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The Drivers of River Temperatures Below a Large Dam 期刊论文
作者:  Daniels, Miles E.;  Danner, Eric M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
river temperature  sensitivity analysis  meteorology  dam operations  
Observation of Bose-Einstein condensates in an Earth-orbiting research lab 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 582 (7811) : 103-+
作者:  Yamamoto, Keisuke;  Venida, Anthony;  Yano, Julian;  Biancur, Douglas E.;  Kakiuchi, Miwako;  Gupta, Suprit;  Sohn, Albert S. W.;  Mukhopadhyay, Subhadip;  Lin, Elaine Y.;  Parker, Seth J.;  Banh, Robert S.;  Paulo, Joao A.;  Wen, Kwun Wah;  Debnath, Jayanta;  Kim, Grace E.;  Mancias, Joseph D.;  Fearon, Douglas T.;  Perera, Rushika M.;  Kimmelman, Alec C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Quantum mechanics governs the microscopic world, where low mass and momentum reveal a natural wave-particle duality. Magnifying quantum behaviour to macroscopic scales is a major strength of the technique of cooling and trapping atomic gases, in which low momentum is engineered through extremely low temperatures. Advances in this field have achieved such precise control over atomic systems that gravity, often negligible when considering individual atoms, has emerged as a substantial obstacle. In particular, although weaker trapping fields would allow access to lower temperatures(1,2), gravity empties atom traps that are too weak. Additionally, inertial sensors based on cold atoms could reach better sensitivities if the free-fall time of the atoms after release from the trap could be made longer(3). Planetary orbit, specifically the condition of perpetual free-fall, offers to lift cold-atom studies beyond such terrestrial limitations. Here we report production of rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in an Earth-orbiting research laboratory, the Cold Atom Lab. We observe subnanokelvin BECs in weak trapping potentials with free-expansion times extending beyond one second, providing an initial demonstration of the advantages offered by a microgravity environment for cold-atom experiments and verifying the successful operation of this facility. With routine BEC production, continuing operations will support long-term investigations of trap topologies unique to microgravity(4,5), atom-laser sources(6), few-body physics(7,8)and pathfinding techniques for atom-wave interferometry(9-12).

Identifying SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses in Malayan pangolins 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 583 (7815) : 282-+
作者:  Li, Jia;  Yang, Xiangdong;  Liu, Yang;  Huang, Bolong;  Wu, Ruixia;  Zhang, Zhengwei;  Zhao, Bei;  Ma, Huifang;  Dang, Weiqi;  Wei, Zheng;  Wang, Kai;  Lin, Zhaoyang;  Yan, Xingxu;  Sun, Mingzi;  Li, Bo;  Pan, Xiaoqing;  Luo, Jun;  Zhang, Guangyu;  Liu, Yuan;  Huang, Yu;  Duan, Xidong;  Duan, Xiangfeng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The ongoing outbreak of viral pneumonia in China and across the world is associated with a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2(1). This outbreak has been tentatively associated with a seafood market in Wuhan, China, where the sale of wild animals may be the source of zoonotic infection(2).Although bats are probable reservoir hosts for SARS-CoV-2, the identity of any intermediate host that may have facilitated transfer to humans is unknown. Here we report the identification of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses in Malayan pangolins (Manisjavanica) seized in anti-smuggling operations in southern China. Metagenomic sequencing identified pangolin-associated coronaviruses that belong to two sub-lineages of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses, including one that exhibits strong similarity in the receptor-binding domain to SARS-CoV-2. The discovery of multiple lineages of pangolin coronavirus and their similarity to SARS-CoV-2 suggests that pangolins should be considered as possible hosts in the emergence of new coronaviruses and should be removed from wet markets to prevent zoonotic transmission.

