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On the relationship of climatic and monsoon teleconnections with monthly precipitation over meteorologically homogenous regions in India: Wavelet & global coherence approaches 期刊论文
作者:  Das, Jew;  Jha, Srinidhi;  Goyal, Manish Kumar
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/08/18
Precipitation  India  Large-scale climatic oscillations  Wavelet coherence  Indian Summer Monsoon Index  
Coupling delay controls synchronized oscillation in the segmentation clock 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Kumiko;  Matsumiya, Marina;  Niino, Yusuke;  Isomura, Akihiro;  Kori, Hiroshi;  Miyawaki, Atsushi;  Kageyama, Ryoichiro
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Individual cellular activities fluctuate but are constantly coordinated at the population level via cell-cell coupling. A notable example is the somite segmentation clock, in which the expression of clock genes (such as Hes7) oscillates in synchrony between the cells that comprise the presomitic mesoderm (PSM)(1,2). This synchronization depends on the Notch signalling pathway  inhibiting this pathway desynchronizes oscillations, leading to somite fusion(3-7). However, how Notch signalling regulates the synchronicity of HES7 oscillations is unknown. Here we establish a live-imaging system using a new fluorescent reporter (Achilles), which we fuse with HES7 to monitor synchronous oscillations in HES7 expression in the mouse PSM at a single-cell resolution. Wild-type cells can rapidly correct for phase fluctuations in HES7 oscillations, whereas the absence of the Notch modulator gene lunatic fringe (Lfng) leads to a loss of synchrony between PSM cells. Furthermore, HES7 oscillations are severely dampened in individual cells of Lfng-null PSM. However, when Lfng-null PSM cells were completely dissociated, the amplitude and periodicity of HES7 oscillations were almost normal, which suggests that LFNG is involved mostly in cell-cell coupling. Mixed cultures of control and Lfng-null PSM cells, and an optogenetic Notch signalling reporter assay, revealed that LFNG delays the signal-sending process of intercellular Notch signalling transmission. These results-together with mathematical modelling-raised the possibility that Lfng-null PSM cells shorten the coupling delay, thereby approaching a condition known as the oscillation or amplitude death of coupled oscillators(8). Indeed, a small compound that lengthens the coupling delay partially rescues the amplitude and synchrony of HES7 oscillations in Lfng-null PSM cells. Our study reveals a delay control mechanism of the oscillatory networks involved in somite segmentation, and indicates that intercellular coupling with the correct delay is essential for synchronized oscillation.

Monitoring cells of the mouse presomitic mesoderm using the Achilles reporter fused to HES7 sheds light on the mechanisms that underpin synchronous oscillations in the expression of clock genes between neighbouring cells.

Spin-cooling of the motion of a trapped diamond 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020
作者:  Auer, Thomas O.;  Khallaf, Mohammed A.;  Silbering, Ana F.;  Zappia, Giovanna;  Ellis, Kaitlyn;  Alvarez-Ocana, Raquel;  Arguello, J. Roman;  Hansson, Bill S.;  Jefferis, Gregory S. X. E.;  Caron, Sophie J. C.;  Knaden, Markus;  Benton, Richard
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

Coupling the spins of many nitrogen-vacancy centres in a trapped diamond to its orientation produces a spin-dependent torque and spin-cooling of the motion of the diamond.

