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国际研究探讨循环食品系统方法对温室气体排放的影响 快报文章
作者:  刘莉娜
Microsoft Word(26Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:470/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/19
Circular Food System Approaches  Protein Intake Levels  Land Use  Greenhouse Gas Emission  
中美研究称CO2浓度升高使全球森林碳汇每年增加2.8亿吨 快报文章
作者:  董利苹
Microsoft Word(16Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:470/0  |  提交时间:2024/05/05
CO2 Levels  Global Forests  Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling  
深海沉积物中的钴元素能够有效揭示海洋含氧水平的变化 快报文章
作者:  张树良
Microsoft Word(15Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:559/0  |  提交时间:2023/10/25
Cobalt Flux  deep-sea sediments  ocean oxygen levels  ODZs  climate change  
Ice retreat in Wilkes Basin of East Antarctica during a warm interglacial 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7817) : 554-+
作者:  T. Blackburn;  G. H. Edwards;  S. Tulaczyk;  M. Scudder;  G. Piccione;  B. Hallet;  N. McLean;  J. C. Zachos;  B. Cheney;  J. T. Babbe
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Uranium isotopes in subglacial precipitates from the Wilkes Basin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet reveal ice retreat during a warm Pleistocene interglacial period about 400,000 years ago.

Efforts to improve sea level forecasting on a warming planet have focused on determining the temperature, sea level and extent of polar ice sheets during Earth'  s past interglacial warm periods(1-3). About 400,000 years ago, during the interglacial period known as Marine Isotopic Stage 11 (MIS11), the global temperature was 1 to 2 degrees Celsius greater(2)and sea level was 6 to 13 metres higher(1,3). Sea level estimates in excess of about 10 metres, however, have been discounted because these require a contribution from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet(3), which has been argued to have remained stable for millions of years before and includes MIS11(4,5). Here we show how the evolution of(234)U enrichment within the subglacial waters of East Antarctica recorded the ice sheet'  s response to MIS11 warming. Within the Wilkes Basin, subglacial chemical precipitates of opal and calcite record accumulation of(234)U (the product of rock-water contact within an isolated subglacial reservoir) up to 20 times higher than that found in marine waters. The timescales of(234)U enrichment place the inception of this reservoir at MIS11. Informed by the(234)U cycling observed in the Laurentide Ice Sheet, where(234)U accumulated during periods of ice stability(6)and was flushed to global oceans in response to deglaciation(7), we interpret our East Antarctic dataset to represent ice loss within the Wilkes Basin at MIS11. The(234)U accumulation within the Wilkes Basin is also observed in the McMurdo Dry Valleys brines(8-10), indicating(11)that the brine originated beneath the adjacent East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The marine origin of brine salts(10)and bacteria(12)implies that MIS11 ice loss was coupled with marine flooding. Collectively, these data indicate that during one of the warmest Pleistocene interglacials, the ice sheet margin at the Wilkes Basin retreated to near the precipitate location, about 700 kilometres inland from the current position of the ice margin, which-assuming current ice volumes-would have contributed about 3 to 4 metres(13)to global sea levels.