Submicrosecond entangling gate between trapped ions via Rydberg interaction 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : 345-+
作者:  Chatterjee, Sourav;  Guidi, Mara;  Seeberger, Peter H.;  Gilmore, Kerry
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Generating quantum entanglement in large systems on timescales much shorter than the coherence time is key to powerful quantum simulation and computation. Trapped ions are among the most accurately controlled and best isolated quantum systems(1) with low-error entanglement gates operated within tens of microseconds using the vibrational motion of few-ion crystals(2,3). To exceed the level of complexity tractable by classical computers the main challenge is to realize fast entanglement operations in crystals made up of many ions (large ion crystals)(4). The strong dipole-dipole interactions in polar molecule(5) and Rydberg atom(6,7) systems allow much faster entangling gates, yet stable state-independent confinement comparable with trapped ions needs to be demonstrated in these systems(8). Here we combine the benefits of these approaches: we report a two-ion entangling gate with 700-nanosecond gate time that uses the strong dipolar interaction between trapped Rydberg ions, which we use to produce a Bell state with 78 per cent fidelity. The sources of gate error are identified and a total error of less than 0.2 per cent is predicted for experimentally achievable parameters. Furthermore, we predict that residual coupling to motional modes contributes an approximate gate error of 10(-4) in a large ion crystal of 100 ions. This provides a way to speed up and scale up trapped-ion quantum computers and simulators substantially.

Experimental demonstration of memory-enhanced quantum communication 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Quinn, Robert A.;  Melnik, Alexey, V;  Vrbanac, Alison;  Fu, Ting;  Patras, Kathryn A.;  Christy, Mitchell P.;  Bodai, Zsolt;  Belda-Ferre, Pedro;  Tripathi, Anupriya;  Chung, Lawton K.;  Downes, Michael;  Welch, Ryan D.;  Quinn, Melissa;  Humphrey, Greg;  Panitchpakdi, Morgan;  Weldon, Kelly C.;  Aksenov, Alexander;  da Silva, Ricardo;  Avila-Pacheco, Julian;  Clish, Clary;  Bae, Sena;  Mallick, Himel;  Franzosa, Eric A.;  Lloyd-Price, Jason;  Bussell, Robert;  Thron, Taren;  Nelson, Andrew T.;  Wang, Mingxun;  Leszczynski, Eric;  Vargas, Fernando;  Gauglitz, Julia M.;  Meehan, Michael J.;  Gentry, Emily;  Arthur, Timothy D.;  Komor, Alexis C.;  Poulsen, Orit;  Boland, Brigid S.;  Chang, John T.;  Sandborn, William J.;  Lim, Meerana;  Garg, Neha;  Lumeng, Julie C.;  Xavier, Ramnik J.;  Kazmierczak, Barbara, I;  Jain, Ruchi;  Egan, Marie;  Rhee, Kyung E.;  Ferguson, David;  Raffatellu, Manuela;  Vlamakis, Hera;  Haddad, Gabriel G.;  Siegel, Dionicio;  Huttenhower, Curtis;  Mazmanian, Sarkis K.;  Evans, Ronald M.;  Nizet, Victor;  Knight, Rob;  Dorrestein, Pieter C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The ability to communicate quantum information over long distances is of central importance in quantum science and engineering(1). Although some applications of quantum communication such as secure quantum key distribution(2,3) are already being successfully deployed(4-7), their range is currently limited by photon losses and cannot be extended using straightforward measure-and-repeat strategies without compromising unconditional security(8). Alternatively, quantum repeaters(9), which utilize intermediate quantum memory nodes and error correction techniques, can extend the range of quantum channels. However, their implementation remains an outstanding challenge(10-16), requiring a combination of efficient and high-fidelity quantum memories, gate operations, and measurements. Here we use a single solid-state spin memory integrated in a nanophotonic diamond resonator(17-19) to implement asynchronous photonic Bell-state measurements, which are a key component of quantum repeaters. In a proof-of-principle experiment, we demonstrate high-fidelity operation that effectively enables quantum communication at a rate that surpasses the ideal loss-equivalent direct-transmission method while operating at megahertz clock speeds. These results represent a crucial step towards practical quantum repeaters and large-scale quantum networks(20,21).

A solid-state spin memory is used to demonstrate quantum repeater functionality, which has the potential to overcome photon losses involved in long-distance transmission of quantum information.