Observing and controlling macroscopic quantum systems has long been a driving force in quantum physics research. In particular, strong coupling between individual quantum systems and mechanical oscillators is being actively studied(1-3). Whereas both read-out of mechanical motion using coherent control of spin systems(4-9) and single-spin read-out using pristine oscillators have been demonstrated(10,11), temperature control of the motion of a macroscopic object using long-lived electronic spins has not been reported. Here we observe a spin-dependent torque and spin-cooling of the motion of a trapped microdiamond. Using a combination of microwave and laser excitation enables the spins of nitrogen-vacancy centres to act on the diamond orientation and to cool the diamond libration via a dynamical back-action. Furthermore, by driving the system in the nonlinear regime, we demonstrate bistability and self-sustained coherent oscillations stimulated by spin-mechanical coupling, which offers the prospect of spin-driven generation of non-classical states of motion. Such a levitating diamond-held in position by electric field gradients under vacuum-can operate as a '  compass'  with controlled dissipation and has potential use in high-precision torque sensing(12-14), emulation of the spin-boson problem(15) and probing of quantum phase transitions(16). In the single-spin limit(17) and using ultrapure nanoscale diamonds, it could allow quantum non-demolition read-out of the spin of nitrogen-vacancy centres at ambient conditions, deterministic entanglement between distant individual spins(18) and matter-wave interferometry(16,19,20).

Evolutionary drought patterns over the Sahel and their teleconnections with low frequency climate oscillations 期刊论文
作者:  Ndehedehe, Christopher E.;  Agutu, Nathan O.;  Ferreira, Vagner G.;  Getirana, Augusto
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
Pacific decadal oscillations  Food security  Rainfall  SPI  SPEI  Atlantic multi-decadal oscillations  
Constraint on the matter-antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillations 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 580 (7803) : 339-+
作者:  Houben, Lothar;  Weissman, Haim;  Wolf, Sharon G.;  Rybtchinski, Boris
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

The charge-conjugation and parity-reversal (CP) symmetry of fundamental particles is a symmetry between matter and antimatter. Violation of this CP symmetry was first observed in 1964(1), and CP violation in the weak interactions of quarks was soon established(2). Sakharov proposed(3) that CP violation is necessary to explain the observed imbalance of matter and antimatter abundance in the Universe. However, CP violation in quarks is too small to support this explanation. So far, CP violation has not been observed in non-quark elementary particle systems. It has been shown that CP violation in leptons could generate the matter-antimatter disparity through a process called leptogenesis(4). Leptonic mixing, which appears in the standard model'  s charged current interactions(5,6), provides a potential source of CP violation through a complex phase dCP, which is required by some theoretical models of leptogenesis(7-9). This CP violation can be measured in muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillations and the corresponding antineutrino oscillations, which are experimentally accessible using accelerator-produced beams as established by the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) and NOvA experiments(10,11). Until now, the value of dCP has not been substantially constrained by neutrino oscillation experiments. Here we report a measurement using long-baseline neutrino and antineutrino oscillations observed by the T2K experiment that shows a large increase in the neutrino oscillation probability, excluding values of dCP that result in a large increase in the observed antineutrino oscillation probability at three standard deviations (3 sigma). The 3 sigma confidence interval for delta(CP), which is cyclic and repeats every 2p, is [-3.41, -0.03] for the so-called normal mass ordering and [-2.54, -0.32] for the inverted mass ordering. Our results indicate CP violation in leptons and our method enables sensitive searches for matter-antimatter asymmetry in neutrino oscillations using accelerator-produced neutrino beams. Future measurements with larger datasets will test whether leptonic CP violation is larger than the CP violation in quarks.

Observation of the Kondo screening cloud 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 579 (7798) : 210-+
作者:  Shahnawaz, Mohammad;  Mukherjee, Abhisek;  Pritzkow, Sandra;  Mendez, Nicolas;  Rabadia, Prakruti;  Liu, Xiangan;  Hu, Bo;  Schmeichel, Ann;  Singer, Wolfgang;  Wu, Gang;  Tsai, Ah-Lim;  Shirani, Hamid;  Nilsson, K. Peter R.;  Low, Phillip A.;  Soto, Claudio
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/03

