuti;  Zhang, Li;  Wang, Nian;  Wang, Ertao;  Xin, Xiu-Fang;  He, Sheng Yang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

TWIK-related acid-sensitive potassium (TASK) channels-members of the two pore domain potassium (K-2P) channel family-are found in neurons(1), cardiomyocytes(2-4) and vascular smooth muscle cells(5), where they are involved in the regulation of heart rate(6), pulmonary artery tone(5,7), sleep/wake cycles(8) and responses to volatile anaesthetics(8-11). K-2P channels regulate the resting membrane potential, providing background K+ currents controlled by numerous physiological stimuli(12-15). Unlike other K-2P channels, TASK channels are able to bind inhibitors with high affinity, exceptional selectivity and very slow compound washout rates. As such, these channels are attractive drug targets, and TASK-1 inhibitors are currently in clinical trials for obstructive sleep apnoea and atrial fibrillation(16). In general, potassium channels have an intramembrane vestibule with a selectivity filter situated above and a gate with four parallel helices located below  however, the K-2P channels studied so far all lack a lower gate. Here we present the X-ray crystal structure of TASK-1, and show that it contains a lower gate-which we designate as an '  X-gate'  -created by interaction of the two crossed C-terminal M4 transmembrane helices at the vestibule entrance. This structure is formed by six residues ((VLRFMT248)-V-243) that are essential for responses to volatile anaesthetics(10), neurotransmitters(13) and G-protein-coupled receptors(13). Mutations within the X-gate and the surrounding regions markedly affect both the channel-open probability and the activation of the channel by anaesthetics. Structures of TASK-1 bound to two high-affinity inhibitors show that both compounds bind below the selectivity filter and are trapped in the vestibule by the X-gate, which explains their exceptionally low washout rates. The presence of the X-gate in TASK channels explains many aspects of their physiological and pharmacological behaviour, which will be beneficial for the future development and optimization of TASK modulators for the treatment of heart, lung and sleep disorders.

The X-ray crystal structure of the potassium channel TASK-1 reveals the presence of an X-gate, which traps small-molecule inhibitors in the intramembrane vestibule and explains their low washout rates from the channel.

Ball-and-chain inactivation in a calcium-gated potassium channel 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7802) : 288-+
作者:  Peron, Simon;  Pancholi, Ravi;  Voelcker, Bettina;  Wittenbach, Jason D.;  olafsdottir, H. Freyja;  Freeman, Jeremy;  Svoboda, Karel
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Cryo-electron microscopy structures and molecular dynamics simulations of the calcium-activated potassium channel MthK from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum are used to show that gating of this channel involves a ball-and-chain inactivation mechanism mediated by a previously unresolved N-terminal peptide.

Inactivation is the process by which ion channels terminate ion flux through their pores while the opening stimulus is still present(1). In neurons, inactivation of both sodium and potassium channels is crucial for the generation of action potentials and regulation of firing frequency(1,2). A cytoplasmic domain of either the channel or an accessory subunit is thought to plug the open pore to inactivate the channel via a '  ball-and-chain'  mechanism(3-7). Here we use cryo-electron microscopy to identify the molecular gating mechanism in calcium-activated potassium channels by obtaining structures of the MthK channel from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum-a purely calcium-gated and inactivating channel-in a lipid environment. In the absence of Ca2+, we obtained a single structure in a closed state, which was shown by atomistic simulations to be highly flexible in lipid bilayers at ambient temperature, with large rocking motions of the gating ring and bending of pore-lining helices. In Ca2+-bound conditions, we obtained several structures, including multiple open-inactivated conformations, further indication of a highly dynamic protein. These different channel conformations are distinguished by rocking of the gating rings with respect to the transmembrane region, indicating symmetry breakage across the channel. Furthermore, in all conformations displaying open channel pores, the N terminus of one subunit of the channel tetramer sticks into the pore and plugs it, with free energy simulations showing that this is a strong interaction. Deletion of this N terminus leads to functionally non-inactivating channels and structures of open states without a pore plug, indicating that this previously unresolved N-terminal peptide is responsible for a ball-and-chain inactivation mechanism.

A Lumped Bubble Capacitance Model Controlled by Matrix Structure to Describe Layered Biogenic Gas Bubble Storage in Shallow Subtropical Peat 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2018, 54 (8) : 5487-5503
作者:  Chen, Xi;  Comas, Xavier;  Binley, Andrew;  Slater, Lee
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
peat  methane storage  gas bubbles  lumped capacitance model  X-ray computed tomography  pore structure