Current-driven magnetic domain-wall logic 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 214-+
作者:  Culp, Elizabeth J.;  Waglechner, Nicholas;  Wang, Wenliang;  Fiebig-Comyn, Aline A.;  Hsu, Yen-Pang;  Koteva, Kalinka;  Sychantha, David;  Coombes, Brian K.;  Van Nieuwenhze, Michael S.;  Brun, Yves, V;  Wright, Gerard D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Spin-based logic architectures provide nonvolatile data retention, near-zero leakage, and scalability, extending the technology roadmap beyond complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor logic(1-13). Architectures based on magnetic domain walls take advantage of the fast motion, high density, non-volatility and flexible design of domain walls to process and store information(1,3,14-16). Such schemes, however, rely on domain-wall manipulation and clocking using an external magnetic field, which limits their implementation in dense, large-scale chips. Here we demonstrate a method for performing all-electric logic operations and cascading using domain-wall racetracks. We exploit the chiral coupling between neighbouring magnetic domains induced by the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction(17-20), which promotes non-collinear spin alignment, to realize a domain-wall inverter, the essential basic building block in all implementations of Boolean logic. We then fabricate reconfigurable NAND and NOR logic gates, and perform operations with current-induced domain-wall motion. Finally, we cascade several NAND gates to build XOR and full adder gates, demonstrating electrical control of magnetic data and device interconnection in logic circuits. Our work provides a viable platform for scalable all-electric magnetic logic, paving the way for memory-in-logic applications.

Fast two-qubit logic with holes in germanium 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7791) : 487-+
作者:  Halpin-Healy, Tyler S.;  Klompe, Sanne E.;  Sternberg, Samuel H.;  Fernandez, Israel S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Universal quantum information processing requires the execution of single-qubit and two-qubit logic. Across all qubit realizations(1), spin qubits in quantum dots have great promise to become the central building block for quantum computation(2). Excellent quantum dot control can be achieved in gallium arsenide(3-5), and high-fidelity qubit rotations and two-qubit logic have been demonstrated in silicon(6-9), but universal quantum logic implemented with local control has yet to be demonstrated. Here we make this step by combining all of these desirable aspects using hole quantum dots in germanium. Good control over tunnel coupling and detuning is obtained by exploiting quantum wells with very low disorder, enabling operation at the charge symmetry point for increased qubit performance. Spin-orbit coupling obviates the need for microscopic elements close to each qubit and enables rapid qubit control with driving frequencies exceeding 100 MHz. We demonstrate a fast universal quantum gate set composed of single-qubit gates with a fidelity of 99.3 per cent and a gate time of 20 nanoseconds, and two-qubit logic operations executed within 75 nanoseconds. Planar germanium has thus matured within a year from a material that can host quantum dots to a platform enabling two-qubit logic, positioning itself as an excellent material for use in quantum information applications.

Spin qubits based on hole states in strained germanium could offer the most scalable platform for quantum computation.

Detecting the State of the Climate System via Artificial Intelligence to Improve Seasonal Forecasts and Inform Reservoir Operations 期刊论文
作者:  Giuliani, Matteo;  Zaniolo, Marta;  Castelletti, Andrea;  Davoli, Guido;  Block, Paul
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/16
optimal reservoir operations  seasonal forecast  climate teleconnections  artificial intelligence  
Physical recovery of forest soil after compaction by heavy machines, revealed by penetration resistance over multiple decades 期刊论文
作者:  Mohieddinne, Hamza;  Brasseur, Boris;  Spicher, Fabien;  Gallet-Moron, Emilie;  Buridant, Jerome;  Kobaissi, Ahmad;  Horen, Helene
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/27
Forest  Logging operations  Luvisol  Podzol  Penetrometer  Ruts  Biological activity  Resilience  
Effects on power system operations of potential changes in wind and solar generation potential under climate change 期刊论文
作者:  Craig, Michael T.;  Carreno, Ignacio Losada;  Rossol, Michael;  Hodge, Bri-Mathias;  Brancucci, Carlo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2019/04/09
climate change  power system operations  wind power  solar power