Metabolic heterogeneity confers differences in melanoma metastatic potential 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7788) : 115-+
作者:  Tasdogan, Alpaslan;  Faubert, Brandon;  Ramesh, Vijayashree;  Ubellacker, Jessalyn M.;  Shen, Bo;  Solmonson, Ashley;  Murphy, Malea M.;  Gu, Zhimin;  Gu, Wen;  Martin, Misty;  Kasitinon, Stacy Y.;  Vandergriff, Travis;  Mathews, Thomas P.;  Zhao, Zhiyu;  Schadendorf, Dirk;  DeBerardinis, Ralph J.;  Morrison, Sean J.
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Metastasis requires cancer cells to undergo metabolic changes that are poorly understood(1-3). Here we show that metabolic differences among melanoma cells confer differences in metastatic potential as a result of differences in the function of the MCT1 transporter. In vivo isotope tracing analysis in patient-derived xenografts revealed differences in nutrient handling between efficiently and inefficiently metastasizing melanomas, with circulating lactate being a more prominent source of tumour lactate in efficient metastasizers. Efficient metastasizers had higher levels of MCT1, and inhibition of MCT1 reduced lactate uptake. MCT1 inhibition had little effect on the growth of primary subcutaneous tumours, but resulted in depletion of circulating melanoma cells and reduced the metastatic disease burden in patient-derived xenografts and in mouse melanomas. In addition, inhibition of MCT1 suppressed the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and increased levels of reactive oxygen species. Antioxidants blocked the effects of MCT1 inhibition on metastasis. MCT1(high) and MCT1(-/low) cells from the same melanomas had similar capacities to form subcutaneous tumours, but MCT1(high) cells formed more metastases after intravenous injection. Metabolic differences among cancer cells thus confer differences in metastatic potential as metastasizing cells depend on MCT1 to manage oxidative stress.

IL-17a promotes sociability in mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7789) : 249-+
作者:  Reed, Michael Douglas;  Yim, Yeong Shin;  Wimmer, Ralf D.;  Kim, Hyunju;  Ryu, Changhyeon;  Welch, Gwyneth Margaret;  Andina, Matias;  King, Hunter Oren;  Waisman, Ari;  Halassa, Michael M.;  Huh, Jun R.;  Choi, Gloria B.
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A subset of children with autism spectrum disorder appear to show an improvement in their behavioural symptoms during the course of a fever, a sign of systemic inflammation(1,2). Here we elucidate the molecular and neural mechanisms that underlie the beneficial effects of inflammation on social behaviour deficits in mice. We compared an environmental model of neurodevelopmental disorders in which mice were exposed to maternal immune activation (MIA) during embryogenesis(3,4) with mouse models that are genetically deficient for contactin-associated protein-like 2 (Cntnap2)(5), fragile X mental retardation-1 (Fmr1)(6) or Sh3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3 (Shank3)(7). We establish that the social behaviour deficits in offspring exposed to MIA can be temporarily rescued by the inflammatory response elicited by the administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This behavioural rescue was accompanied by a reduction in neuronal activity in the primary somatosensory cortex dysgranular zone (S1DZ), the hyperactivity of which was previously implicated in the manifestation of behavioural phenotypes associated with offspring exposed to MIA(8). By contrast, we did not observe an LPS-induced rescue of social deficits in the monogenic models. We demonstrate that the differences in responsiveness to the LPS treatment between the MIA and the monogenic models emerge from differences in the levels of cytokine production. LPS treatment in monogenic mutant mice did not induce amounts of interleukin-17a (IL-17a) comparable to those induced in MIA offspring  bypassing this difference by directly delivering IL-17a into S1DZ was sufficient to promote sociability in monogenic mutant mice as well as in MIA offspring. Conversely, abrogating the expression of IL-17 receptor subunit a (IL-17Ra) in the neurons of the S1DZ eliminated the ability of LPS to reverse the sociability phenotypes in MIA offspring. Our data support a neuroimmune mechanism that underlies neurodevelopmental disorders in which the production of IL-17a during inflammation can ameliorate the expression of social behaviour deficits by directly affecting neuronal activity in the central nervous system.

Ensuring meiotic DNA break formation in the mouse pseudoautosomal region 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Schuessler, R. X.;  Bekker, H.;  Brass, M.;  Cakir, H.;  Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, J. R.;  Door, M.;  Filianin, P.;  Harman, Z.;  Haverkort, M. W.;  Huang, W. J.;  Indelicato, P.;  Keitel, C. H.;  Koenig, C. M.;  Kromer, K.;  Mueller, M.;  Novikov, Y. N.;  Rischka, A.;  Schweiger, C.;  Sturm, S.;  Ulmer, S.;  Eliseev, S.;  Blaum, K.
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In mice, the pseudoautosomal region of the sex chromosomes undergoes a dynamic structural rearrangement to promote a high rate of DNA double-strand breaks and to ensure X-Y recombination.