When a magnetic impurity exists in a metal, conduction electrons form a spin cloud that screens the impurity spin. This basic phenomenon is called the Kondo effect(1,2). Unlike electric-charge screening, the spin-screening cloud(3-6) occurs quantum coherently, forming spin-singlet entanglement with the impurity. Although the spins interact locally around the impurity, the Kondo cloud can theoretically spread out over several micrometres. The cloud has not so far been detected, and so its physical existence-a fundamental aspect of the Kondo effect-remains controversial(7,8). Here we present experimental evidence of a Kondo cloud extending over a length of micrometres, comparable to the theoretical length xi(K). In our device, a Kondo impurity is formed in a quantum dot(2,9-11), coupling on one side to a quasi-one-dimensional channel(12) that houses a Fabry-Perot interferometer of various gate-defined lengths L exceeding one micrometre. When we sweep a voltage on the interferometer end gate-separated by L from the quantum dot-to induce Fabry-Perot oscillations in conductance we observe oscillations in the measured Kondo temperature T-K, which is a signature of the Kondo cloud at distance L. When L is less than xi(K) the T-K oscillation amplitude becomes larger as L becomes smaller, obeying a scaling function of a single parameter L/xi(K), whereas when L is greater than xi(K) the oscillation is much weaker. Our results reveal that xi(K) is the only length parameter associated with the Kondo effect, and that the cloud lies mostly within a length of xi(K). Our experimental method offers a way of detecting the spatial distribution of exotic non-Fermi liquids formed by multiple magnetic impurities or multiple screening channels(13-16) and of studying spin-correlated systems.

Topographic Effects on the Luzon Diurnal Cycle during the BSISO 期刊论文
作者:  Dellaripa, Emily M. Riley;  Maloney, Eric D.;  Toms, Benjamin A.;  Saleeby, Stephen M.;  van den Heever, Susan C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/02
Maritime Continent  Topographic effects  Oscillations  Precipitation  Cloud resolving models  Diurnal effects  
Long-term cyclic persistence in an experimental predator-prey system 期刊论文
NATURE, 2020, 577 (7789) : 226-+
作者:  Blasius, Bernd;  Rudolf, Lars;  Weithoff, Guntram;  Gaedke, Ursula;  Fussmann, Gregor F.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2020/04/16

Predator-prey cycles rank among the most fundamental concepts in ecology, are predicted by the simplest ecological models and enable, theoretically, the indefinite persistence of predator and prey(1-4). However, it remains an open question for how long cyclic dynamics can be self-sustained in real communities. Field observations have been restricted to a few cycle periods(5-8) and experimental studies indicate that oscillations may be short-lived without external stabilizing factors(9-19). Here we performed microcosm experiments with a planktonic predator-prey system and repeatedly observed oscillatory time series of unprecedented length that persisted for up to around 50 cycles or approximately 300 predator generations. The dominant type of dynamics was characterized by regular, coherent oscillations with a nearly constant predator-prey phase difference. Despite constant experimental conditions, we also observed shorter episodes of irregular, non-coherent oscillations without any significant phase relationship. However, the predator-prey system showed a strong tendency to return to the dominant dynamical regime with a defined phase relationship. A mathematical model suggests that stochasticity is probably responsible for the reversible shift from coherent to non-coherent oscillations, a notion that was supported by experiments with external forcing by pulsed nutrient supply. Our findings empirically demonstrate the potential for infinite persistence of predator and prey populations in a cyclic dynamic regime that shows resilience in the presence of stochastic events.

Impact of West Asia, Tibetan Plateau and local dust emissions on intra-seasonal oscillations of the South Asian monsoon rainfall 期刊论文
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019, 53 (11) : 6569-6593
作者:  Singh, Charu;  Ganguly, Dilip;  Sharma, Puneet
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
CESM1-SOM  South Asian Monsoon (SAM) rainfall  Intra-seasonal oscillations (ISOs)  Statistically robust tests  
A simple decomposition of European temperature variability capturing the variance from days to a decade 期刊论文
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019, 53 (11) : 6909-6917
作者:  Meyer, Philipp G.;  Kantz, Holger
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2020/02/17
Climate oscillations  Interannual variability  Timescale decomposition  DFA  Temperature  pressure