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VDRAS and Polarimetric Radar Investigation of a Bow Echo Formation After a Squall Line Merged With a Preline Convective Cell 期刊论文
作者:  Zhou, Ang;  Zhao, Kun;  Lee, Wen-Chau;  Huang, Hao;  Hu, Dongming;  Fu, Paling
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
bow echo  convective merge  VDRAS  polarimetric radar  microphysical processes  
The wide-binary origin of (2014) MU69-like Kuiper belt contact binaries 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7804) : 463-+
作者:  Jiao, Lin;  Howard, Sean;  Ran, Sheng;  Wang, Zhenyu;  Rodriguez, Jorge Olivares;  Sigrist, Manfred;  Wang, Ziqiang;  Butch, Nicholas P.;  Madhavan, Vidya
收藏  |  浏览/下载:72/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Following its flyby and first imaging of the Pluto-Charon binary, the New Horizons spacecraft visited the Kuiper belt object (KBO) 2014 MU69 (also known as (486958) Arrokoth). The imaging showed MU69 to be a contact binary that rotates at a low spin period (15.92 hours), is made of two individual lobes connected by a narrow neck and has a high obliquity (about 98 degrees)(1), properties that are similar to those of other KBO contact binaries inferred through photometric observations(2). However, all scenarios suggested so far for the origins of such configurations(3-5) have failed to reproduce these properties and their probable frequent occurrence in the Kuiper belt. Here we show that semi-secular perturbations(6,7) operating on only ultrawide KBO binaries close to their stability limit can robustly lead to gentle, slow binary mergers at arbitrarily high obliquities but low rotational velocities, reproducing the characteristics of MU69 and other similar oblique contact binaries. Using N-body simulations, we find that approximately 15 per cent of all ultrawide binaries with a cosine-uniform inclination distribution(5,9) are likely to merge through this process. Moreover, we find that such mergers are sufficiently gentle to deform the shape of the KBO only slightly. The semi-secular contact binary formation channel not only explains the observed properties of MU69, but may also apply to other Kuiper belt or asteroid belt binaries and in the Solar System and extra-solar moon systems.

The high obliquity and low rotation period of the Kuiper belt object (2014) MU69 and other similar contact binaries is successfully reproduced from the collision and post-collision characteristics of initially wide binaries.

Wafer-scale single-crystal hexagonal boron nitride monolayers on Cu (111) 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 219-+
作者:  Luong, Duy X.;  Bets, Ksenia V.;  Algozeeb, Wala Ali;  Stanford, Michael G.;  Kittrell, Carter;  Chen, Weiyin;  Salvatierra, Rodrigo V.;  Ren, Muqing;  McHugh, Emily A.;  Advincula, Paul A.;  Wang, Zhe;  Bhatt, Mahesh;  Guo, Hua;  Mancevski, Vladimir;  Shahsavari, Rouzbeh
收藏  |  浏览/下载:81/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting layered materials offer great potential for extending Moore'  s law of the number of transistors in an integrated circuit(1). One key challenge with 2D semiconductors is to avoid the formation of charge scattering and trap sites from adjacent dielectrics. An insulating van der Waals layer of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) provides an excellent interface dielectric, efficiently reducing charge scattering(2,3). Recent studies have shown the growth of single-crystal hBN films on molten gold surfaces(4) or bulk copper foils(5). However, the use of molten gold is not favoured by industry, owing to its high cost, cross-contamination and potential issues of process control and scalability. Copper foils might be suitable for roll-to-roll processes, but are unlikely to be compatible with advanced microelectronic fabrication on wafers. Thus, a reliable way of growing single-crystal hBN films directly on wafers would contribute to the broad adoption of 2D layered materials in industry. Previous attempts to grow hBN monolayers on Cu (111) metals have failed to achieve mono-orientation, resulting in unwanted grain boundaries when the layers merge into films(6,7). Growing single-crystal hBN on such high-symmetry surface planes as Cu (111)(5,8) is widely believed to be impossible, even in theory. Nonetheless, here we report the successful epitaxial growth of single-crystal hBN monolayers on a Cu (111) thin film across a two-inch c-plane sapphire wafer. This surprising result is corroborated by our first-principles calculations, suggesting that the epitaxial growth is enhanced by lateral docking of hBN to Cu (111) steps, ensuring the mono-orientation of hBN monolayers. The obtained single-crystal hBN, incorporated as an interface layer between molybdenum disulfide and hafnium dioxide in a bottom-gate configuration, enhanced the electrical performance of transistors. This reliable approach to producing wafer-scale single-crystal hBN paves the way to future 2D electronics.

Solving the storm split-merge problem-A combined storm identification, tracking algorithm 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 2019, 218: 335-346
作者:  Zan, Beilei;  Yu, Ye;  Li, Jianglin;  Zhao, Guo;  Zhang, Tong;  Ge, Jun
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
Storm identification  Storm tracking  Split-merge  Algorithm evaluation  
A radar-based centroid tracking algorithm for severe weather surveillance: identifying split/merge processes in convective systems 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 2018, 213: 110-120
作者:  del Moral, Anna;  Rigo, Tomeu;  Llasat, Maria Carmen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
3D centroid-tracking algorithm  Nowcasting  Weather radar  Severe weather  Anomalous movements  Split  Merge  Convection