Sex chromosomes in males of most eutherian mammals share only a small homologous segment, the pseudoautosomal region (PAR), in which the formation of double-strand breaks (DSBs), pairing and crossing over must occur for correct meiotic segregation(1,2). How cells ensure that recombination occurs in the PAR is unknown. Here we present a dynamic ultrastructure of the PAR and identify controlling cis- and trans-acting factors that make the PAR the hottest segment for DSB formation in the male mouse genome. Before break formation, multiple DSB-promoting factors hyperaccumulate in the PAR, its chromosome axes elongate and the sister chromatids separate. These processes are linked to heterochromatic mo-2 minisatellite arrays, and require MEI4 and ANKRD31 proteins but not the axis components REC8 or HORMAD1. We propose that the repetitive DNA sequence of the PAR confers unique chromatin and higher-order structures that are crucial for recombination. Chromosome synapsis triggers collapse of the elongated PAR structure and, notably, oocytes can be reprogrammed to exhibit spermatocyte-like levels of DSBs in the PAR simply by delaying or preventing synapsis. Thus, the sexually dimorphic behaviour of the PAR is in part a result of kinetic differences between the sexes in a race between the maturation of the PAR structure, formation of DSBs and completion of pairing and synapsis. Our findings establish a mechanistic paradigm for the recombination of sex chromosomes during meiosis.

A metabolic pathway for bile acid dehydroxylation by the gut microbiome 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Zhong, Miao;  Tran, Kevin;  Min, Yimeng;  Wang, Chuanhao;  Wang, Ziyun;  Dinh, Cao-Thang;  De Luna, Phil;  Yu, Zongqian;  Rasouli, Armin Sedighian;  Brodersen, Peter;  Sun, Song;  Voznyy, Oleksandr;  Tan, Chih-Shan;  Askerka, Mikhail;  Che, Fanglin;  Liu, Min;  Seifitokaldani, Ali;  Pang, Yuanjie;  Lo, Shen-Chuan;  Ip, Alexander;  Ulissi, Zachary;  Sargent, Edward H.
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The biosynthetic pathway that produces the secondary bile acids DCA and LCA in human gut microbes has been fully characterized, engineered into another bacterial host, and used to confer DCA production in germ-free mice-an important proof-of-principle for the engineering of gut microbial pathways.

The gut microbiota synthesize hundreds of molecules, many of which influence host physiology. Among the most abundant metabolites are the secondary bile acids deoxycholic acid (DCA) and lithocholic acid (LCA), which accumulate at concentrations of around 500 mu M and are known to block the growth ofClostridium difficile(1), promote hepatocellular carcinoma(2)and modulate host metabolism via the G-protein-coupled receptor TGR5 (ref.(3)). More broadly, DCA, LCA and their derivatives are major components of the recirculating pool of bile acids(4)  the size and composition of this pool are a target of therapies for primary biliary cholangitis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Nonetheless, despite the clear impact of DCA and LCA on host physiology, an incomplete knowledge of their biosynthetic genes and a lack of genetic tools to enable modification of their native microbial producers limit our ability to modulate secondary bile acid levels in the host. Here we complete the pathway to DCA and LCA by assigning and characterizing enzymes for each of the steps in its reductive arm, revealing a strategy in which the A-B rings of the steroid core are transiently converted into an electron acceptor for two reductive steps carried out by Fe-S flavoenzymes. Using anaerobic in vitro reconstitution, we establish that a set of six enzymes is necessary and sufficient for the eight-step conversion of cholic acid to DCA. We then engineer the pathway intoClostridium sporogenes, conferring production of DCA and LCA on a nonproducing commensal and demonstrating that a microbiome-derived pathway can be expressed and controlled heterologously. These data establish a complete pathway to two central components of the bile acid pool.

Dynamic RNA acetylation revealed by quantitative cross-evolutionary mapping 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7817) : 638-+
作者:  Lin, Yiheng;  Leibrandt, David R.;  Leibfriedz, Dietrich;  Chou, Chin-wen
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A method termed ac(4)C-seq is introduced for the transcriptome-wide mapping of the RNA modificationN(4)-acetylcytidine, revealing widespread temperature-dependent acetylation that facilitates thermoadaptation in hyperthermophilic archaea.

N-4-acetylcytidine (ac(4)C) is an ancient and highly conserved RNA modification that is present on tRNA and rRNA and has recently been investigated in eukaryotic mRNA(1-3). However, the distribution, dynamics and functions of cytidine acetylation have yet to be fully elucidated. Here we report ac(4)C-seq, a chemical genomic method for the transcriptome-wide quantitative mapping of ac(4)C at single-nucleotide resolution. In human and yeast mRNAs, ac(4)C sites are not detected but can be induced-at a conserved sequence motif-via the ectopic overexpression of eukaryotic acetyltransferase complexes. By contrast, cross-evolutionary profiling revealed unprecedented levels of ac(4)C across hundreds of residues in rRNA, tRNA, non-coding RNA and mRNA from hyperthermophilic archaea. (AcC)-C-4 is markedly induced in response to increases in temperature, and acetyltransferase-deficient archaeal strains exhibit temperature-dependent growth defects. Visualization of wild-type and acetyltransferase-deficient archaeal ribosomes by cryo-electron microscopy provided structural insights into the temperature-dependent distribution of ac(4)C and its potential thermoadaptive role. Our studies quantitatively define the ac(4)C landscape, providing a technical and conceptual foundation for elucidating the role of this modification in biology and disease(4-6).

Oncometabolites suppress DNA repair by disrupting local chromatin signalling 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Zhang, Xu;  Lei, Bo;  Yuan, Yuan;  Zhang, Li;  Hu, Lu;  Jin, Sen;  Kang, Bilin;  Liao, Xuebin;  Sun, Wenzhi;  Xu, Fuqiang;  Zhong, Yi;  Hu, Ji;  Qi, Hai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Metabolites that are elevated in tumours inhibit the lysine demethylase KDM4B, resulting in aberrant hypermethylation of histone 3 lysine 9 and decreased homology-dependent DNA repair.

Deregulation of metabolism and disruption of genome integrity are hallmarks of cancer(1). Increased levels of the metabolites 2-hydroxyglutarate, succinate and fumarate occur in human malignancies owing to somatic mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 or -2 (IDH1 or IDH2) genes, or germline mutations in the fumarate hydratase (FH) and succinate dehydrogenase genes (SDHA, SDHB, SDHC and SDHD), respectively(2-4). Recent work has made an unexpected connection between these metabolites and DNA repair by showing that they suppress the pathway of homology-dependent repair (HDR)(5,6) and confer an exquisite sensitivity to inhibitors of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) that are being tested in clinical trials. However, the mechanism by which these oncometabolites inhibit HDR remains poorly understood. Here we determine the pathway by which these metabolites disrupt DNA repair. We show that oncometabolite-induced inhibition of the lysine demethylase KDM4B results in aberrant hypermethylation of histone 3 lysine 9 (H3K9) at loci surrounding DNA breaks, masking a local H3K9 trimethylation signal that is essential for the proper execution of HDR. Consequently, recruitment of TIP60 and ATM, two key proximal HDR factors, is substantially impaired at DNA breaks, with reduced end resection and diminished recruitment of downstream repair factors. These findings provide a mechanistic basis for oncometabolite-induced HDR suppression and may guide effective strategies to exploit these defects for therapeutic gain.